Hello guys, I have come up with a decision, after this chapter I am going to update this story one more time. It's been a long ride but I want to create more stories without feeling bad that 'I haven't updated this story' while I am creating more stories.

So at the end of this chapter, I will have a vote to see what should the final chapter be, sorry if you wanted this series to be longer but I am glad that this was as well liked as it was.

Let's get to the reviews!

Phonenix - Lol You're okay! And I didn't know you stopped until a few days ago, so sorry XP This was really cool! I liked it a lot XD

-Thank you for liking this series, you have been here since the beginning :')

Freddo Fraud - I definitely prefer the ones in the normal universe much more but these are still pretty enjoyable

-AUs are not everyone's cup of tea but thank you for enjoying the chapter nonetheless

Sakihinata - Nice ;)

Thank you ;)

00-SilentObserver-13 - this one was cute the whole D family is a circus family/family business. The next one sounds cool too I can't wait to read what you've come up with that prompt. keep up the awesomely much-appreciated job.

Thank you so much, I'm glad you have been loving this series

Guest - Hi

Hello :)

Tanithlipsky - very good.

Thank you :)

Silvester-Sister - I find it amasing and really cool!
I can literally see him doing these tricks and I had to laoth at a few things becous it's just so them and all! ❤️

Thank you, I try not to be too OOC in certain chapters.

Alright let's get it, this is for Mofooo912 and this is a Modern AU

Chapter 39 - Monkey D. Luffy the Cellist

It was a cold, December evening, it was forty-five minutes to seven p.m. and we see three panicking and slightly disheveled looking men running out of a beautiful red brick house.

"Luffy you took too long in the shower, we only have forty-five minutes to get to the concert venue." a blonde haired young man said in a scolding manner to the younger man now known as Luffy.

"Sabo, we can argue in the car later, just help me put his cello in the trunk." the eldest of the two said, he had raven hair with innocent looking freckles, his name is Ace.

Luffy then went over to the car and proceeded to open up the trunk.

After five minutes of shuffling through the trunk and putting Luffy's cello in a safe place.

"Okay, guys let's go", Ace said as he rubbed his hands for warmth. The three got into the car and proceeded to drive off.

Thankfully the roads were mostly clear and the three arrived at the concert venue.

"Luffy there are two entrances for the Grandline Concert Hall, which one do we go through?" Sabo looked to the backseat to see Luffy looking through his phone.

"Nami said that you can drop me off at the West entrance, the guest park and enter through the east entrance," Luffy said as he was texting his fellow bandmates.

Ace nodded and proceeded to drive, he looked at the rear view mirror making eye contact with Luffy for a second.

"Are you excited? This is your first concert of the year little bro." Ace said with a contempt smile on his face.

Luffy nodded with his usual enthusiastic self.

"Brook picked out the piece we are going to play tonight, even Zoro and Sanji agreed on this piece." Luffy laughed at the thought of his best friends bickering.

Sabo raised his eyebrows in amusement, "Wow it must be really good, you didn't let us hear you practice so you must be really excited."

Luffy laughed and then prepared his stuff as the car was nearing the West entrance, Luffy called his band's manager Robin.

"Hey Robin I am the West entrance, can you have someone open the door." After Robin told him that she would send someone, Luffy then got out of the car.

He grabbed his cello and his music binder and waved his brothers off.

The door of the entrance opened to reveal Usopp and Zoro. "Hey Luffy, you are right on time for once," Usopp said lightheartedly as he held open the door and Zoro grabbed Luffy's cello.

"Yeah, we have only 7 minutes left to warm up so we better hurry", Zoro said as everyone went in the building.

Luffy sat down in his seat, he looked around to see his friends/bandmates get ready for the show.

Luffy was the opener for the first piece of the concert. He was seated in the front while his friends were in the back with the other string instruments.

He saw Nami and Chopper on the Viola; Sanji was on the violin, Zoro was with his snare drums and Usopp was with the timpanis. He saw his other friends like Law and Vivi with the string instruments as well.

He saw his stage managers Robin and Franky doing last minute checks on the sound and stage.

Then, Brook, their conductor proceeded to walk out to the stand, the audience who were only whispering before, quieted down ready for the first performance.

Robin grabbed a mic and welcomed the audience and thanked them for coming out to the concert hall.

"For the first piece of tonight's show, the One Piece band will perform a rendition of One Republic's Secrets. Our first chair cellist Monkey D. Luffy will open the piece.

[Look up 'Beethoven's 5 Secrets — OneRepublic — the Piano Guys on youtube]

Luffy then opened up the piece, he closed his eyes and followed the music, he felt his fingers and bow move effortlessly with the music. One thing Luffy was great at was music, he always wanted to be a musician ever since he was a little boy.

He opened his eyes to look at the rest of the music and noticed his brothers looking at him in the second row with a happy and proud smile on their faces.

He and the band wrapped up the piece and bowed, and the band played a few more pieces and the concert and bowed once again.

The concert was over and in the practice room of the concert hall, the members of the One Piece band were packing up their instruments.

Luffy hugged his friend's goodbye and complimented their work during the concert.

Cello in hand he stepped outside the West entrance and saw his brothers waiting in the parking lot.

He soon entered the car after he put his cello in the trunk and rubbed his hands together because of the cold weather.

Ace and Sabo turned around to face Luffy who was getting comfortable in the backseat.

"We are proud of you little bro." Ace started the conversation, Sabo looked at Ace then turned to look at Luffy once again.

"Since you did great today and you passed your classes before winter break, we wanted to treat our baby brother to a meal," Sabo said with a small smile as Ace sighed softly, dreading the bill that was about to come forth.

Luffy agreed as quickly as the words came out of Sabo's mouth. "YESSsSS let go please and thanks for coming today."

Ace rolled his eyes in a fond matter, "Well we are your ride, and we know how much you love performing, grandpa isn't here so we are the only ones you got left. It would be a pretty shitty thing to do if we didn't support you, right?"

Sabo nodded in agreement, soon after the brothers went home to drop off Luffy's instrument to prevent any damage to the wood because of the weather, then went to Luffy's favorite restaurant.

It was great to see Monkey D. Luffy as a cellist.

Okay, guys, I love seeing supportive brothers because ASL makes me soft and I don't think I could make this chapter any different. Sorry for posting a bit late though but life doesn't make time for your personal stuff.

Here are the voting options for the last chapter

Luffy the Information broker [from Guest]

Luffy as a singer. And the scene I am thinking of is the one episode of Justice League where Batman had to sing for the one lady that was a lounge owner who I think was a bad guy or something close to it to save Diana (Wonder Woman).

[from Shizuka Taiyou]

Luffy the Lawyer [from SonofArtemis52]

Luffy the Storyteller [from Natsuyuuki]

Sorry I ending the series but I want to create more without being sidetracked, though we have one more chapter left, I will see you guys next time.