A/N: Hello, I know I should be working on one of the other stories, but I was on YouTube watching videos, and I one video I watched was really good. It inspired me to write this.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it.

Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep.

December 1

The constant tone brought him from his slumber. He checked the time: it was 1:00 a.m. at Titan's Tower. Every member of the team had been asleep for hours, except for him. He had only gone to sleep an hour ago, but he didn't need much sleep, after all he was a bat.

Speaking of which…. It was his old communicator that was going off. The one from his life as Batman's sidekick, his protégé. The one that was only meant for dire emergencies. The one he hadn't touched since the last time he talked to Batman, which had ended in a fight to end all fights…. And communication between the "Dynamic Duo."

The fact that it was going off wasn't a good sign. Even when he was in crisis, Batman no longer used the communicator to call for Robin. This was serious.

Beep beep beep. Beep, beep, beep. Beep beep beep.

Robin grabbed the communicator, put it in his ear and hit talk.

"Talk to me, what's the situation, Batman?" Robin said, voice deadly serious. Despite just waking up, Robin was able to be fully alert, thanks to his training courtesy of Batman.

Robin was surprised by what he heard: "You haven't been keeping up with Gotham news, have you?" came a feminine voice. It was Batgirl's voice, he could recognize it, anywhere.

"Not this week's news." Robin confirmed, "The Titans' have been busy this week. Why, what's the problem?" His nerves were starting to get tense, and he opened his laptop to look up Gotham's news for the week. That's when he saw it. In large, bold words read: "Batman missing in action." There were very few occasions where the Bat went missing in action, nearly none, and the only good reason was that he was off world, which Robin knew for a fact that he wasn't.

"What's happening in Gotham?" Robin said, quietly. His voice was practically a whisper.

"Joker's out of Arkham," Batgirl said, voice eerily silent, "and this time he got a lucky shot in."

What?! That couldn't possibly be true. He's, he's Batman. Batman always prevailed, always. But, it was the Joker, after all. That monster was by far Batman's greatest enemy, and Batgirl wouldn't lie about something like this.

"What's his condition?" Robin asked, calmly. The gravity of the situation was settling in on him. His heart rate was pulsating and his pulse was skyrocketing. Bruce couldn't die, he just couldn't. Especially not before they could make amends. He didn't want the hurtful words that he spoke to Bruce the last time they talked to be the last words they shared.

"He's still alive, he got help just in time." Batgirl informed him. It was a relief, he felt some of his tension dissipate, but he knew there was more to it, because Batgirl wouldn't have used to emergency signal if there wasn't. She would have called his cellphone.

"What's wrong?" Robin asked, worriedly. He could tell she was on edge, too. She was just as worried as he was, and he knew that it must have been hard for her to inform him of this development. She knew that this was something that he had to be told.

"He's – he's not waking up, Robin!" Batgirl's voice cracked. He could tell she needed someone to comfort her now.

"It'll be okay, Batgirl, it'll be okay." Robin said, trying to soothe her nerves, but he was also trying to calm himself, too. "Why isn't he waking up?"

"T-the doctors said that he went into a coma." Batgirl informed him, and his heart began to tremble. He knew just what that meant. "They don't have an estimate for when he'll wake up."

"I'll be there in a few hours." Robin decided, determinedly. He would get there, he would help Barbra, and he would be there when Bruce woke up. Even though it meant leaving his team, he was needed in Gotham.

"What?" Batgirl was astonished. "You're coming back?"

"Yeah, Babs, I'm coming home." Robin informed, honest and seriously. "Joker is still on the loose, and you'll need some backup."

"Are you sure, Dick?" Batgirl asked, there was something in her voice. Was it relief? It had been so long since someone had called him by his first name.

"Yeah," Robin said, "I'm going to be there when he wakes up." He added, determined.

"Gotham needs a Batman, even if it can't be Bruce right now."


A/N: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, and if you're interested in watching the video, then it's titled "Batgirl/Robin Don't Forget" and if you like their video then you should give them a review, too. As always, I would love for you all you to give me a review to tell me your thoughts.