Whispering Atlas

Chapter 1: Boiling Point

(I do not own Regina/Evil Queen or OUAT, but I do own my OC's and story line. Enjoy!)

"So, this is how it ends." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. One that threatened to swallow her whole.

"Yes, it ends here, Regina. Your evil reign, everything you've ever done, it all ends." Snow said, her voice strengthening her resolve as she lifts the hilt of her sword and points the weapon to Regina's throat.

The sword makes a slight indent and Regina could feel the cold steel against her warm skin. Her eyes harden at the women in front of her. She glares with a steel even colder than the sword pressed against her throat.

Snow White swallowed deeply. She thought she was used to Regina's glares, but she was wrong. Her glare was intimidating, yet it did not make her want to put down her blade. She gripped tightly onto the hilt. Her knuckles turning whiter than they already were.

"This is for the best; to end it like this. For my people, the kingdom, and myself." Snow said, her eyes made contact with Regina's and her blood ran cold. Her facade cracked and her breathing became hallow. A memory flashed in her mind of the time Regina saved her from the rabid horse. She couldn't do it. Prince James, who stood next to her, moved his hand and placed it on her shoulder. His eyes never left Regina.

"I-I-" Snow gasped, releasing her sword from the Queen in front of her. She lowered it, "-I can't do it, Charming. I just...can't." Regina's arms were bound behind her back with enchanted chains. She could not use magic to transport away or to take off the chains and kill Snow right then and there. "It's alright...we'll think of another way to deal with her." Charming spoke, trying calm his wife. He turned to hug her tightly before moving forward and meet the Queen's gaze.

"Lock her away." He commanded and the traitorous guards moved forward and forcefully dragged her out of the room.

A week passed since Regina was thrown into the dungeons. Charming and Snow White finally decided her punishment. Public execution. Of course, they were too cowardly to do it themselves, so they hired someone who could and would take pleasure in doing so.

Bows were held and arrows were pointed at her. She was bound by stake, unable to move. She glared at everyone around her. Disgusted by all the faces in the crowd.

On Snow's call, the arrows would be released and would impale her flesh. Regina closed her eyes and held her breath.

"Wait!" Snow called out. The archers stopped what they were doing and turned to look at their future queen in astonishment. Prince Charming looked at Snow White in surprise as well. "What's the matter, Snow? Why did you stop them?" She shook her head, "It doesn't need to end this way...I don't want it too."

"But, all the pain she has cause-"

"I know! I know. I just think this isn't the best way to end things. After all the things she has done, I still don't want her dead."

Snow looked at the archers "Stop everything. We will not be continuing this." Regina looked at Snow in shock and anger. "Why...?" She asked. She did not incur an answer from the dark haired women, she only received silence. This fueled her rage.

"Why!?" She yelled angrily, putting up a fit as the guards around her untied her from the post. One of the guards next to Snow leaned in and received a command. He nodded and walked ahead of Regina, waving for the other guards to follow. They obeyed and dragged Regina back to her prison.

After some time, Snow White and Prince Charming were now crowned King and Queen of the realm. Everyone rejoiced and was finally able to be free from the wrath of the Evil Queen for she was rotting away in a cell. To which others said that Queen Snow gave her too good of a punishment.

Regina boiled with rage at how everyone around the kingdom accepted them as rulers so quickly. How they were so perfect in everyone's eyes, and she, she was Hades in their eyes. She was the Evil Queen. The one who ripped out hearts of men and women. Ruined lives of many. She was as evil as they come.

The former queen became restless in the three months she was in her dungeon. Was three or four, she didn't know. The days seemed to blur together and her anger left her even more empty than she was before. She did not deserve this, she deserved better. She deserved to have Snow's head on a platter and Charming on a stake. She wanted to kill them all, make them rue the day they ever crossed her.

Then, after anger, emptiness settled in. The emptiness grew and the feeling was making her hollow. She felt as if she was decaying, and now she felt as if she was reverting back to her time when she had no power, when she was helpless. Her eyes became clouded in all too familiar tears, but she would not cry. She would not let them win, yet she felt they already had. She would die in here while the King and Queen laughed and hogged themselves on riches, love, and loyalty.

Even more months past and Regina started to crave freedom. She wanted to leave, to be set free. It was the same feeling she felt when she was married to King Leopold. She craved it, almost to the point where her own being felt as if it was melting from the inside. Her bones tingled and her stomach churned; she wanted to be set free. She could not bear it any more.

Her chocolate brown eyes stared at the cobblestone walls; murky and ragged. Cracks stuffed with filth and mold. The small peep hole above her showed a faint light. It was night, for she glanced up and saw the moon. She sighed, she was growing restless as another day ended.

Her skin felt grimy from the dirt that caked on over time. They only allowed her to bath once every two weeks and only allowed her access to cold water. Her hair stuck to her face from her sweat. She leaned back into the cool cobblestone to feel the frigidness to them in the hot summer night.

"I want to leave..." She said to no one but herself. She took a shuddering breath and slumped her shoulders. Regina could feel sleep coming along. She fought it long enough and decided to fall under its dark embrace. Her brain ceased its thoughts and her muscles relaxed.

"So peculiar" A voice said. Regina startled awake and looked around to see if a guard was in her cell. She squinted in the faintly lit room, but found no one. She wondered if she was hearing things. She wouldn't be surprised if she was going crazy.

"Why would one recognize themselves as a Queen of Evil?" The voice, which sounded as if several voices mixed into a single voice. Regina stood up quickly, yet stumbled a bit for her muscles were not used to working so hard.

"Who are you?" She asked. She looked around her cell to see if she could find the source of the voice.

"Where..." She trailed off, now thinking she has gone officially insane. The voice then chuckled and she tensed. "Show yourself!"

She saw the shadows move to the left corner in the cell, all the shadows in the room moved to that specific corner and then combined to create a faint humanoid figure, yet she couldn't tell if the person was a man or a women.

She then decided to speak up after some time "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to help you, of course." The voice replied back smoothly. The voice bounced around the walls and echoed through Regina's entire being. She felt a sudden draft come in which made her shiver.

"What...exactly are you?" Her voice cracked. It's been a while since she had to talk, so she was not used to moving her jaw or tongue for speech.

"Your salvation."

To Be Continued!

Author's Note:

So, yeah, I kind of had this idea for a while and decided to upload it. This one is not a reader-insert. It has OC's and stuff. Mostly revolving around Regina. This is before the curse and it's in an alternative universe. I'm not sure how long this story will be, but I will be posting a lot of chapters for it. Also, just because this one is out, does not mean I won't update the other stories I have. Any questions, please comment, and thanks for reading!