Title: Green Beasts Drabbles
Fandom: One Piece
Rating: T
Genre: Romance

Pairing: BartolomeoxCavendish

Warning: Strong Language, heavy making out?
Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

A/N: I swear to god this ship will sail, because I fucking ship it.

Green Beasts Drabbles


Despite very different appearances and opinions on personal hygiene ("You did what during the coliseum? I feel bad for Hack, a wonder he didn't contract herpes!" "I used my barrier! Besides if I have herpes you do too dabe!") Both spent had a ridiculously long morning routine. Both had a ridiculously high budget for beauty products and both scrambled to be the first each morning to get to the hair gel.


The only time Cavendish insulted Bartolomeo's accent, the cannibal hadn't spoken for three days; no matter the provocation, apologizes, begging or seduction. On day 3 Cavendish had wrapped his arms around the silent man, and whispered "I didn't mean it dabe." Day four, it was like three days had never happened.


Cavendish new it was serious when Bartolomeo barriered the kitchen door shut, and kissed him furiously. Despite Luffy's shouting on the other side.


It was terribly romantic, being held above 'Luffy-sama' and worshiped with kisses. Outside the kitchen door he dimly heard a "gomu gomu no pistol!" Sitting under a pile of rubble of what was once the Dressrosa royal kitchen, Cavendish couldn't help but wonder if this was an indicator for what his future held. More surprisingly, clothes torn, covered in wood fragments and stone dust, hair a mess and pants half open, listening to Bartolomeo's shouting combine with the scoldings of various nakama; he couldn't help, but feel more than happy with his prospects.


On the battle field, the two were a hurricane. Bartolomeo keeping Hakuba in check with barriers and Cavendish watching Bartolomeo's back when his barrier was stretched too thin. Together they were a sword and shield, dancing together in a seamless blend of two-step destruction. In the bedroom they were the tide, a great ebb and flow of soft nips and harsh caresses. They came together in waves and crashes, seamlessly blending into one creature of passion.


Cavendish loves himself more than anyone else ever could. Cavendish loves his fans, his crew, and his nakama as an extension of himself; because above all else, Cavendish loves Cavendish. In comes a loud mouthed pirate with parrot-crest hair and the strangest combination of bizarre feature that alone would be ugly, but together are strangely attractive. He shouts and smirks, has the tough-guy routine down to a T and Cavendish has him pegged. Straw-hat shows up and that facade turns to shit, replaced by a blushing fan boy. It gives Cavendish whiplash. He looks at Cavendish and strips away the pretty face, the fans, and the self-obsessed masquerade and suddenly Cavendish realizes that loving yourself and being loved are two very separate things. When he says I love you for the first time, months later, behind locked doors and dimmed storm lamps, it means something more than himself.


Both of them are from spring islands. The cold, if ever seen, is mild. Winter brings 7-10 centimeters of snow at best. Enough to need a coat, nothing more. The new world presents a variety of weather, from sweltering heat to bitter cold and despite the freezing temperatures (to rival Punk Hazard) and the pleas from their crew. Both men refuse to button their shirts.


Both are secretly hopeless romantics. Cavendish reads trashy dime store romance novels and hides them in their mattress when he thinks Bartolomeo won't notice (He does). Bartolomeo secretly sends his manuscripts by storm lamp and hopes Cavendish won't realize Bar Mio is just a pen name. (He doesn't yet, but he will)


This ship needs more fanstuffs! I know this is crap, but I need more of this ship in my life.

Ps. Is it Dress Rosa or Dressrosa, I have seen both and have no idea which is right.

Dear lovelies, thank you so so so so so much for reading this piece of crap! If you enjoyed it or have any constructive criticism let me know!