I want your guy's opinion. This would be a Will Turner story. I am also working on a second Avatar story as an extension of this one. (Hold your applause). But I am going to have so much time after I get married, so I want to work on a couple different stories. I've been obsessed with Pirates of the Carribean lately. Anyways, this is the introduction to the story, let me know what you think.

Aella Sparrow is on Tortuga. She was on the same ship as her brother, the Black Pearl. When his crew mutinied him and left him on a deserted island. She stayed with the crew. The two don't have that great of a relationship. They had had a fight that night before because she didn't trust Barbossa and was furious when Jack shared all the information with him. So when the crew left Jack, she stayed on because she believed it to be a lesson he should have learned a long time ago and kind of wanted to say….."told you so.."

So she journeyed with the crew, was part of the curse. She can not be killed and becomes a skeleton when moonlight touches her. She realized that Barbossa was becoming an even more ruthless pirate after the curse was "graced" upon them. Not wanting to be a part of his crew anymore, she jumped ship, taking a boat and rowing herself all the way to Tortuga. Where she got her own crew, until that crew mutinied her because they didn't want the curse. They however respected her, and instead of leaving her on an abandoned island, they waited until they returned to Tortuga and left her there. She stayed on Tortuga, but was still known for the name she earned while being the Captain of her own ship. Black Blaze