I Will Trust in God Alone

Hello. So this story or these stories are from what people wanted me to write. This one is from riddles and secrets. The song that will go along with this is The Lord is My Shepherd by Stuart Townend. If you want, it is on youtube so you can watch and listen to it. Enjoy!

When Gaius, Lancelot, and Merlin got out of the room Merlin leaned on the wall.

"Gaius, I think I have a back injury. It hurts really bad." Merlin said breathlessly. "I think it's from when Morgause used magic and I hit the wall."

"He did hit the wall pretty hard. It could easily cause a back injury. Since he has injured his back several times he could easily have back problems." Lancelot panted.

"Come on. Let's get you 2 back to my chambers." Gaius sighed. So they went to Gaius' chambers. When they went in Arthur, Leon, Elyan, Gwaine, and Percival were there. "Lancelot sit down on the bench. Merlin go lie down. Don't lie down on your back."

"What happened to Merlin?" Arthur asked concernedly as he watched Merlin go to his room.

"He has a back injury. He fell and hurt his back. First, I'll treat Elyan and Lancelot; then, I'll treat Merlin. You can go keep him company. He'll need it. Make sure he doesn't fall asleep."


So Arthur went into Merlin's room. When he went in he saw that Merlin was on his bed resting. His shirt, jacket, and neckerchief laid on the floor near Merlin's bed. Arthur saw that a candle was light next to Merlin's bed. He sat down on the stool next to Merlin's bed. He saw Merlin had his eyes closed. Arthur put his hand on Merlin's shoulder and Merlin opened his eyes.

"Gaius wants you to stay awake. How do you feel?" Arthur whispered kindly.

"My back hurts really bad. I feel as though I've been stabbed in the back several times all over and I still am." Merlin panted painfully. Arthur looked at Merlin's back and saw a few black and blue bruises.

"Do you want me to light the other candles so that you can see better? Also so that I can see how bad the bruises on your back are." Arthur asked.

"Sure." Merlin answered sleepily. So Arthur did.

"Don't fall asleep, Merlin. Gaius wants you awake when he looks at your back. He'll kill me if you fall asleep."

"I'm really tired."

When Arthur finished he went to Merlin's side. He saw that Merlin did look tired. Several minutes later Gaius came in. Arthur went to Gaius sadly.

"The pain in his back is worse. He said that he felt as though he was being stabbed in the back." Arthur quietly explained. Then Gaius went to Merlin's bed. He gently pressed areas of Merlin's back. When he did Merlin hissed in pain. When he was done checking Merlin's back he sighed.

"Merlin, I'm sorry but you have permanent back problem. How do you feel?" Gaius sighed sadly.

"I can't move my legs. I'm so scared, Gaius." Merlin cried.

"It'll be ok."

Then Gaius gave Merlin something for the pain. Then they all went to sleep. Before Arthur went to sleep he went to his window to pray.

"Please, Lord, help Merlin. He really needs help. He can't feel his legs and he is so afraid. Lord, please heal him and forgive his sins. Please forgive my sins. Amen." Arthur prayed. Then he went to sleep. In his dream he was in a very bright room.

Who are you?

"I am a knight." Arthur replied.

Who are you?

"I am a future king."

Who are you?

"I am a child of the king."

Who is your king?

"My father."

Who is your king?

Then Arthur realized who he was talking to.

Arthur, who are you?

"I am a child of my king." Arthur replied.

Who is your king?

"You are my king, my Lord, my savior, and my redeemer."

What does your king require of you?

"To follow the path of righteousness. To never walk away."

GO and be strong. Do what I require of you. I forgive you and Merlin but Merlin but ask for forgiveness. Go and talk to him. Tell him the truth.

Then Arthur woke up. The next day, Arthur went to see Merlin. When he went into Merlin's room he saw that Merlin was lying down on his back with several pillows behind him to help his back. He saw that Merlin was partly asleep. He sat down on the stool near Merlin's bed.

"Hey, Merlin, I know you're awake." Arthur whispered.

"How did you know?" Merlin questioned sadly.

"I know you well enough to know when you are asleep and awake. I need to tell you something."

"What do you want to tell me?"

"Last night I sort of had a vision. God asked me 3 times who I was. Then he asked me who my king was. When I told him the correct answer he asked me what does my king require of me. When I told him the right answer he told me to tell you what you forgot. The truth is both of us have fallen from God's path. I have confessed and asked for forgiveness. I also asked God to forgive you. He said that you needed to ask for forgiveness. I know that if you do, God will help you bare the pain."

Merlin began to cry in shame.

"I knew that Morgana was evil when she came back. Those 3 days that I was missing. I was following her. She was with Morgause. They found out, put me in magical chains, and left me to be attacked by serkets. I was stung in the back. The druids found me and healed me. Morgana said that if I said a word that you would die; So I hid the truth from all but Gaius." Merlin cried.

"It's ok. Let's pray together. Ok?" Arthur answered.


"Who will pray?"

"I will."

"Ok. Whenever you are ready."

"Oremus. Pater Noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen Tuum. Adveniat regnum Tuum. Fiat voluntas Tua, sicut in Caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen. Lord, please forgive my sins. I ask of you. Help me to follow you always. Help this pain to be nothing. I have learnt my lesson and wish that you will help me through this trial. You are my king and savior. I will trust in you alone, oh God. You are the shepherd and we are your sheep. You lead us on the path of righteousness but yet we fall away. Help us to trust in you alone. Only you can work though me. Help me to do your will. Help me through the darkest times. Heal my heart of any evil. Make my life pure. I long to be with you, Lord. Amen."

"What language were you speaking?"

"It's a Latin prayer that my mother taught me as a child."

"How are your legs?"

"I can move them again but my back is sore and I'm in pain. Luckily I have these nice pillows and new mattress so that it won't be so hard on my back. Gaius said that I should be up and about in a few days."


Then Arthur left. For the next few days Merlin recovered. Soon he was back on his feet. Everything was alright.


Oremus- Let us pray

The rest of the Latin prayer means: Our father, who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.