A/N: Hey guys I gave it some time to settle in and see how much feedback I would get from my FanFic debut (Breaking Free from the Past) which was indeed a one-shot. However, I have THIS new story that I will be doing my best to update as frequently as possible. Thank you to ALL of those who took the time to read my debut FanFic, and an even greater thanks to those of you who favorited and/or left reviews. It really means a lot and I never truly understood just how much other authors meant that till now. So like I said, updates for this story will be whenever I can, sometimes I get ideas out of nowhere and I just have to type it all down ASAP so updates can come as frequently as every day, every other day and so forth. I plan to update weekly at the very least so there's that ahah. I also like to keep organized so whenever I post a new chapter it's because I have the next chapter typed and ready to go, this way I can update new chapters and make any changes that come to mind consistently and efficiently. So without further ado, here is my very first Chapter Story FanFic



Mirajane could still hear her deafening cry for her sister as visions of the tragedy flashed in her mind. It's been one week and the tears still have not ceased.

"What did I do to deserve this? What did Lisanna do to deserve this?" The silver haired teen asked aloud.

As she kept crying Mira heard a knock at her door. She opened it to find Makorov Dreyar, Fairy Tail's Guild Master, standing in the doorway.

"Oh- *Sniffle* -Master, it's just you" said Mira as she wiped her tears away.

"Child, you can't keep mourning forever. Lisanna wouldn't want you to be distraught like this would she?"

"It's not easy… losing one of the few family members you have left. It's easier said than done to be so optimistic after so much loss."

"The whole guild is your family child. As is Lisanna's, the loss has been hard on all of us."

"It's not the same! No one else is still grieving. How can you tell me that everyone else is just as hurt as I am when I'm the only one still mourning? Even Elfman isn't grieving. He's changed and focused on becoming stronger, but he isn't here crying like I am. I'm the only one who's hurting this much and I don't understand how everyone else can just move past this. None of you understand how lonely it is..."

Makorov could tell the take-over mage was really hurt, but he wouldn't let her feel as if she's the only one who cared. As he turned to leave, the Guild Master made one last effort to show Mira that she wasn't the only one hurting over the loss of Lisanna.

"There's a pink haired Dragon Slayer that would beg to differ with you on that one child. Trust me when I say that you are not alone. Only time can heal all wounds, but time doesn't have to heal them alone."

With that, the Wizard Saint closed the door and left leaving a speechless white haired teen to think about what he said. As Mira sat there, she began to wonder how the ever so cheery Natsu was doing.

"I guess if anyone is taking this as hard as I am it would have to be him… I mean they did take care of that egg together." The Demon of Fairy Tail said to herself.

"He's really cute when he cries. I guess I'll go check on him."



"What do you want Happy?" The little pinkette asked the blue cat.

"I've called you like five times! You promised to help me catch some fish today."

"Yeah, well sometimes things don't always go the way you want them to."

"How can you be so cruel!? Fine. I'll go catch fish myself. Don't ask me for any because I won't share with you."

The Dragon Slayer just turned his back and said nothing. As the blue cat stormed out the door he ran into something and looked up.

"Oh, hi Mira!" said Happy seeing Fairy Tail's Demon standing before him.

"Hey Happy, is Natsu around?" Mira asked, knowing full well that Natsu was inside because she had just overheard Happy arguing with him.

"Aye! He's inside, but I wouldn't bother him. He's being mean."

"Oh? Let him try to be mean to me and see what happens."

"Aye! Well, I'm off to go catch some fish. See ya later Mira!"

Mira waited till she could no longer see the little cat and went up to Natsu's door and knocked.

"Mira? The door's Open." came the Fire Dragon Slayer's voice from inside the house."

"How did you know it was me?" asked the Take Over mage as she entered the house.

"You're scent." Natsu replied unenthusiastically without sitting up or turning around to look at her once.

"How do you know what I specifically smell like?"

"I know what everyone in the guild smells like."

"Oh? Or maybe you just like my scent and have it memorized" Mira teased.


"Aww you're so cute when you're flustered Natsu. Especially when you start to cry."

"Whatever." The Fire Dragon Slayer replied coldly after regaining his composure.

"Hey, watch who you give an attitude to."

"If all you came here for was to tease me then you can leave."

At this Mira stood still dumbfounded. No one but Erza had ever spoken to her like this before and of all the people she'd expect to do so, Natsu was the last one on the list. "He must really be hurting…" The white haired teen thought silently.

"Actually Natsu, that's not why I came here…"

At this the Dragon Slayer sat upright and turned to look at Mira.

"Then what did you want?"

"I came to check on how you were doing…Ya know ever since Li-"

"I'm fine." As Natsu cut her off he turned his back and his eyes started to water. This didn't go unnoticed by the silver haired maiden.


Mira couldn't stand seeing the boy so hurt. He was supposed to be the one who cheers everyone else up. She tried to speak again, but the atmosphere was starting to get to her.

"Natsu, you aren't the only one w-who's still grieving…" Mira said with watery eyes.

"If I had just pushed going with you three some more…maybe I could have done something. First I was left alone by Igneel…then again by you three. It's not fun being by yourself you know."

At this Mira froze. She didn't know that this was how the young boy in front of her had truly been feeling. This whole time she thought that she was the only one who constantly suffered the loss of close ones.

"Natsu I didn't know… I'm so sorry."

The pinkette turned around to reply but stopped when he saw tears flowing from the usually tough acting teen.


"Let's promise each other not to leave the other feeling alone anymore Natsu." said Mira, tears still flowing."

"Yeah, that's sounds like a good plan." As Natsu agreed to the promise he wiped his tears away. Mira continued to cry and jumped into Natsu's arms.

"He's so warm and strong even for a boy his age." Mira couldn't help feeling safe in the Dragon Slayer's embrace.

"Mira c'mon…I don't think it's as cute when you're the one crying."

Mira couldn't help but giggle as she felt her face get hot at the pinkette's comment.

"Shut up Natsu. You're on Erza's side so you shouldn't be cheering me up." The girl said while giggling.

"Erza's scary, there's no way I'd be on her side.

*Sniffle* "If you tell anyone about this side of me I'll kill you.

"Your secret is safe with me" and with that he flashed his signature toothy grin at the Demon of Fairy Tail.

Mira couldn't help but blush in surprise because no one had ever given her such a sincere smile besides her siblings.

"Hey Natsu?"


"Is it alright if I rest here for the night? Elfman's out on a job and I don't feel like being alone tonight."

"Didn't we just make a promise? Of course you can Mira that's what friends are for."

"Thank you Natsu."


A/N: So there you have it, chapter one is done and chapter two is ready to go. The more feedback I get the more fired up and willing I am to post the next installment. So please Favorite/Follow the story or me as an author and don't hesitate to leave a review or PM me about it with ideas, constructive criticism, etc. because I consider everything my readers have to say when writing future chapters/stories. I hope you all enjoyed it and I cannot wait to hear back from you all. – Kurisu P.S I'm sorry to those of you who tried reading my first upload. I wish the reviews weren't guest accounts so that I could properly thank you for pointing out to me such a huge mistake. I hope you are reading this fixed upload and I hope you enjoy it :) - Kurisu