Chapter 10

How it came to be

Arya was pacing up and down the corridor outside of Dany's chambers. She was thinking about everything that had happened to her in these last few years. It hasn't been even five years since she was just a little girl home in Winterfell, breaking the rules and just having a good time.

Since then she had been brought to Kings Landing, killed a man while fleeing and joined multiple groups of people, trying to reach the North before being captured by the Hound. He had then later on lied to her and told her, her mother and brother had been murdered. At the time she had believed the man and believing all of her family was dead, she had fled across the Narrow Sea. That is where her story truly began, one faithful evening when she met Daenerys Targaryen.


Arya was walking down the street in Mereen. She had no money, no food and no roof on top of her head. Everything she once had, was lost. Her family, her friends, her home. She had even come to miss the company of The Hound, whom she had once vowed to kill. Her list had substantially grown ever since she had crossed the Narrow Sea.

Arya was violently knocked out of her thoughts as she forcefully bumped into someone. She fell on the floor on top of that person. As the northern girl looked up, she saw a familiar face. She wasn't sure who that was, but she knew that she had seen someone who looked just like the platinum blonde girl she had knocked on the ground.

After a few seconds of staring it hit her. Arya remembered that face from the Septa's lessons. It was a Targaryen. You cannot mistake the Platinum curls, violet eyes and overall regal look of a Targaryen. Arya racked her mind and came to the conclusion, this must be Darnerys, the princess who had fled the Capitol before the Sack of Kingslanding.

Very soon after that, she was yanked to her knees by a dozen guards, as the rest hurried to help Daenerys up from the ground. Arya was shortly puzzled, but then another fact hit her. The woman standing in front of her was the Queen of Mereen. Not just Mereen, but nearly all of Essos, only excluding the free cities.

Arya was now seriously afraid for her life, something that accrued fairly often these days, but never this strong. Not only was this the daughter of the Mad King, who had slaughtered her uncle and grandfather, she was also the queen of Essos and probably one of the most powerful people alive. And just to top that of, she was also a Targaryen. Her whole family had been killed by Ned Stark and his friends. Now Arya was definitely in trouble.

Arya was dragged through the streets of Mereen, towards the great pyramid, which Daenerys used as her keep and throne room.

She spent three days within the dungeon. On the eve of the third day, she was dragged out and into the throne room.

"Who are you? You are not a commoner nor are you from Essos. What is your business here?" Daenerys regally questioned from her throne.

"My name is Arya St-. Arya, my name is Arya. I'm from Westeros, the North. My family and friends were slaughtered by the bastard King. My father for discovering him to be a bastard, my brother for trying to avenge his death and my mother simply for fun. My two younger brothers were burned to crisp by my fathers old ward and my sister is held captive in Kings Landing."

An elder man whispered into the queens ear.

"I am sorry for your loss, Arya daughter of Eddard Stark"

Arya swallowed down the thick lump building in her throat. If the blonde knew who she was, she'd surely want to punish her for the crimes her father committed.

"I know what you are thinking, but I am not responsible for the actions off father. Besides he has long since been killed." Arya claimed challengingly, trying her luck, wishing that Daenerys Targaryen would turn out to be a good and just ruler.

"Is that so? You claim to know what I am thinking?"

"N- no, but-"

"Aye, you are not your father and should not be punished for what he did. Were it different, I would also have the blood of thousands of innocent people on my hands through my father"

Arya glanced up and took in the Queens face, body, her regal posture and rather revealing clothes. To sum it up, Dany looked really good and in that second Arya noticed a weird fluttering feeling all over her insides. Daenerys might actually be a great queen.

Arya got down on her knees.

"Let me serve under you, your grace"

*flashback over*

Arya was knocked out of her thoughts by Dany opening her door and coming out.

"What are you thinking about?"

"The day we met." Arya confessed slightly flustered.

Arya reached on her tiptoes and softly kissed the taller woman. She still got that fluttering feeling, but now she knew what it meant. She was in love with the blonde standing in front of her.

"Thank you"

So I know it's been a while since I updated. I'm sorry, but I've been rather busy and have been having terrible writers block. Now I'm sitting on a plane, so I decided what time better to write this. It unedited, so sorry for any mistakes.

Also if you have any wishes or suggestions, please tell me!
