Now this was the second story I ever wrote and looking back at it was very cringey and I got a lot of support for it but didn't do to well with the idea I wanna remake this story because I feel like I owe it to the 38 people who read it and added it to there favorites and followed it and the 10,000 people who read this story over the two years it's been out I will remake the entire series all the way to the third installment New Horizon and the spin off of the second one so there it is my dear readers I hope I can make it up to you this story held a very close place in my heart and it's time to get back to it, there will be grammar issues and I don't have the correction software that I need, so if anyone is interested in helping me with that kinda stuff PM me and we'll figure it out now with no more waiting let's get on to the story.

No ones P.O.V

" Oh yes I hit did anyone see that " yelled Hiccup in triumph as she turned around seeing a monstrous nightmare as he expression deadpanned " except for you " she said as screams where heard as she turned tail and ran down the hill. She rounded one of the fire towers used to light up the sky hiding behind it fire was spewed surrounding the tower as the dragon turned towards her then a large fiststruck the dragon.

It tried to breath its fire but there was none " your all out " said Stoick the Vast

As a brawl erupted between the two a last the chief had one as the dragon flew off and we all know this part Hiccup gets scolded and she runs off into the forest


" Gods damn these ropes " growled toothless as he was trapped by bolas " oh I did I have brought down this mighty beast " said Hiccup placing her foot on the dragons forearm then it shook its leg and its eyes snapped open " enough boasting human get it over with " growled toothless but Hiccup didn't understand him " I'm gonna kill you dragon, I'm gonna cut out your heart and bring it to my father " she said " I am a Viking... I AM A VIKING! " she yelled lifting the knife above her head looking into the dragons eyes seeing emotions, Fear, dread, and sadness she saw herself.

Dropping the knife on her head she closed here eyes " I did this " she whispered then she got an idea and began to cut the ropes Toothless' eyes shot open " what are you doing?" He asked wearily then the last rope was cut he sprang into action pinning the girl against a rock

" you foul species " he growled as Hiccups breathing grew rapid " you think you can shot me out of the sky and get away with it " he rumbled " think again " he growled.

( A/N now in the first one I noticed I never gave a backstory to how Toothless transformed her so I'll explain that )

Night Furies are dragons that are very rare and special they have the ability for once in there life time they can use something called inner flame and use it for multiple purposes such as to heal a wound or cause harm to another.

Toothless reared up " let's see what you think when your own people are hunting you " he growled then let out a deafening roar releasing small blue sparks from his teeth that no one could really see as said sparks jumped to Hiccups skin disappearing and what's done was done.

The dragon using said ability peaked a little deeper into her thoughts and what he saw shocked him.

He saw fear,mourn and many more emotions he saw memories of her being abused by people and her futile attempts to gain there attention.

He had regretted what he had just done to her but what's done was done.

She fell unconscious and she was never the same

Toothless ran off into a cove to watch the events unfold and to clear his head.

When Hiccup awoke she roared in shock then slapped her paws over her mouth she did not expect this to happen she layed there in shock for hours thinking about all sorts of things like how she would be thought of and what would happen.

Two days later

She now had learned to control her new body and built up the courage to go into the village with stealth she snuck up on her house and banged her claws against the back door.

" Hiccup is that you " yelled Stoick coming down and looking out the door to see runes scratched in the dirt

Please believe me but after you read this a night fury will appear don't kill it or else you'll lose your only daughter, HHIII

Just like it said Hiccup came through the tree line and Stoick stood there not sure what to do

" where is my daughter devil " he said the Hiccup wrote in the dirt

It's me dad

Those words set off all sorts of alarm bells " NO A TRICK, A LIE, YOU DEVIL WHERE IS MY DUAGHTER " he yelled at her then he went for his hammer but Hiccup was already back pedaling and running back into the forest and Stoick went back into the village.

" A night fury, get a search party together there's a night fury on the island " he began giving out orders and a search party was formed.


Hiccup was curled up by tree sobbing " my own father how could this have happened " she wept unknown to her, her cries where heard as a dragon listened to her sobs

" I did this " he said to himself turning away as it began to rain.