Guess what...someone finally updated Untitled and is back to the story! Enjoy!
" Come on Dom, where the hell are we going". Brian asked as he sat in the passenger seat of Dom's car " We've been driving for a while and you haven't told me where to".
" They say an open road helps you think about where you've been, where you're going". Dom said as he looked at Brian for a second " So you don't remember any of this yet Bri"?
" That's not fair Dom. You know I don't".
It was quiet for a couple minutes and Dom could tell Brian was getting restless. He never could sit still for to long.
" So what is it exactly you're trying to show me". Brian said and saw Dom smirk
" That". Dom said as he pointed straight
Brian looked ahead and saw cars everywhere along with tents and people
" Race wars". Dom said with a smile
" We used to come here"? Brian asked with a smile
" Come here? I invented it and when we met, it became yours to".
Brian gave Dom a smile and got out of the car before Dom even stoped the car.
Girls were dancing everywhere, races were going on, motorcycles were even there and Brian was fascinated.
" You wanna race Bri". Dom said with a smirk as Brian watched his third race
" Hell yeah". Brian said and Dom saw a familiar spark flash through his eyes
Dom let Brian drive to the starting line and Dom got out of the car, standing to the side waiting for Brian's opponent
A red car pulled up next to Brian and Dom could tell the way the guy drove just by the way he looked at him.
" Keep it under 9000 RPMs. Kids gonna fry his pistons after the first 200". Dom said as he looked at Brian through the open window
" I thought it was ride or die right"? Brian said with a smile
" How about you just ride on this one". Dom said and Brian saw a spark of sadness flash through his face for a second
Dom walked away from the car as a girl walked between the two cars with two orange pieces of what most likely used to be a part of clothing
She gestured for the red car to move up before doing the same to Brian a couple seconds later.
" Are you ready"! The girl asked pointing to the red car who revved his engine in response " I know your ready"! She said as she pointed at Brian
The girl waved the two orange pieces in the air for a few seconds before she shouted " GO"!
Both racers took off down the straight race track and Brian won as the other car did exactly what Dom said he would
Brian came to a stop around the huge crowd and got out of the car. Everyone surrounded the blonde telling him good job and high fiving him.
A blonde women walked up to Brian and he turned around as she shouted " Hey! There's the guy I've heard so such about".
Brian gave the girl a side high five and smiled as she said " Where've you been ghost boy".
Brian continued smiling until he suddenly saw himself get in a car accident, his car flipping over, a hospital room, someone pointing a gun a him, and then he was flying through the air after an explosion
The blonde panicked and he whipped around and punched someone as they touched his back.
" Ow Brian what the hell". Hector shouted and Dom was making his way to Brian but it was to late, the blonde was already in the car and took off full speed
Dom watched Brian go until he was out of sight and smirked as Hector said " Damn dawg, your boys still got his swing".
" You never could take a punch". Dom replied and Hector let out a small smile
Brian raced down the road and he was trying to calm himself. What the hell what he had seen back there? Was it a memory? What the hell had he been through?
A thousand thoughts ran through his head and he found himself parking the car at Dom's house. He saw the crews cars outside and briefly saw Letty through the window
" Brian's here and he doesn't look to good". Letty said
" I thought Dom was taking him to Race Wars"? Jessie asked
" He's got Dom's car. Something must've happened".
" Give him space when he comes. Whatever it is he saw, he's about to breakdown". Mia said
Brian came bursting the door and everyone could see the blonde was freaking out.
" Hey buster you wanna tell us what's wrong". Vince said
" I saw myself in a car get flipped over by another car then this guy got out of the car and had gun but he didn't shoot me, he shot the car and I went flying then the next thing I know I'm in a hospital and that was it". Brian rushed out and Jessie spit out his beer
Of all the memories Brian had it just had to be that one first.
" You went undercover". Letty started and Brian snapped his head in her direction " You went undercover in a drug cartel that was getting ready to leave for Mexico to pardon Dom and it went wrong. The guy you saw was Fenix and he followed you after your cover was blown. He crashed your car and Fenix shot at your car instead of you, creating an explosion and causing you to go flying backwards".
" You called us before the car flipped over and that was the last we ever heard from you again. We thought you were dead Brian, they said there was no way you survived". Mia said and Brian saw tears forming in her eyes " We didn't know you weren't in the car when it exploded and we never knew you were alive until we headed to London".
Brian didn't say anything and everyone could see he was still trying to calm himself down.
" I think I'm falling for him". Brian blurted out and everyone smiled
" He loves you to". Letty said and watched Brian leave the house, the blonde walking instead of driving
" Hopefully the next thing he remembers isn't so tragic". Jessie said
" He's coming back to us and that's what's matters, he's coming back to Dom".
It was late when Dom got home and he was surprised Brian wasn't home yet. He found Mia in the kitchen and asked her where Brian was
" He went to the cemetery about ten minutes ago". Mia said and watched her brother go to the garage, come back with a sledgehammer, and then leave again
Dom drove to the cemetery and parked behind Brian's car before he grabbed his sledgehammer and walked to his husband
Brian was standing in front of his own grave and was wearing Dom's black jacket with a pair of black jeans and sneakers.
" First time I saw this, I thought it was kinda funny". Brian said and Dom could hear the sadness in his voice " I guess now the jokes on me".
Brian turned around and saw Dom throw the sledgehammer over his shoulder and Brian's eyes went wide
" What are you doing Dom". Brian asked
" What I should've done a long time ago". Dom said and lifted the sledgehammer above his head only for Brian to grab his arms
" Dom stop"! Brian shouted and Dom brought his arms down, sledgehammer still in his hand " Look at it Dom, it's the truth. May 30th 2009 is the day I died Dom, that's the day I lost my memories so that's the day Brian O'Connor died and this other person was created".
" No, you never died". Dom said and looked right into Brian's eyes
" Do you know how hard it is for me when you look at me and you see me through years of memories? Every moment we've ever had, I see it in your eyes Dom and it hurts so bad knowing I don't remember a god damn thing and I can't give you everything you want. I've got nothing".
" You got me Brian".
" And you've got only a small piece of me Dom". Brian said and Dom could tell the blonde was about to cry " I've gotta find out who I am, for me. I gotta know who I'm supposed to be".
Dom didn't say and let Brian cup his face in his hands before he felt his lips against his own.
The kiss was short and Brian let a couple tears fall when they pulled apart.
" Goodbye Dom". Brian said his voice cracking a little " I love you".
Brian started to walk away and Dom watched him walk through the cemetery and into his car. He had to let Brian go. If that's what Brian wanted, then that's what he'd let him do no matter how much it hurt.
It was around noon when Brian decided to stop by the house. He had been gone two days and it was time to go home.
Brian turned down the road and his heart stopped as he saw the house in ruins. Was everyone dead...
" DOM"! Brian shouted as he got out of the car in a hurry and could feel his heart beating against his chest " MIA! LETTY! VINCE! ANYONE"!
It was silent and Brian grabbed his hair with both his hands. He was having a panic attack and saw a black suburban stop behind his car
A man wearing all camouflage clothes steps out of the car and Brian notices he's wearing a vest covering his chest
" Who the hell are you". Brian asked
The man doesn't answer and tosses Brian a phone without saying a word. The blonde looks at the man with uncertainty and jumps as the phone starts ringing
" Answer it". The man says and Brian hesitates for a moment before slowly answering
" Hello".
" Mr O'Connor good to know my guy found you. The names Mr Nobody just to clear that up".
" Kind of a lot for a nobody".
" I get that a lot now Brian I need your help for a special mission of mine and I'm hoping you'll agree".
" Depends what it is".
" How would you like to take down Deckard Shaw".
Brian eyes widened and he couldn't even speak. He was in shock and started to shake all over again.
" I'll give you a few minutes to think about it and when you're ready, my guy will take you to my location. I hope to see you Mr O'Connor".
Mr Nobody hung up and Brian stayed staring at the phone for a few seconds before he handed it back to the man.
" When your ready, we'll go". The man said and got in the car, leaving Brian outside alone to get his thoughts together
" Dom what the hell are you getting me into"! Brian shouted and then let out a growl as he grabbed his hair in his hands " Is this how our love works? We just jump head first into any illegal dangerous situation that comes our way! God damn it Dom I'm gonna get in that car before I change my mind and if you're not there I'm gonna kick your ass"!
Brian grabbed his phone from his car along with his keys and opened the passenger door of the black suburban, taking a deep breathe before the guy started driving
When Dom heard Mr Nobody had called his entire team he was hoping Brian was there but he wasn't and he tried to hide his disappointment.
Letty could tell Dom was upset the whole time they were discussing the plan to take down Shaw and she saw him raise an eyebrow as Mr Nobody said " And now your team is complete".
Everyone turned around to see what he was talking about and Dom's eyes lit up as he saw Brian standing there with his hands in his pockets.
Dom started walked toward Brian and they met each other halfway.
" I went to the house and I was looking for you everywhere. You scared the shit out of me Dom. So when I get a call from someone named Mr Nobody saying he needs my help in taking down Owen's brother, I know it's gotta be you. Who else would get mixed up with a guy named Mr Nobody"?
Dom gave Brian a smile and Brian's eyes wondered down to the cross around Dom's neck
Brian suddenly saw him and Dom standing in a church with the cross wrapped there hands and remembered himself saying " You will never be alone and if you ever think about dying on me Dom, I'm following after you".
" Where did you find that". Brian asked after he shook his head
" Han had it". Dom said " Can you ride Brian"?
" Of course I can Dom". Brian said " Ride or die remember"?
Dom gave Brian a small smile and the two started walking back to everyone else.
" Where's Vince and Mia"? Brian asked
" Mia's pregnant and Vince stayed behind with her. They're in Monte Crisco with an old friend for protection". Dom replied and Brian just nodded " Jessie, we're gonna need long travel suspension limited slip differentials on all of them".
" Hey Brian". Gisele said and gave him a hug " It's good to see you again".
" Thanks Gisele". Brian said
" Tej! I want the demon love child between that". Dom said as he pointed at a black car before he pointed to a jeep " And that".
" That's a lot of armor". Tej said " Its just gonna add more weight. Slow you down".
" This time, it ain't just about being fast". Dom said and turned around to look at his family
" Hey Brian, speaking of fast, who took down the plane back in London". Tej said " Rome thinks he did it".
" The only thing Rome's ever taken down was No Knees Denise at prom". Brian said with a slight smirk and everyone hid there shock as Brian remembered prom
" That's cold Brian". Rome said with a smile and everyone else started laughing
Everyone went separate ways after they stopped laughing to prepare for the plane and Letty saw Brian looking at Dom with a curious look on his face
" You saw something didn't you". Letty asked
" I think it was a church and we had the cross wrapped around each other's hands? Got any ideas"?
Oh did she ever. She knew what exactly that memory was and Dom had gave strict instructions, being the protective husband he is, not to tell Brian he was his husband.
Dom had said it was because he couldn't force the blonde to love him. Everyone knew Brian had fallen for Dom all over again but still kept the promise
" Earth to Letty". Brian said as he waved a hand in front of her face
" Sorry Buster, I wasn't there for that one". Letty said with a small smile " You'll figure it out eventually".
" I told him I loved him at the cemetery and then I walked away".
" You've walked away from each other many times after saying I love you and come back to each other every time. Even after fights you've come back together the next day, hours after even and manage to make your crazy relationship work".
" Is it always crazy"?
" You have no idea". Jesse said with a smirk as he walked by
" Brian"! Dom shouted across the room " Come pick your car"!
" Coming"! Brian shouted back
" Get a car with a small backseat, this is a rescue mission not a reunion party if you know what I mean". Letty said with a wink and Brian gave her a small glare before walking over to Dom