This is my first Skoulson fanfiction. I love both Coulson and Skye. The time frame is somewhere after Skye has learnt to use her inhuman skills. Coulson is head over heals for Skye. But she is on the limelight. This should be chapter one. Hope you like it. Only Skoulson shippers can enjoy. If you are not a Skoulson fan, don't read and later complain! Tell me if you liked it.

Disclaimer: The characters are not mine.

Ward had some sort of a serum injected into Skye. She was crying, bleeding and turning blue. And she was screaming. Screaming his name…. "Coulson! Coulsoooooooooon!"

Coulson tried to respond but words were stuck at his throat…. He was bound to a chair that electrocuted him every time he attempts to move.

"Coulson…..COULSON….please, it hurts" she screamed again and again.

Coulson wished he was dead. He wished he was on that theater bed with robotic hands stinging his sanity out from his brain. He wished that aliens have conquered the earth and terminated earth's last human from its surface, and he won't care right now.

He burnt with pure agony.

He could not lose her. The girl he cherished like his own soul, like his own salvation. The smile that made him go on when the last of the hopes has crumbled in to the depths of despair. The face that mirrors his might, his faith and his dedication.

His second coming.

'COULSON!' She wailed. Skye was blue.

Coulson gathered all the air left in his lungs and screamed. "SKYE!"

And he fell.

Coulson fell from the couch where he was having a nightmare in the middle of the noon.

Oh, great it was a dream. That's a relief, Coulson thought. This is not the first time he was having nightmares of Skye at unique-near-death-scenarios. He has not been able to sleep much within last few days, and when every time he does….Skye is in his dreams. Coulson wondered if he should speak with his counselor on this. What would he say? Or should I just stand down from the Director post….What would Fury's reaction be. Coulson pictured Fury and the Eye…a stern face saying that it is unhealthy because as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, he should be dreaming of ….. SHIELD? Hydra? Captain America or that narcissist Tony Strak? Would dreaming of Loki be too personal?

"Hello Sir, may I know why you are calling out for Agent Skye in your sleep or should I be in Level Platinum to receive clearing for this high profile intel from you?" A voice boomed.

Hunter! Damn the mercenary.

Coulson quickly got to his feet, with his mind racing for an answer.

"I…..I just…..saw Skye…" So much so for a professional reply.

"That part, I have already figured out. What I am really interested in is as to WHY….." Hunter was grinning, seeing the director lost for words with reddening cheeks.

It is not the first time that Hunter got a hunch that Director was extra partial to Skye. The first time he noticed this was when he literary walked into a hug shared by Coulson and Skye. Yes, Hunter calls it the group-hug-situation.

Then he began to notice.

Let the director think that he could fool a well-trained mercenary. But Hunter knew if he tried to keep track of the moments that Coulson's eyes linger on Skye when she talk, smile, joke or even when she brief the team, he would be in for a mathematical surprise.

How many times has he seen Coulson pondering over Skye's face? Whenever he hugs her, he does it as if it is the end of the world. He makes whatever the emotional excuses to touch her face and he do it with so much sincerity and adoration that for a second or two Coulson's unreadable face turns into a mirror of his heart. Whenever he calls her name he words it as if it is a prayer. A mercenary he is, Hunter feels his heart melting as he watches the Director getting through the day.

And now Coulson cannot even sleep without Skye party-crashing his dreams.

This Hunter guy has a better eye than I realized. He has all the possible alien artifacts to keep himself busy with, but what does he choose to make his hobby….? watching me watching Skye and thinking of…her. And of course, the she-devil herself pops up!

"Coulson…guess what! Oooh I mean DIRECTOR…"

Wonderful, thought Coulson. I am trying to gulp one shock down my throat and now you pops up with those….. laughing brown eyes…..Coulson trailed off. The loveliest misery of my life after death after life.

'Hello, Skye.' He mutters.

"What's up, Hunter?" her look darts back to Hunter from Coulson. "Are you by any chance disturbing the director's nap? And yes, Coulson…I mean sir, when was the last time you had a proper sleep?" Skye throws herself beside Coulson, totally unaware of her tormented admirer.

"I….uh," Coulson mumbles.

"Hey, hey! It's not me who is disturbing Director's sleep….it is someone…."

"That's enough, Hunter." Coulson turns I-am-the-director-so-I-am-stern mode. If you are sniffing for trouble Hunter, I can throw you out of the bus, anytime, and very gladly,thought Coulson.

"Ahm….you were going to say…" Coulson asks, distracted by both Skye and Hunter's mischievous grin.

"Oh, yes. I think I found a weak spot in S.W.O.R.D.'s communication codes. Whoever he or she is, Gonzales needs to recruit a new IT person. I hacked them in two minutes! You should be glad I am on your side, Director."

"I am, very much." Coulson's gaze lingered on Skye's face for the millionth time. Hunter bit his lips. Oh, man!

It was quite recent that Gonzales gave up the idea of 'Real Shield' and retreated to S.W.O.R.D; the latest alien and inhuman fighting organization, which of course was a pain on Coulson's team and an advantage for Ward and his Hydra.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I got you this." Skye said taking out a small trinket out from one of her many pockets. It was a miniature wax model of her, dressed all in her super woman suit with a name tag Quake.

"So, now you are a celebrity?" Coulson asks, examining the miniature model.

"Seems so." Skye said shrugging. "After my lets-learn-how-to-earthquake show at the Battle of the Aurora, people seem to take me for a super heroine."

And here I am having nightmares of Skye getting hurt, thought Coulson. I should really loose the Skye's protector mentality. The whole freaking world accepts that she is a super inhuman, and I am worried of her safety.

"Daisy Johnson," Agent May calls out. "Your new Avenger Security Clearance Card is here."

"Urgh…I hate that name." Skye complained. Coulson shudders. He could never freaking ever could call her Daisy Johnson. She was Skye. She was his Skye. All the excitement of receiving the card seems subdued by her new name.

"Nick Fury here insists that you should send him regular Thank you cards for all the favours he is doing for you." continues May.

"Is nearly-eyeless-Nick online?" Skye stood up and marched towards the large screen to which she waved and smiled. Yes, Fury sure was online and having another one of those nice chit-chats with Skye, my Skye.

Coulson was developing some uncanny feeling about Nick Fury wanting to have Agent Daisy Johnson all to himself. It was recently that Fury contacted him asking whether he could spare Agent Johnson for an Avenger-level mission. He couldn't say know. And look at where it took her, Coulson thought sulking at the miniature Quake aka Daisy Johnson.

"I am not sure Sir, I need to get permission from my Director." Skye was saying. It almost sent an electric shock inside Coulson, just to hear her saying 'My Director'. Coulson heard Nick Fury grumbling and another very enthusiastic voice boomed from behind the screen.

"Hi there, Lazy Daisy!"

OH,GREAT! Fantastic! Exactly what I was hoping for. Now it is Captain America drooling all over Skye. My Skye.

Hunter chuckled seeing Coulson's face getting darker by the second. No wonder this guy is having nightmares in the middle of the day!

"Hello, Crazy Captain of the Democracy-is-my-other-name America!" Skye mocks.

"We have another mission, flower. We'd really like to have you on board. Lady Sif is flying from Azgard to join the team and guess who is our team leader? Freaking old wolfing down all the buns Wolverine! Fury here thinks that I am too irresponsible to be the team leader, so he is asking the nuttiest guy on the planet to lead the mission!"

Of all that was said, FLOWER? He is calling her FLOWER? Coulson gritted his teeth.

"Sir, Fury wants to have a word with you." Skye says sheepishly.

Coulson walked up to the screen. The Director looks like a zombie about to cry, thought Hunter.

"Director Coulson. We would like to have Agent Daisy Johnson in another one of our Avenger missions. If it does not hinder any of S.H.I.E.L.D's plans…." Coulson looked at Skye. Her face didn't betray if she would want to go or not.

"Yes, Sir. You could have her. I understand that the mission is a high risk level and Skye here is all new to the Avenger level missions. You should keep an eye on her. I am responsible for her and I am sending her in against the protocol. And Skye is my agent." Coulson was not planning to speak the last part out loud, but he sort of blurted it out. Fury, must have noted the passive aggression in his voice, that he cracked a smile. "Not to worry Director Coulson, I will return your agent safely."

"So… should I be packing my things now?" Skye asks. "Location?"

" An Avenger is already on his way to pick you Agent Johnson, as we leave tonight."

"Who?" Coulson blurts out before Skye.

"Tony Stark."