AN: I own nothing but the plot and all OCs.

The Seventh Element: The Element of Hope

Chapter 1

An Assistant And A Summoning

A light Pink pony with pink/purple mane and tail with a purple heart-shaped cutie mark with silver stars trotted quickly down the hall of the shinning palace determined to get her princess's request filled as quickly as possible. Oh, where is it? I know I saw it down here this morning. The pony thought as she came to the castle's library. She walked in and began her search on the first floor.

"Aha," Cried the pony upon finding the papers she sought. "Now to get these to Princess Dusk." As she made her way back papers clenched in her mouth the lilac colored pony let her thoughts wander.

"Announcing Lavender Heart," A guard said as she approached the audience hall where Princess Dusk was waiting. Inside the room a white alicorn pony sat on the throne with a dusk setting cutie mark on her flank.

"Lavender I see you found the papers. Thank you," Princess Dusk said.

"No problem your Highness. I remembered seeing them in the library during my morning research session."

"Oh? And what have you learned?"

"I learned the duplication spell for copying anything from notes to entire books." The Princess smiled softly at her young pupil she knew the pony before her still had much to learn outside of books and research. And today she would begin her great journey.

"That's wonderful Lavender."

"Thank you Princess."

"Now I have another task for you my dearest student."

"Yes? What is it?"

"Come and I will show you." The two ponies headed out of the audience hall and to the dragon hatchery. "For many centuries unicorns whom are particularly gifted with magic have come to have assistants to help them. Today you will be receiving such a pony or well dragon as the case may be."

"Really?!" Princess Dusk smiled at the eagerness of her pupil as she placed a pink dragon egg before her.

"Yes. Now I want you to focus on this egg and help the dragon hatch." Lavender focused her magic as she was told and shot a rose pink beam at the egg. The egg started cracking and soon enough a pink baby dragon with hot pink spikes and eyes and pale pink tummy came out.

"Hello little one. My name is Lavender Heart What's yours," Lavender asked.

"Hello Lavender my name is Silla," She told her new mistress.

"What a pretty name for such a pretty dragon." Silla smiled happily at Lavender.

"Well done Lavender. I knew you could do it," Princess Dusk said to her student.

"Thank you Princess."

"That will be all for today I'd like you to spend the rest of the day getting better acquainted with Silla."

"Yes Princess. Silla come here you can ride on my back." Silla quickly climbed onto Lavender's back and the two left the hatchery and Princess Dusk behind. Princess Dusk watched them go before her smiling and happy face faded and one of sadness and determination replaced it.

"Soon Lavender. Soon your true lessons will begin." The Princess's smile returned as she watched her most faithful student and her new assistant leave.

Princess Twilight Sparkle, a purple alicorn with navy, magenta, and purple mane and tail with a magenta and silver star bursts cutie mark, awoke in her castle of friendship.

"Oh good you're finally awake Twilight," Spike, Twilight's dragon assistant said.

"Yes, why are you up so early Spike? Usually I have to use the jaws of life to wake you up."

"I keep getting letters form Princess Celestia. She wants you and the others to head to Canterlot as soon as possible."

"What?! Why didn't you wake me earlier?!"

"The train station doesn't open till 9:30 it's 5:30."

"Oh… Right." Twilight laughed nervously. "I'll finish packing and can you send word to the others?"

"I already did they will meet you at the station."

"Good and thank you Spike." The rest of the morning Twilight spent packing and preparing for her meeting with the Princess.

"There she is," Pinkie Pie an enthusiastic pink pony with balloons as a cutie mark exclaimed.

"You don't need to be so loud Pinkie," Twilight told her as she and Spike approached the train station.

"She's right darling. It's far too early," Rarity, a white unicorn with purple mane and tail and three diamonds cutie mark said.

"Let's get this show on the road. The sooner we get there the sooner we can whoop whatever it is," A rainbow manned cyan colored Pegasus known as Rainbow Dash said.

"Calm down Rainbow. There's no need to get all out of sorts," Apple Jack, a blonde mane and tail colored pony said. Her apples cutie mark standing out against the orange of her coat. A yellow Pegasus with pink mane and tail, whom was Twilight's marefriend, stood off to the side.

"Oh stuff it AJ. You know the only reason we were summoned is to kick some bad guys butt!"

"Rainbow maybe… you should wait till we know what's going on?.." the yellow Pegasus known as Fluttershy said to her childhood friend.

"Do we have everything? They are allowing ponies to board now," Twilight interjected before a fight could break out.

"Yes I believe so," Rarity said as the six ponies and one dragon made for the platform to board the train. The ride to Canterlot was quiet as each pony contemplated what would cause their summoning. Once the group reached the capital city of Equestria they were rushed to the castle.

"Thank you for meeting me so quickly," Princess Celestia, a white alicorn with purple, pink, and teal mane said her sun cutie mark seemingly glittered.

"Of course Princess," Twilight spoke.

"If you would, please follow me." Celestia lead the group to a large room within the room was a stone circle with seven spots in the center. "This is where the elements of harmony were first created: magic, laughter, kindness, honesty, loyalty, generosity, and hope." The six ponies stared shocked at the mention of a seventh element of harmony. "Long ago there had been seven elements of harmony. But the seventh element was lost long before even Nightmare Moon. I have reason to believe the seventh element will be making itself known."


"The great evil that sealed the seventh element is awakening."

"Great evil," Apple Jack asked.

"Yes. Long ago the elements were wielded by seven princesses of Harmony. But one, the original wielder element of hope allowed darkness in to herself and sought to gain control of all the elements and use their power for the wrong reasons. The seventh princess failed in her actions. The other six used their own elements and sealed the seventh princess away. The six then used the last of their powers to send the elements to the center of Equestria. The center is where we are now. Luna and I found the elements when we arrived here and vowed to use them the way they were meant to. Now that has moved on to you ponies. Your task is to find the seventh element and its wielder to defeat the seventh princess.

"What was the seventh princess's name," Rarity asked.

"Demonica when she was the element of hope her name was Star Dust."

"How will we even begin our search your highness," Twilight asked.

"Here. Each of you stand in place of where your element came from and focus on your element. This stone will send you to where the seventh element and its wielder reside." The six ponies and spike on Twilight's back stood in their places. As the six ponies concentrated on their element they started to glow yellow and the familiar rainbow colors cyclone around them. "Good luck my little ponies." The light grew and in an instant the elements of harmony were transported to a new place.