*Disclaimer I do not own Ouran High School Host Club.

Hikaru's Doodles

Chapter 27 Surfing and Chocolate cake.

Hikaru's POV

Sealed in a room, sitting on the edge of a massive king sized bed. My comforting arm swings over my brother's shoulders in the dimly lit bedroom. My heart ached with Kao's painfully honest words of past events. To be more precise of two rather close events between my girlfriend and my twin. My body wanted to go screaming out of the room towards Honey's sempi's suite. Sweep the girl off her feet, kicking and screaming knowing the brunette beauty. Flying off somewhere away from my younger twin until I could convince her to only be mine. Yeah, yeah I know it's wrong and this whole damn plan is my idea…..but understanding the reason why and actually hearing the real life events circling around the two is entirely altogether a different matter…..and I wasn't quite sure I had the balls to go through with it.


Swallowing hard before forcing myself to calmly speak. Which I have to admit to myself wasn't like me in the slightest…. but it has everything to do with the two people I love the most so I would strangle back my own overwhelming fears and emotions if need be. "So, Kao, you still think I'm wrong?"

"Hika, it's not like that." Turning his head, refusing to meet my eyes.

Taking a breath to effectively hold back my twisting heart. "Kao, you almost kissed each other …twice." Firmly holding up two fingers next to his turned away face.

Kao swings out a hand to knock away my fingers. Quickly turning his head, revealing his emotionally driven eyes. "Hika, it's just because you were gone, she really missed you…..we both did." Running a tense hand through his ginger hair. "Look, it was probably comforting for her to have her boyfriend's look alike so close." Casually shrugging his shoulders like his own words didn't cause his heart to practically shatter.


His arm unconsciously finds his other arm, squeezing it against his chest, giving himself a hug while speaking honestly. "It was comforting for me to have someone around who feels the same way …..we were both worried about you."

Seeing my younger twin hide his feelings for the girl caused my anger to burst from my tightly held restraints. "Kaoru, don't you dare say that about yourself! You know damn well Haru thinks of you more than her boyfriend's look alike!" Pointing a finger at his chest, "She loves you! Whether it's as her best friend or something else entirely I'm not really sure ….but I do know she loves you." My painfully honest words caused a searing pain to gradually engulf my beating insides.


Dropping my pointing finger, reaching up to run my fingers through my dyed dark hair. "Hell, for that matter I'm not sure Haru knows for sure herself ….but don't you want to at least give the three of us a chance to find out?"

Kaoru shakes his head. "But Hika, what about-"

Sharply cutting my sacrificing twin off with pleading eyes. "Please Kao, this is hard enough," My tone practically turns desperate. "I'm not sure how much more my heart can take …..Let's just get this over with, before I come to my senses." With wide golden eyes my twin wordlessly agrees with a nod of his head.

Letting out a humorless chuckle, forcing myself to move forward. "Anyway, do we have everything set?"

Forcing himself to move forward. "Ah yeah, I already talked to Adaline, she said she would be happy to help her Spicy Twin." Letting out a playful chuckle while extending a hand, roughly pinching my cheek.

"Knock it off Kao!" Pulling my face away from his fingers, lifting a hand to rub my tender cheek. Letting out a heavy sigh. "Okay, so I guess that leaves the rest up to me."

"I wouldn't worry too much, this part should be a breeze….like I said, she really missed you." Kaoru stands up, lifting his hands over his head, stretching his waist from side to side.

Lifting my concerned head towards my younger twin. "Do you really think so?"

Giving me a wide reassuring smile. "I know so, remember I was there at the runway. It was clear as day."

"Yeah, well, I seem to see it a little different than you." After our little chat I had to admit my confidence was shaken.

Lifting a comforting hand to rest on my shoulder. "I'm telling you, it was only because you were gone, that's all it was, but-"

Interrupting my twin. "But what?"

"But now your back. Okay, well that's my cue." Biting his bottom lip before hiding behind his mask. Pulling his hand away, motioning to the door. "It's time for me to track down Honey-sempi and introduce him to his new lifetime partner." Letting out a forced chuckle, giving me a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes before walking towards the door with his hands tucked in his pockets.


"Hey, not too close!" Quickly standing up from the bed. "I don't want to find out the Haninozukas have stolen Adelina away from us. We would never find anyone that could make her maple cookies the same way." Grumbling out my words, covering up my true feelings while crossing my arms at my chest.


Letting out a chuckle while shaking his head speaking in sarcasm. "Yeah, sure Hika, it's the cookies you're worried about ….you big softy." Leaning against the open door his tone turns honest. "You can't fool me. I know what Adelina means to you …what she means to both of us."

Grumbling back to my twin. "Yeah, whatever Kao, just be careful."

Waving a dismissive hand in my direction. "Don't worry it didn't happen with the Boss, it won't happen with honey-sempi."

"Alright Kao, well I guess we both have our own individual parts to play in this thing. So we might as well get on with it." Walking towards the door to join my twin.

"My thoughts exactly." Leaning against the open door, motioning for me to take the lead.

"So you'll be there right?" Asking with some apprehension. Watching my twin close the door and walk down the hall.

"Hika, relax. Knowing Honey-sempi I'll probably beat you there." Stopping in the hall.

"Okay, well then I'll see you there then." Not much was said between the two of us after that. I'm guessing we were walking next to each other but our heads were stuck in different troubling worlds. My body was being torn in two different directions. My heart was hoping my brother would see through my crumbling façade and conveniently forget about meeting me…..well meeting us. Forcing me to take the next step without him. To allow my heart to take the lead, mindlessly follow what the others wanted me to do, forgetting about possible future feelings…..But on the other hand my head was praying my twin would show up .After all it wasn't every day you go about convincing the girl of your dreams she's in some kind of crazy danger….and the only sensible resolution anyone can come up with is to take her newly acquired boyfriend's name straight out of high school.


Oh, yeah that shouldn't be a problem…..not one bit. My brand new headstrong, and at times oblivious girlfriend should have no problem with that. Right? Thinking to myself in a sarcastic tone as my feet mindlessly lead me to my beautiful brunette girlfriend. Yeah right, and the Shadow King only thinks of others right along with me shooting rainbows from my ass….face it …it's going to take a freaking miracle to get her to agree.


End of Hikaru's POV

Kaoru's POV

A little later …

So it took a little mischievous Hitachiin convincing, but both Hika and I managed to split Honey and Haru apart. Haru was a little harder to convince between the two of them .I'm guessing she was making Hika pay for his earlier actions on the runway. She was perfectly content at slowly savoring each bite of her chocolate cake while casually flipping through a fashion magazine. Two things Haru absolutely finds utterly distasteful….The thing is Hika knows this all too well, so he practically lost his mind when he was trying his best to wait for our brunette beauty to finish.


Seeing my twin fight so desperately to move forward with Tamaki's foolish plan caused me to seriously question it. ….to just remove myself from the situation. He's a big boy, I'm sure mom is in desperate need for my attention. Having mere days to plan Haru's debut shoot and a massive wedding to boot I could definitely keep myself busy until the point of no return. I know Hika would later thank me for the sacrifice once the deal was sealed…..Although the one thing pushing my feet closer to the cabin is the unending pain in my chest, beginning to fade…with a newly emerged feeling my body dared to embrace…hope.


"So Kao-chan, what's this about, why couldn't Haru-chan come with us?" Honey's sad brown eyes peek out from his pink bunny.

Walking down the extended hall with my hands casually placed in my pockets. "Oh, Honey-sempi I'm sure Hika just wants to spend some alone time with his new girlfriend, that all."

Honey's brown eyes sharply slice through me as his voice turns serious. "Well, if you ask me Hika-chan should be doing something about this whole Ootori situation. It isn't long before break will be over and we'll have to fly back for school."

Unconsciously pulling my hand from my pocket, nervously rubbing the back of my head. "Ah, not to worry Honey-sempi I'm sure Hika is planning to do something soon."…..yeah like tonight.

Honey's eyes dissolve into a lethal black color. "Koa-chan you wouldn't be lying to me now would you?"

My eyes went wide in a panic, waving both arms in front of me. "No, Honey-sempi. Whatever gave you an idea like that?"

His deadly eyes slowly travel over me before letting out a heavy breath. "It's nothing really." His eyes soften back to his usual warm chocolate. "Sorry Kao-chan, it's just I thought we had made our point to Hika-chan quite clear….and from the plane I could have sworn that's all he thought about," Letting out a playful chuckle, running a hand through his hair. "Well that and crashing… but since we've been back he hasn't done much about it."


He pushes up his sleeves, beginning to deliberately head back to my twin. "Perhaps I should speak with Hika-chan one more time." Honey's voice turns dark.

"Don't do it Honey-sempi!" Quickly making my way around the bunny carrying blond, throwing out my shaky hands, yelling out in a panic. "I mean that won't be necessary. I assure you Hika is takeing our warning under serious advisement." Nervously rubbing the back of my neck. "There's just a few family hurdles he has to contend with before he acts."

Honey's face suddenly develops a wide excited smile. "You mean Hika-chan is really going to do it?! He's really going to ask for Haru-chan's hand?"

"Yeah, or something like that." Averting my eyes from the happy blonde, giving him a pleading look. "But you can't say anything to anyone! Alright Honey-sempi?"

"Alright, my lips are sealed." Lifting his hand to his mouth, making a zipping motion against it.

"Good, I'm sure Hika would appreciate your help in the matter." Throwing my arm around the blonde, glancing over in his direction with mischief coloring my golden eyes. "In fact, I was hoping you could help me out with something."

"Sure Kao-chan, how can I help?"

"Well, lately it's been increasingly difficult to separate Renge from Haru. So, I was wondering if you could keep Renge busy for me?"

"Sure Kao-chan, but why can't you do it?" Nodding his blonde head before giving me another suspicious look.

"Uh, I would, but my attention is needed for more urgent family business." Nervously speaking to the blonde.

I wasn't lying to my sempi my attention is being called to some rather urgent family business. It just happens to be my twin who is calling for my assistance.

"Sure Kao-chan, I'd be happy to." Nodding his head once more before a perplexed expression emerged on his face. "Ah Kao-chan where exactly do you want me to entertain Ren-chan?"

A sly knowing smile slowly forms on my lips." Oh that's simple. Honey –sempi, you're in for a treat." Swinging my arm out, ahead of me. "Come on, walk this way."

A little later ….

"Oh there's one of my sneaky boys." The familiar petite woman looks up with a warm welcoming smile. Her hand dries her work surface with a black and white checkered dishtowel. "And he's brought me an adorable blonde."

"Hello Adelina, it's nice to see you too." Returning her welcoming smile.

She stops and hands me a cookie while her blue eyes carefully study me. "Oh, you must be my sweet one."

Nodding my head with a wide smile. "Yes it's me. So Adelina, Is everything ready?" She tries to hand me another cookie for Hikaru, but I simply hold up my hand. "No thank you, Adelina."

She raises a curious eyebrow, knowing I always get an extra cookie for my twin, but she just shrugs her shoulders. "Yes, the maid delivered your invitation, she should be here shortly."

"That's great, thanks for doing this."

"Your welcome." Placing her two hands on my cheeks. "I'll do just about anything for my sneaky boys." Squishing my face together so my lips would pucker. "Ah, just look at that handsome face… If only this old body was years younger."

Pulling my tender cheeks away from our pastry chef. Turning to my blond laughing friend, who's enjoying my humiliation entirely too much. "Honey-sempi I would like to introduce you to Adelina, she's our personal pastry chef. Hika and I have known her since we were little kids. Adelina has agreed to help you entertain Renge in my absence."

Seeing the blondes eyes sparkle caused a mischievous smile to emerge on my face. "She'll show you anything you might want to learn about baking…Just a word of warning, don't try to steal her frosting."

"Oh poo, you're the only sneaky boy around here." Giving me a serious face, flinging her checkered dishtowel at me.

"Alright, truce I give up." letting out a playful chuckle, holding up my hands as I back away.

Adelina begins to laugh, turning towards Honey. With her hands on her hips. "So Adorable one, where do we start?"

Honey yells out with excitement dancing in his chocolate eyes. "Cake!" Realizing his overreaction he clears his throat with blushing cheeks. "I mean cake would be lovely Adel-chan."

She begins to laugh, playfully poking a finger at honey's chest. "Aw, a man after my own heart. Let's get started." As she hands him a white apron.

Without another word I hastily make my retreat…..wishing this night had already run its course.

End of Kaoru's POV

Hikaru's POV

A little later…

"Hika, I don't understand, it's nearly sundown. I'm in no mood to try night surfing, not with practically drowning in broad daylight, last time." Haru gives me a suspicious look.

With my foot on the brake I quickly drop my hands from the jeep's steering wheel as my golden eyes search for any sign of Kaoru. Knowing most likely if he was here he would have parked in the back. Seeing no clue to my twin my lungs let out a sigh as my hand begrudgingly finds the jeep's key, effectively shutting off the motor of the jeep. "Haru, we don't have to go surfing, I just brought some boards in case you wanted to go. That's all." Silently wishing the real reason for our visit was merely surfing.

"So, if we're not here to surf, why in the world are we at your old surf cabin?" Haru swings out a hand…. To the same place where everything changed for the two of us.

.Where it's about to change once more.

Swiftly reaching over to undue her seatbelt, giving my girlfriend a pleading look with my golden eyes. "Ah Haru is it so awful for your returning boyfriend to want to spend a little time with you?" Thinking to myself…..Besides there's a few things I need to get off my chest.

"Ah no, Hika, I guess not, but why here?" Giving me a suspicious look as I slide out of my seat and walk around the jeep.

Gracefully extending out a hand to the brunette beauty. "Why not, isn't this where we both confessed our true feelings for each other?" She hesitantly takes my hand, before sliding out of her seat. "I can't think of a better place I would want to be at the moment." Lifting her in the air, slowly allowing her body to slip from my fingers. She surprised me with a small coy smile, followed by a sweet kiss.

Haru gradually pulled away from her kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Well, to tell you the truth, Hika. Right here with you, is perfect. "

My half lidded eyes were held captive by deep chocolate pools. Gently lifting a hand to her freshly kissed skin, leisurely running my thumb along her lower lip. "Haru, you have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words from your lips." Allowing my hand to drop away before falling effortlessly into a shared heated moment. The highly addicted feeling of Haru in my arms rippled through me as my body unconsciously lets out a breath. Relieved to be here, in her arms …..It feels like I finally arrived home.


I could so easily loose myself but tonight wasn't meant to be…..because as usual someone else had something planned for our reunion night and it wasn't holding each other close under a spectacular sunset. With one last taste of her searing hot skin I begrudgingly pull away. Giving us a minute, allowing us to catch our breaths before my hand reaches for the handle of the front door. While holding the door open I gracefully swing out a hand in front of me. "After you my sweet."


"Thanks Hika." Giving me a small smile as she passes the wide threshold. "Kao, what are you doing here?" Haru's confused voice calls out from inside the cabin. The door practically closes on its own as I quickly follow the familiar voices. Tossing a hand to my stomach, nervously twisting with every step closer to the voices ….and what the situation demanded from me.

Walking in the room, seeing my smiling little brother playfully give me a two fingered salute. Leaning back against the mantel of a roaring fire. "See Hika, I said I'd beat you hear."

Reaching up to rub the back of my neck, giving off a nervous chuckle as I turn my head to hide my blushed cheeks. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Haru crosses her arms at her chest, while giving us a suspicious look. "Alright you two, what's going on…why bring me all the way out here?"

With a concerned look Kao walks over and gently slips his hand into Haru's. Leading her across the room, motioning to a warm spot next to the blazing fire. "Haru, I think you should sit down for this."

"Hika?" Haru turns her head towards me, giving me a confused look.

Letting out a heavy sigh, motioning to the fireplace. "Kao's right, you'll want to sit down for this. I brought you here because I need to talk to you about a few things." My arm discreetly went back to fold around my twisting stomach. "I asked Kao here to help me out."

She begrudgingly takes the offered seat with her arms crossed at her chest. "Alright guys, what's this all about?"

I wasn't quite sure how the normal oblivious girl would take the coming news of her so called friend. If she acts anything like before the plane trip, then most likely she'll deny everything. I couldn't help but be hesitant when bringing up the subject, she wasn't exactly happy last time we tried to confront her. Figuring my choice of topics were just going to get tougher as the night went along….which was doing nothing for my nauseas stomach, I slowly take a deep breath and carefully begin. Swiftly taking a seat in front of her, gently unfolding one of her arms. Lightly holding her fingers with mine. "Haru, do you remember when we talked about other members of the club?" Sharing a concerned look with my twin. "And their feelings towards you?"


She stares down at our touching fingers, avoiding my twin's eyes. "Yes."

"Well one of those members doesn't exactly accept 'us' and is doing his best to make you his." My golden cautious eyes flash to my twin as he gives me a reassuring nod to continue. " I'm afraid entire families have entered into the mix-"

She quickly flips up her head with a disbelieving look. "What?" But soon shakes her head, waving a dismissive hand in my direction. "Hika, don't be ridiculous, none of my friends would ever do such a thing."

Kaoru quickly takes a seat next to Haru, leaning in, making sure she catches his serious expression on his features. "Haru, Hika is right, he's been gone because of it."

"Kao, stop." Flashing a warning look at my twin.

Kao stubbornly shakes his head. "No Hika, she needs to know. How do you expect her to remain safe if she doesn't know all of it? ….If she doesn't know the gravity of the situation?" I didn't like it, but he had a point. Knowing my twin would do just about anything to keep the girl we mutually love safe, I decided to remain silent for the time being.

Haru turns her head towards my brother with a confused look on her face. "Kao, what situation are you talking about?" Her question caused Kaoru to look up, wordlessly asking my permission to continue. I just nodded my head towards my twin before dropping my eyes to my fingers.

Kaoru kneeled in front of the girl, taking Haru's free hand. "Haru, the family business Hika had to tend too," He let out a heavy sigh, "had everything to do with you."

"What?" Her stunned eyes bounced between us.

No one asked but I found my head slightly nodding.

Kaoru holds up a finger. "Haru, please let me finish. Hika tried his best to keep it from you, he didn't want you to worry about us or the family. " Kaoru swiftly lifted from his seat, sharing a look with me. Silently pleading for me to reconsider the boss's plan. I just simply shook my head and refused.

With my refusal Kaoru's tightly masked emotions begin to slip. "That damn Shadow King and his family blackballed our family!" Kaoru tosses out a hand, motioning in my direction. "The only way to stop it was for Hika to hand you over!"

Kaoru's voice grew miserable and soft as his hands slid in his pockets. "The rest of the club's families quickly became involved after that."

"Kyoya-sempi...but that doesn't make sense." Haru turns to look at me with disbelief. "Hika is it true?"

"Yes, Haru," Reaching up with a hand, pitching my chestnut colored hair between my thumb and forefinger. "I'm afraid it's the real reason my hair looks this way." Dropping my hand to take Haru's once more.

"Our plan for defeating the blackball was for Honey and I to sneak back into Japan. Once back in the country we would confront the Boss…without Kyoya figuring it out. We figured if the Boss knew you were safe he would flip his support. After that it was only a matter of time for Honey's and Mori's families to do the same. Without the other families support the Ootori's blackball would fall apart." Giving her hand a squeeze as the painfully honest words burned at the tip of my tongue. "…and you would be free to date as whomever you wish." Kaoru's concerned eyes glance in my direction.


She practically jumps from her seat with her hands held up to her shaking head. "There's absolutely no way they went through all that, for me." Her angry eyes sharply flash in my direction as she points a finger at me. "See, I told you. You just can't go around drugging and kidnapping people."

Quickly losing my patients I fly from my seat, knocking her hand away, "And I would do it again, if need be!" Stubbornly folding my arms at my chest, "In order to keep you safe, I wouldn't blink twice."

"What, how dare you." Being offended with my blunt honesty my girlfriend's mouth fell open. All you two managed to do is freak the rest of the guys out." Waving a dismissive hand towards Kaoru and myself. "I'm guessing now that they know I'm safe and everything-"

Quickly cutting her off while firmly standing in front of her. "Are you crazy? Do you honestly think he did this because he was merely worried about you?"

Kaoru hastily comes between us with his hands out. "Hikaru, Haruhi, please calm down." Turning to look at Haruhi. "Listen Haruhi, I know what we're telling you is difficult for you to believe, but it's true. Yes, you're completely right, the others were concerned about us taking you."

"But there's more to it," With a look Kaoru silently tells me to prepare myself for the next thing coming. His head turns back to the brunette with a serious expression and a soft honest voice. "Haru, Kyoya wants you to be permanently his….as his wife. Honey-sempi told us when he arrived on the island."

Stunned with my brother's honest words, Haru quickly steps back from us. "What that's ridiculous, he can't do that." Her stunned eyes quickly bounce between the two of us.

Her words became sharp as she tightened her fists. "I would never agree to it." Taking a step forward, her searing eyes burn up towards me, while pointing a finger at my chest. "Fly me back to Japan this instant! I'll tell all of you rich bastards I'm not some freaking prized trinket that can be purchased…..I'm a damn human being and I'm not about-"


I've had enough of her denial and her reckless behavior. Sharply cutting her off as my enraged golden eyes squinted towards my demanding girlfriend, ignoring her pointing finger. "Speaking for all the rich bastards, that's the last thing you should do! Haru, the Shadow King isn't exactly waiting around for a no." Pointing adamantly to the ground below my feet. "The only thing that's keeping you safe is that you're here, where he can't find you…but that all changes the moment you step off this Island."


"That can't be, I have rights," Angry tears begin to form in her eyes. "Kaoru, tell your brother he's wrong!"

Kaoru drops his emotional eyes, "I really wish I could Haru," His honest voice turns solemn. "But I'm afraid Hika's right….Blunt, but right." My younger brother gives me a displeased look, causing me to tighten my folded arms and advert my eyes. "I'm afraid with a little money paid to the right people, in the right country. You would have no rights to say otherwise."


My miserable golden eyes slide over, seeing the love of my life begin to panic as her situation gradually sinks into her current reality…..the cruel reality we've been protecting her from. "He just can't do that to a person."

Kaoru throws his arms around the devastated brunet. Leaning in, softly speaking. "I'm afraid he can ….very easily, as a matter of a fact." Seeing her like that causes me to collapse in a nearby chair….Leaving me to feel helpless, as my heart breaks for every clear emotional drop sliding down her cheek.

Haru softly speaks in between sniffles. "Okay, then now what? I just can't spend my life trapped on an island."

Kaoru pulls away from the hug with anxiety twisted in his face. He lifts a hand, running it through his ginger hair. "No, that's true. Sooner or later he will find us and when he does," His head drops, "I'm afraid it's over after that. His family's Onion squad will swoop in and deliver you to him, like some damn pizza."

Her visual pain…mixing with my brother's defeated words …pushes me emotionally to my own crystal clear realization of the situation…..the situation everyone around me has been trying to convince my thick stubborn skull to accept.

"So then what should I do-"Her voice sounds defeated and lost.

Leaping from my seat with a completely disconnected brain, taking her hand, bursting out what my heart demands from me. "Marry me Haru!"

"What?!" Two stunned eyes look up at me in pure shock.

End of Hikaru's POV

Honey's POV.

"That's right my adorable one." The grandmother type woman reaches over and lightly pinches my cheek. Her blue eyes watch as I apply dark chocolate frosting piping around a triple layer cake. "Take your time going around the cake. It's not a race." My brown eyes intently watch each and every chocolate swirl carefully emerge from the bag.

Adding slight pressure to the bag I begin to slowly lay the frosting on itself, attempting to make yet another yummy chocolate rose. "Like this Adel-chan?"

"That's perfect." Bringing her hands together to clap with excitement. The pastry chef's rosy face quickly falls when she turns to see Renge's latest attempt. "My dear how are you doing?"

The blond mindlessly scribbles on her lemon cake with white frosting. "I don't see why the three of them had to just disappear on their own." Renge grumbles out while white frosting squirts out from various places of her piping beg. "Honey-sempi, don't you think it's odd?"

"Ah Renge, to tell you the truth I don't see much of a problem with it." Especially if my sneaky friends are convincing a certain brunette. They thought they were so sly thinking I couldn't see straight through Hika's intentions…..all they needed was a little push in the right direction.

Shrugging my shoulders as I continue to slowly make chocolate flowers around my cake. "The three of them have always been close. I'm sure it's just because there in the same class."

The outraged blonde speaks up. "Wait, that can't be it, I'm also in their class!"

My eyes nervously slide away from the blonde, before swallowing down the lump in my throat. "Oh really, I didn't know that."

Giving her scribbled cake a disapproving look. "Maybe, I'll go look for Haruhi. She might know more about what those two devils are up to." She quickly puts down her bag of frosting, before picking up a checkered dishtowel, wiping her hands.

"No wait, you don't want to do that!" Quickly reaching out for the blonde girl.

"Oh, why not?" A devious smile slowly emerges on her lips as her tone turns sly. "Honey-sempi, you wouldn't happen to know anything those two might be up to? Now would you?"

"Ah, why not well ….well um." My panicked fumbled words fall from my mouth.

"Honey-sempi?" Raising a curious eyebrow.

"The three…." Sharply nodding my panicked head towards the nosy manager. "Yeah, that's it! The three just haven't seen each other since Hika –chan came back from their family business…that's all." Shrugging my shoulders going back to frosting my mouth watering cake…..of course that would be great if she only believed me…..which she didn't in the slightest.

"Really?" Asking in an incredulous tone. Placing two hands on the counter, getting ready to search for Haruhi.

Crap, now what do I do?

"Relax Dearie." My stunned chocolate eyes quickly catch sight of the salt and peppered woman letting out a chuckle. "You remind me so much of my Spicy one."

My lips let out a long sigh of relief as the nosy blonde turns to the pastry chef, giving her a confused look. "Spicy one, I don't understand?"

"Yes, he's always grumbling out his concerns." Adelina picks up Renge's piping bag, making an expert attempt at fixing Renge disastrous cake decorating. "I don't think even his twin worries as much as he does." Letting out a content sigh as she quickly goes around Renge's cake with ease. "Especially for people close to him like his twin and Miss Fujioka….That's my Spicy one he cares deeply, but in a grumbling kind of way." A mischievous smile curls at the woman's lips. "I think you call him Hikaru?"


Her mouth falls wide open in shock. "Hikaru, you think I remind you of him …..Not likely!" Adamantly throwing her hands out, shaking her head towards the older woman.

"Oh, yes my dear, he may act all tough and what I call spicy," The pastry chef slowly studies over the cake before nodding to herself with approval. Placing the bag of frosting down as she continues to speak. "But deep down he's as sweet as this cinnamon." Shaking a small glass bottle filled with familiar brown powder towards the girl, "All he needed was a little touch of sugar."


"Yeah, that's Hika-chan alright." Letting out a chuckle while happily nodding my head.

The woman stepped closer, allowing her blue eyes to slowly travel over the blonde before nodding to herself. "I think you could be that way too…. with a little help from something sweet." Speaking in a serious tone, winking her blue eye at the blonde. "Or perhaps I should say someone."

"Oh, ah do you think? I never really thought about it before." Her cheeks turned bright pink, informing me of the girl's deception of her past thoughts about the twin.

All of a sudden some kind of crazy music echoes into the kitchen. "Oh sorry, I should really get this." The blonde glances over to her phone, resting on the counter, before lifting it to her ear. "Moshie, Moshie." The girl happily answers her phone slipping off her stool, walking off for a bit of privacy. I was generally relieved for the distraction as I went back to my diligent decorating.


"Oh, hello sempi, no, I'm not busy." Renge playfully giggles. "I'm just masterfully decorating a cake with Honey-sempi." I couldn't help but roll my eyes while slowly making my way around the cake. "The twins? Why of course the twins are here too." My curious brown eyes suddenly snap in the direction of the rather boisterous blonde.


"You do? Well isn't that lovely." She happily squeals while wrapping her long golden strands slowly around one of her fingers.

Slipping off my stool, grabbing my pink bunny off the counter. Quickly making my way across the room, tapping on the blathering blonde's shoulder. "Renge-chan, who is it your speaking with?" Quietly whispering out my concerned words.

Throwing her finger to her lips with a sharp look. "Shhh," She pulls the phone from her ear, quickly covering it with her hand. "Not now Honey-sempi, I'm on an extremely important call. I'll be done in a bit."

"Sorry about that Kyoya –sempi, you were saying you wanted to get together?" With the realization of her words my brown terror struck eyes went wide as my fiercely beating heart sinks to my frozen feet.

"You want to pick me up? All you need is the location to where I'm staying."

End of honey's POV

End of chapter 27

Yes I know, it's been since April since you last had an update. I have no excuse, I've just been busy attempting to finish up a few stories. Well the next update will be soon. Thanks for taking a peek ;)

Please Follow/Review /Favorite/Share. Thanks again Alimackatjac.