She hadn't known that it had been 60 years since she first started operating at the theatre she had oh-so loved, even though her appearance looked like how she was in the past, a 16 year old girl with teal twin tails and matching eyes. The happy-go-lucky virtual idol everyone else endearingly knew. The top idol sensation, a famous idol in early 2009.

Behind the curtains, she still kept up that behaviour her programmers coded in. She was still the happy-go-lucky, childish and sisterly woman that everyone looked up to, regardless of popularity. She held everyone close to her, a few best friends, a sake-loving girl with her ice-cream loving man, and 'twins' with the same colour scheme, albeit completely different...

And the male twin, was her object of affection. She didn't appreciate how her heart pounded loudly against her non-existent ribs, how she felt so shy, so... Scared. Scared of what? Perhaps of rejection. It was a rather funny feeling to her, but she confessed anyway.

And they both lived happily ever after, commonly singing and performing with each other(though to the horror of his mirror image), talking, sharing the good and the bad, and watched many people deactivate and activate, and soon, more Vocaloids had joined them, and they soon became a big, happy family.

She assumed, that was why she felt that she only had been activated for a few months. Time passed by so quickly, in a blink of an eye, it had already been 60 years.

And maybe it was how she was non-stop performing in a stage 24/7(not really), but sometimes, her system acts up, and part of her memory got deleted.

It was pretty recent, after all, she mused in her head, deft digits in the pale shade of death combing through the tangled mess she called her hair, nimbly slipping them into her signature twin tails in her signature hair ties. She would forget who was her creator, or that she was not human, or even her favourite food. When she grew to like ice-cream and bananas, everyone stared at her like she was some sort of escaped fugitive. She felt she didn't belong most of the time, forgetting the names of the newer Vocaloids, maybe even some of the old Vocaloids(she still cannot remember)..

And worst of all, she forgot her lover. Half of a mirror that stuck through the good and bad with her, seeing the different dimensions of her, how this 60 year-old program could act so childsh, so mature, so hypocritical, so adorable.. And so lovely.

Everytime, whenever her system sputters out unneeded binary and codes, he still stuck with her, another 60 year-old(though he still remembers), and he still tried his best so they could be together, so that they can still love, and be loved.

Miku, after a bit of contemplating, opened gradient rose lips to speak, although quite stiffly, quite inhumanly,

"Don't you hate me?"

Banana-coloured hair swayed in the artificial wind, cerulean eyes peering into her teal ones, a cock of the head, and he went asking,

"Hate you for what, Miku-chan?"

Mechanical eyes shifted downward, light flickering, threatening to die out right there and then, as she continued to speak. "Won't you hate me for forgetting? What I had experienced with you all... Myself, and you...?"

Len widened his eyes, appalled by her sudden accusation, but his eyes slowly narrowed back, the drilled-in smile that appeared on the stage oftenly returned. It seemed like he was going to forget too, but he gently raised his arms to wrap around the holograph of her, his drilled-in smile soon replaced with his usual, warm-hearted smile.

"If that was the case, then I'll be sure to make you remember, Miku."