A/N: This story is what I picture the Persona 3 cast being like in the roles of the Persona 4 cast. There will be many similarities, but most of the cast will be replaced. Some won't, as you will see very soon, because I couldn't think of an adequate replacement. Our characters won't be exactly like they were in either game, but they will be similar enough to share the same arcana as them. Some of the Persona 3 cast won't be involved at all and some social links may be from the female route because I want our dear Minato to have bonds with all of his party members. However, if I get enough requests for certain characters, I may give them cameos or slight roles, but they will unlikely replace current social links. You can probably guess where some of the characters fit in, but others will be VERY unexpected. Please read the author's note at the end because it is important. Without further ado, I present to you A Change in Fate.


"Welcome to the velvet room." Minato is brought to consciousness by a voice. He appears to be in a limousine furnished entirely in blue. The limo is driving on a road that is difficult to see because of the fog. A man with a long nose dressed in a tuxedo was the one who spoke to him. "It seems we have a guest with an intriguing destiny."

"My name is Igor... I am delighted to make your acquaintance. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. It is a room that only those who are bound by a "contract" may enter. It may be that such a fate awaits you in the near future. Now then... Why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Minato Arisato." Play along and maybe the hallucination will go away.

"Now, let's take a look into your future, shall we?" A deck of tarot cards materializes onto the table in front of Igor. "Do you believe in fortune telling?" No, but I'm not going to argue with someone who can stab me with his face.

"Each reading is done with the same cards, but the result is always different. Life itself follows the same principles, doesn't it?"

A card flips over to reveal... "The Tower in the upright position represents the immediate future. It looks like a terrible catastrophe is imminent." Another card flips in the same way revealing... "The Moon in the upright position. This card represents " hesitation" and "mystery"... Very interesting indeed. It seems you will encounter a misfortune at your destination, and a great mystery will be imposed upon you." Igor pauses for a moment.

"In the coming days, you will enter a contract of some sort, after which you will return here. The coming year is a turning point in your destiny... If the mystery goes unsolved, your future may be forever lost. My duty is to provide assistance to our guests to ensure that does not happen." The cards disappear.

"Ah! I have neglected to introduce my assistant to you." He gestures to blonde haired woman to his left. "This is Elizabeth. She is a resident of this place, like myself."

"My name is Elizabeth. It is a pleasure to accompany you on your journey."

Igor speaks up again. "We shall attend to the details another time. Until then, farewell." The room suddenly disappears.

Train station

Minato notices a T.V advertisement. It shows a shirtless man with silver hair hitting a punching bag.

"When I need a boost during my training I always have a muscle drink. Packed with nutrients, it will keep you energized for hours."

Minato walks onto a train while listening to the aimless gossip of those around him. I don't care about who was cheating on who just get onto the train a little faster, please.

Train near Inaba

"Now approaching Yasoinaba Station. Now approaching Yasoinaba Station." With a groan the train slowed to a stop at the end of the railway.

The blue haired teen sighed. It was his favorite song too. Now he had to turn his headphones off to meet his new "family" for the next year. Foster care was such a pain sometimes. He reluctantly got off the train and decided to take a quick scope of the area. As expected, absolutely nothing.

"Might you be Minato Arisato?" Turning around quickly, our hero spotted a man with light brown hair and glasses wearing a trenchcoat. By his side was girl with darker brown hair tied up in buns wearing a pink shirt and a dark blue skirt.

"I apologize for startling you but you seemed to be lost in thought." The man chuckled lightly. "My name is Shuji Ikutsuki. Hard to say isn't it? Maiko over here had some trouble in the beginning, but she seems to have mastered my name even better than I have. Say hello Maiko."

"Your hair is a funny color, why?" This burning question was clearly much more important than formalities to pretty much any second grader in the world.

"I don't know. Why do you have brown hair?" Minato followed through with his most comfortable way of treating children, distract them and maybe they'll leave you alone.

"We can discuss how beautiful both your hairs are at a later date, but for now, let's get you settled into your new home. Oh shoot, I just remembered. My car is running low on gas. I hope you don't mind staying up a little longer."

"It doesn't matter to me, but it seems that Maiko-chan is already half-asleep." It was true, though. She looked ready to enter dreamland any minute.

"Am...not." Considering that statement was interrupted by a yawn, neither of them believed her.

At the gas station, Moel

Ikutsuki's car is attended by a long haired man wearing a uniform declaring him as the only person among his coworkers unlucky enough to be forced into having this shift.

"Are we doing the usual, Ikutsuki-san?" The young attendant walks up to the long time customer of Moel Gas Station. Of course, if you own a car and live within a 30-mile radius of Inaba, you already are a customer of Moel by default.

"Yes please. Minato-kun, can you watch Maiko for me? I need to make a business call." Ikutsuki walks to the edge of the station, phone in hand.

"I need to use the bathroom." Maiko states right after Ikutsuki leaves.

"Need me to come with?" Minato asks. It's only polite, after all.

"I'm fine. I know where it is." Maiko walks away, leaving Minato alone with the attendant.

"New in town?" The attendant asks, making small talk.

"Yes," was Minato's oh so eloquent response.

"Sucks that you got stuck in a boring town like this. Aside from schoolwork, there's nothing here for a kid like you. If you don't get a part-time job you'll probably die of boredom. I think we're hiring over here. Check it out if you need money alright?" He holds out his hand.

"I'll think about it," Minato replies shaking hands with him. Maybe if I say that he'll leave me alone thought our outgoing and friendly hero.

Suddenly a wave of nausea hit Minato out of nowhere. Halfway to emptying the contents of his stomach, Maiko returns.

"Are you alright? You didn't look this bad a minute ago." When eight year-olds start commenting on your health, that's when you know you aren't doing so hot.

"I'm fine, just tired. Thanks for asking though." Sleep, yes, that sounds nice. Nothing weird ever happens in your sleep. Except the hallucination of a pointy nosed man and his hot attendant in blue limo that he may have had earlier that day. Nothing weird at all.

In front of Ikutsuki residence

Driving up to the house, Minato sees the first glimpses of his new home for the next year. He doesn't really care right now, and his stomach attests to his current thoughts.

"Your room is at the end of the hall on the right side upstairs. You'll be starting school tomorrow, and your uniform is in a box labeled as such. But for now, I think it's time for your welcoming feast. I hope you like take out. My cooking is below average."

"Thank you very much Ikutsuki-san. I really appreciate it."

"Is it takoyaki?" Asked Maiko, "because I'll definitely stay awake for takoyaki."

"Indeed it is Maiko. See isn't your new older sibling already a blessing? Perfect excuse for takoyaki." Ikutsuki delivered with a smile. "Well, dig in." Ikutsuki's phone rings. "Excuse me for a moment." Ikutsuki walks off and returns a short conversation later. "I'm afraid the office needs me. I need to head over there right now. Enjoy the meal without me. Don't stay up too late, and remember, the early bird catches the bookworm." With a slight laugh at his own joke, and Minato resisting the urge to bang his head against the table, Ikutsuki leaves.

"May I check the news, Maiko-chan?"

"Sure, go ahead."

The television flashes to life. "In other news, councilman Taro Namatane was found cheating on his wife with a newscaster named Mayumi Yamano. Both have subsequently lost their jobs and face hostility from all sides. Now a word from our sponsors."

The T.V changes to a shot of a convenience store. A woman voices over. "At Junes, every day is customer appreciation day." She then starts singing. "Every day's great at your Junes." Which then receives an encore by Maiko.

Minato gives her a strange look when she isn't watching, but decides to not to comment.

After dinner in Minato's room

Boxes are stacked in most parts of the room, leaving only a path to the futon. Procrastination now, unpacking later.

Some nice normality to come with the transfer to a new town. I didn't know that Ikutsuki-san had already decided to take care of another child. At least it will all be normal in my sleep, at least.

When Minato "awakened" to his dream in a world surrounded by fog and a disembodied voice that was commenting on his ability to see through said fog, he was very excited for school.

A/N: Pretty short,I know, but bear with me. For the sake of ever being able to finish this fic, social links will consist of five scenes instead of ten. Just assume that Minato has bonded with them, except maybe more than one person a day or just for a short time. Igor's lines are taken directly from Persona 4 because I did not want to mess up something so important right off the bat. Here is a big one though.