"Hey Dennis, how're you today?"

Dennis Creevey looked up from his sketchpad to the redheads now hovering over his chair and sighed.

"What do you guys want?"

The twins donned matching looks of offense. "Us?" The first one asked.

"Why Dennis,"

"you say that like"

"we'd only speak to you"

"if we wanted something."

"But as long as you're asking…"

"We have had this question about you for a while."

"Just a little inquiry."

"A small query."

"What we'd like to know is"

"how you,"

"a mere second year,"

"are a member of a group"

"what's more, a secret group,"

"started in Hogsmeade?" they finished together.

Dennis rolled his eyes. "I asked Colin to sign me on. Obviously."


"that's what we thought, except,"

"we happen to know that that list"

"is charmed so that the person signing it"

"has to be the person they're signing for."

Dennis shifted uncomfortably, caught in the lie. "I, er, asked Hermione to let me sign it when she got back."

"And that would have been our second thought,"

"Only we also happen to know"

"that your name appears"

"precisely between Micheal Corner"

"and Katie Bell,"

"both of whom"

"signed it in Hogsmeade."

"And that, dear Dennis, means you,"

"a second year,"

"with no sneaking-out experience to speak of,"

"made it into and out of Hogsmeade that day,"

"without being caught."

"So, obviously, our question for you is…"

"How?" They finished triumphantly.

"We heard something interesting today."

"About a certain Prefect"

"who facilitated the delinquency of a second year"

"who wanted to go to Hogsmeade"

"to sign up for an altogether age-inappropriate,"

"far too dangerous,"

"against all the rules,"

"actually illegal,"

"secret defense group."

The prefect in question barely glanced up from her reading as they looked at her expectantly. When she offered them no response, they continued.


"is it true?"

She did look up at that, an indignant flush coloring her cheeks. "If it was, I'd hardly be likely to tell you." She looked thoughtfully at them for a moment, and then added, "though, if it were to be true, and word reached anyone other than myself and the second year in question, especially his brother or Harry, the two of you had best watch what you eat for a while." At that, she turned and walked off, up the girls' stairs to her dorm.

The twins looked at each other disbelievingly. "Did she-?"

"I think so, yeah."



"She does realize that this means war?"

His twin grinned knowingly. "I think she's counting on it, brother mine."

"Then we'd best oblige her."


AN: Hey there! Thanks for reading! Here's me addressing a plot hole, namely that of Dennis Creevey being in the DA. Drop us a comment or send a PM if you've got something to say. Feedback and requests are always loved!
