Title: YuGiOh the Black Cauldron

Genre: romance, friendship, adventure

Pairings: puzzleshipping(YamixYugi), tendershipping(BakuraxRyou), bronzeshipping(MarikxMalik), supportshipping(HondaxAnzu{later})

Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been on here for a while. I've been busy with work and a feew other things. I know I would work on some of my other YuGiOh fanfics before I start any new ones, but I was really in the mood to do this one. Disney's The Black Cauldron was one of my favorites as a kid and I had noticed no one has yet to do this theme and I'm excited about doing it. I already have a favorite scene all planned out. It'll be at the end though. For now, enjoy!

Chapter 1


There is a dark legend behind a deadly weapon known as the Black Cauldron. Long ago when the cauldron was a normal black iron cauldron, there was once an evil sorcerer who desired to rule over all with an undead army. However, during a battle, the sorcerer was pushed into the cauldron, which had a spell casted upon it so that it could finally kill the powerful sorcerer.

Being pushed into the cauldron, as soon as his body touched the black liquid, his body immediately began to dissolve but it trapped his soul inside, never allowing him passage to the world beyond life and death. Being sealed within the cauldron, the sorcerer's powers turned the cauldron into a weapon that can turn the dead into an army that can never die in battle; Cauldron Born. Any living being that climbs inside will never resurface alive.

Knowing how dangerous the Black Cauldron is, the Gods have hidden the cauldron away where three witches watch over and protect it from those who would use it to conquer the world.

And now, at a small house, enough room for four with a small barn with a few animals such as three geese, one goat, and one horse stabled right next to a small building big enough for a bedroom and bathroom. A black cat with white paws, on his chest and a white circle around his left eye, wakes up from his nap, looking over to where his master is, hearing him mumbling over his studies at his desk. Stretching and yawning, the cat leaps from the stack of books he was on and approach his master.

The man at the desk had long white hair, amber eyes, wearing a red outfit with brown shoes, a wedding band on his left ring finger, had noticed something in his studies that is very troublesome. "Oh no, this can't be good." Noticing the cat cock his head to the side with a puzzled look on his face, the man named Pegasus says, "Dartz, the ruler of a hidden race has been taken over by evil and has become the Horned King. And now he is up to something, I just don't know what.

"Unless Yugi-boy senses it, I won't know for certain what his plans are."

Now giving his master the 'are you serious?' glare, the cat starts to meow, wanting something. "I know you want your breakfast, Croquet. Yami will get you something soon." Making his way to the kitchen, Pegasus sees the said teen standing at the window, staring outside, while the stew in the pot boil over. "Yami-boy, the stew is boiling over!" Pegasus exclaims, his arms crossed in a disapproving way like a parent to a child.

Looking back at his master, Yami, a teen of seventeen with gravity-defying tri-color hair with a black base, crimson tips, blond bangs with some shaped like lightning bolts up the base, sharp crimson eyes, skin with a light tan, wearing dark pants that hug his legs, a black leather sleeveless shirt, and dark boots with a few studs on the sides, faces him and says as he hides the thoughtful look he had on his face earlier, "Oh Pegasus, I've been thinking once the war is over, I never had the chance to fight for our home."

Shaking his head at the idea of his apprentice fighting in the war, Pegasus says with his arms still crossed, "You know that some are not meant to be on battlefields. War is not a game. Many people get hurt."

Just as Yami went to lift the lid on the pot without a cloth, the heat burned his fingers the minute they touched the surface. Seeing his apprentice do that and then grabbing a cloth to lift the lid with the other hand that wasn't burned, Pegasus adds after letting out a chuckle, "And you could lose more than just getting a burned hand if you're fighting out there."

"I just want to prove myself that I can fight and protect what's really important." Yami replies as Pegasus prepares a bowl and puts some of the stew in it.

"You can protect what's important without being in the war. Now take this to Yugi." Pegasus said as he handed Yami a tray with the bowl with a small glass of milk and a little plate with a slice of buttered toast. Glaring at his master as he went back to his desk, Yami steps out and make his way to the small house.

When around Pegasus, he pretends he doesn't like Yugi, but in secrecy and when they are alone, the two boys really like each other. Once in front of the little house, Yami glances around to make sure Pegasus isn't watching before he knocks on the door softly. Within a few seconds, a small teen in sixteen years, appearing a little feminine for a boy with hair like Yami's but with red-purple tips, less blond bangs with a cute little forelock in the center, wide amethyst eyes, wearing an outfit like Yami's, opens the door to see his crush outside with a tray in his hands.

Giving the older boy a very sweet smile, Yugi lets Yami inside. After closing the door and he set the tray down on a small table in the corner that had two chairs, Yami plants a light kiss on Yugi's forehead. "Why do we have to keep our relationship a secret from Master Pegasus?" Yugi asks sweetly. Yami just loves how Yugi sounds so sweet when they're alone.

"You know that he'll flip if he knew how we are with each other." Yami replies as they sat at the table.

"You don't know that." Yugi says as he picks up the spoon before dipping it into the stew.

"Well, that's a possibility." Yami adds as he just sat next to Yugi.

Taking a bite out of the stew, Yugi immediately made a face as soon as the contents touch his tongue. Yami let out a small giggle. "I see that Pegasus' cooking is still terrible." Yugi says after swallowing the bitter food forcefully.

Since they both hate Pegasus' cooking, Yami has a sneaky smirk on his face as he slowly reach behind his back and bring out a wrapped object from his pocket. "Here," Handing him the object, Yugi looks back and forth between Yami and the object with a curious look. Unwrapping the object, Yugi's face brightens when he sees a cheeseburger cooked the way he likes it. "When did you..."

"Last night while Pegasus was asleep, I made it so you could have it instead of his terrible cooking." Happy that he won't have to be forced this time, Yugi leaps from his seat and hugs, or rather tackle Yami to the ground, thanking him for the burger and the thought. "Easy Yugi, we can't have Pegasus hearing us."

"Right sorry." Getting back in his seat, Yugi went to enjoy the burger while Yami sat next to him, reading one of the books from the small bookcase next to the front door. Once Yugi is satisfied with the burger and Yami had put the book back after reading six chapters, the two sat on his bed and snuggled with Yami holding Yugi close with the smaller laying his head on his chest.

Five minutes into cuddling, Yugi started to feel something inside his mind. As the thought became clear, Yugi realize what he is sensing. Feeling Yugi become uneasy, Yami immediately snapped his eyes open and said as he held Yugi by the shoulders, "Yugi, what's wrong?"

Feeling a part of his back aching as his hidden wings wanted to unfold, Yugi clutch his arms tightly as he began to shake violently. Worried that there's something wrong with him, Yami picks him up bridal style and carry him back to the house, to see Pegasus step out the back door, clearly he is upset about something. "Pegasus, something's wrong with Yugi!"

"Quickly, bring him inside!" Inside, with only a single candle now, Pegasus urges Yugi into a chair, gently rubbing his back where it was aching earlier, Yami says as he stands off to the side, "What's the getup, Pegasus?"

When he faced him, Pegasus had a serious look on his face. "You must understand, Yami. You must never spread the word of what you will soon witness. I've sworn not to use his powers unless I really need to. But now I must see what he's sensing."

Facing Yugi, he places a firm but gentle hold on his shoulder and says, "Now, allow us to see what troubles you."

Taking a deep breath, as he slowly exhales, what Yami sees surprises him into shock; beautiful white wings slowly unfold and once he opens his eyes, Yugi's beautiful amethyst are glazed over as a strange mist appear above his head. Watching the mist as Yugi sits as still as a statue, barely breathing, Yami and Pegasus watch as different images appear in the dark mist. The first image if a turquoise being with long hair, mismatched eyes, horns on his forehead, a small green crystal around his neck on the back of a black steed, appearing to be searching for something. "Dartz the Horned King." Pegasus says grimly as he sees that Yugi had sensed what he had been studying over.

"What's going on here, Pegasus?" Yami can't help but ask, being worried about how his best friend and crush just not move, not even showing signs he's breathing.

Watching Dartz ride his horse into the distance and away, Pegasus answers as a new image form in the shape of a cauldron with the legendary sorcerer engraved in the sides, "That demonic king is searching for the Black Cauldron and the key he needs in order to locate it."

Just as Yami went to gently touch Yugi's shoulder, Pegasus stopped him before he could make a third step. "Don't interfere."

When the cauldron vanished, the next image made Yami's fear worsen; it was an image of Yugi standing beside Ryou Bakura and Malik Ishtar, all three appearing in total fear of being used to find the weapon. "That's Yugi and the others!"

"He knows. But now you must stop him at once."

Confused, Yami immediately touch Yugi's arm. At once when he felt his touch, Yugi blinked and snapped out of the trance he was in with his wings folding back and his eyes return to normal. Panting from the trance, Yugi lets Yami hold him in his arms as Pegasus sends a message off to some friends of his through a silver crystal embedded in the wall behind his desk.

With the message delivered and his friends preparing the boys that they are the guardians of, Pegasus gathers a few things and says with Yami watching him closely, "I now see that Dartz knows of Yugi, Ryou and Malik-boy's powers. You must take Yugi someplace safe and wait until I come for you."

"But why must we hide?" Yami asks as Yugi returns to normal.

"Dartz will be coming after Yugi and the others. So you must meet up with your friends and immediately take them somewhere safe." says Pegasus as he prepares a small travel bag with some food and water.

"You know that Bakura, Marik and I are not afraid of Dartz the Horned King." Yami says with a serious face. Then the expression softens. "But if I have to protect Yugi, then I will do it and keep him safe."

"That's my boy." Pegasus then brings both boys into his arms, hugging them like a father would to his sons. "Take care, both of you."

"I won't fail you, Pegasus." With that, once he released them, Yami and Yugi leave their home to meet up with their friends in the woods with Pegasus watching them from the door with Croquet sitting by his master's feet.

Remembering the day that Yugi was first brought to him at a very young age, sound asleep in the arms of his grandfather and Yami standing by Pegasus with a look of pure curiosity at the smaller boy. The older man, Sugoroku had informed him that his people had been attacked, with little Yugi and his friends Ryou and Malik the targets. With Ryou and Malik being taken to some of his closest friends, Pegasus agreed to take Yugi under his wing and protect him until he is needed by fate along with his best friends and the ones that are destined to protect and be with them.

"Destiny has so much in store for them and they are just so young." Pegasus whispers as he watch his boys disappear among the trees and into the woods.