Chapter One
Trouble in Paradise
Jennifer Jareau-LaMontagne walked into her house in the early morning hours and tried her best to stay as quiet as she could. The blonde doubted her family was up yet, but when she walked into the kitchen there sat her children at the table watching their father cook breakfast.
"Mama!" JJ's three year old daughter, Arabella, called to her as the little girl clambered down from her chair to run to her mother. JJ's loving smile lit up her whole face.
"Hi baby girl." She whispered into the toddler's neck while the two hugged tightly. The curly headed blonde girl was lifted into her mother's arms and then walked to the table so they could sit together. The adult blonde was pulled out of her thoughts of the latest case by her son's voice.
"Hi Mama." Six year old Henry's little voice broke the silence. "I missed you." He whispered.
"Get used to it bud. Mama loves her job more than us." Will LaMontagne's bitter voice greeted the air.
"Will!" JJ chastised. "You know that's not true!" Her voice sounded adamant. Will didn't acknowledge her comment, he just flipped a pancake on the stove. JJ turned to her children.
"Go play in your rooms kiddos." She watched as they left the room to go play as they were asked before turning her attention to her husband.
"Why would you do that? Breakfast is almost done." Will yelled at her. JJ closed her eyes and took a breath to summon her patience.
"I sent the kids away because I wanted to address what you said to Henry. That was uncalled for." JJ firmly held her ground, stating her point with power and daring her husband to protest.
"You can't deny you love your job Jen! You're almost never home anymore." The protest came from the southern man anyway. JJ grunted out her frustration.
"Yes Will, I love my job. Do I love it more than you and our children? Not a chance. I work a lot of hours, criminals don't take holidays, but every time I'm here I spend every second I can with all of you!" JJ's voice rose the more she desperately tried to get her point across. Will's mouth formed a hard line, like he was trying to hold something back. "What?" JJ pushed him, wanting to know anything else the New Orleans originating police officer had to say.
"I have a difficult time believing you love me JJ." Will revealed. The appalled look on JJ's face told him she had no clue where this was coming from. "We hardly have any time for us anymore. If you're not working you're with the kids and you're always so tired. I don't feel like you love me anymore and then there's Agent Callahan." Will's eyes met hers, his normally loving gaze hard as ice.
"What does Kate have to do with anything?" JJ wondered, honestly confused.
"You're spending so much time with her nowadays. When I ask about work there's always stories about her so I stopped asking." Will spoke, sounding exasperated. JJ rolled her eyes at the turn in the conversation.
"She a new agent Will. Hotch appointed me to train her, I have to spend my days with her. I don't get why you're so upset. We're friends!" JJ shrieked at the man before her. He'd obviously lost his damn mind.
"I see the way she looks at you Jayje! You can't honestly tell me you don't see it!" Will continued to get louder with his riot.
"No, I don't see it. You need some time to think about all this and see how crazy you're being. I'm taking the kids with me to have breakfast with Penelope. Call me when you figure it out." JJ advised her husband and walked upstairs to get the kids dressed for breakfast at a diner.
JJ pulled into the Denny's parking lot near their house and got Arabella out of her car seat. "Hand." She requested of Henry and they walked into the diner with Arabella on her hip. Henry was the first to see Garcia and he ran to the booth she'd chosen excitedly.
"Aunt Penny!" The six year old squealed in greeting. JJ chuckled as she reached the booth herself in time to hear Penelope's response.
"How's my favourite godson?" Henry pouted for a second before replying.
"Daddy was loud this morning. He was yelling at Mama." Penelope lifted the young boy into her lap.
"Oh little man, it's okay." The eccentric blonde soothed. JJ sat on the other side of the table with Arabella on her lap. The waitress for their table appeared at that moment.
"What can I get for you guys this morning?" She asked.
"Two chocolate milk's for the kids as well as two orders of pancakes. I'll have a coffee please." JJ ordered quickly.
"I'll have a coffee as well please." Penelope echoed the taller blonde.
"Okay. I'll have your drinks out in a moment." The waitress spoke before leaving the group to themselves once again.
"So, Will was yelling at you this morning? Why?" Penelope questioned her friend curiously. JJ rolled her eyes remembering the words her husband uttered to her a mere hour ago. Penelope frowned in response. "That bad, huh?" JJ sighed.
"Well, same thing as always, you know? I work too much. Or at least that's how it started..." JJ paused. Penelope's eyes widened.
"He didn't hit you, did he?" Penelope whispered, covering Henry's ears for good measure.
"NO!" JJ yelled forcefully. "He seems to think that I'm spending too much time with Callahan." JJ scoffed at the idiocy of that thought.
"Kate?" Garcia asked, equally shocked at the new development.
"Yeah. Apparently me spending time with her to train her, as per Hotch's orders I might add, means I love her more than him." JJ voiced her frustration.
"Well, do you?" Garcia asked, just to make sure.
"No Pen! Will's just crazy." JJ assured her friend.
AN: Alright friends, here's a new story. A few things to note: I've added Arabella to this, so obviously the story is going to be AU. I made Will an asshole in this purely for the purposes of my plot. I'm not a Will basher. Thoughts? R&R.