Okay people, as much as it saddens me to say it but after 53 days, 7,677 views, 40 favorites, 77 follows, and 38 reviews we have finally reached the last chapter of my story. I hope you all enjoyed my story Chance Encounter and thank you to all who read this far, you're all the best!
I'd like to thank Phantasmagorical2742 for favoriting my story and CookieMuncher42 and Sakurakaichou24 for following and favoriting my story.
Alright, that's it. Go and read the final chapter of Chance Encounter!
"Kir-chan, hurry up or we're going to be late!"
"I'm coming!" I answered as I stuck one last pin into my hair.
It's been just over a week since the kidnapping incident. My lip and wrists have completely healed and all of Mitsukuni's wounds are mostly healed. With Mr. Kimura ans Mr. Ishikawa's arrests, the shady workings of the Inoue Corporation were brought to light and the company was shut down and more arrests were made. Tsutomu, Isao, and Jiro were all arrested too and so, with my half-brother's arrest, my life with my biological family has officially ended.
Now I have a future with Mitsukuni to look forward to, I thought as I took a step back to admire my appearance. I was wearing a dark blue yutaka which had scattered petals near the bottom, while the sash and lining were silver. My hair was done up in twin buns with two silver hair pins that have little balls hanging off of one end keeping the buns together.
"Kir-chan!" Mitsukuni called again.
"I'm done," I said as I dashed out of the room while Mitsukuni ushered me into the car..
"You look great," Mitsukuni said as the car drove away
"You too," I said as I eyed his dark green yutaka.
"I'm so glad Haruhi invited us to the street festival," Mitsukuni said happily as he looked eagerly out the window.
Yeah, I'm glad too, but Haruhi never invited us, you guys invited yourselves. But, I'm still glad we're going, I thought as the car slowed to a stop.
Once we got out of the car, Mitsukuni grabbed my hand and pointed saying, "look! Everyone else is over there." Mitsukuni then pulled me over to the group of hosts.
"Sorry we're late," I said as we joined them.
"No problem. We just got here too," The twins replied.
"So what do you guys want to do?" Haruhi asked.
"Play games!" Said the twins.
"Eat sweets!" Chimed Mitsukuni.
"Experience the thrills of the common man!" Tamaki said.
"Go home," said Kyoya.
"I want to watch the fireworks," I added towards the end.
"Okay, since we can't do everything if we go in one group, let's split up and meet back here for the firework display," Haruhi suggested.
"I'm going with Haruhi!" Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru yelled at once before dragging her into the crowd.
"This way, Kir-chan! I want to eat sweets!" Mitsukuni said as he pulled me through the crowd while Mori and Kyoya slowly followed.
Once Mitsukuni had bought three different types of sweets, we slowly started walking down the street. "Here, Kir-chan, say ahh!" Mitsukuni said eagerly as he lifted up a Taiyaki to feed me.
"B-but, they're watching," I said with red creeping onto my cheeks as I glanced back at Mori and Kyoya who's gazes were fixed on us.
"Just focus on me and pretend they're no here. I'm the only guy who matters to you anyways, right?" Mitsukuni said in a sweet yet scary voice.
"Yes," I whispered before closing my eyes and opening my mouth. I felt the still warm Taiyaki enter my mouth before I bit in and felt the sweet explode in my mouth.
"See, that wasn't so bad, right?" Mitsukuni asked happily through the rest of the Taiyaki he had stuffed into his mouth.
"I guess so," I said, stealing a glance at Mori and Kyoya who had stupid grins on their faces.
"Here, we should try this one now," Mitsukuni said holding up a crepe he had gotten a minute ago. "This isn't something we can bring home and the filling is already starting to melt, we should eat this now."
"Okay," I answered, "but this time I feed my self."
A pout crossed Mitsukuni's face then, after a few seconds, he grinned and said, "okay," then he handed me the crepe.
What's he up to? I asked myself as I cautiously brought the crepe up to my mouth and bit it.
Once I swallowed, Mitsukuni started bouncing up and down in excitement as he said, "okay, your turn to feed me, Kirike!"
"What?! No," I said hurriedly as my cheeks began turning a light pink at the thought.
"Aw, come on Kirike, I fed you so now it's your turn to feed me," Mitsukuni whined.
"Sorry, I just can't," I mumbled as I took another bite of crepe to help hide my embarrassment.
"Fine, if you won't feed me with your hands you can feed me this way." As he said this, Mitsukuni gently grabbed the back of my head before kissing me, sticking his tongue into my mouth to grab some of the crepe. "Yummy!" Mitsukuni said licking his lips once he pulled back.
I heard a little laughter erupt behind us and I turned as red as a strawberry. I handed what was left of the crepe back to Mitsukuni and said, "you can finish it, I'm full."
"Okay," Mitsukuni said happily, as he gulped up the remaining crepe.
"Hey, love birds," Kyoya called. "We better start heading back if we want to find good seats for the fireworks. It will take awhile to make it back with this crowd."
"Coming," Mitsukuni and I said together as we grabbed each others hands and headed back.
After walking for about five minutes, we past a particularly noisy booth. We all looked to see what the commotion was and there we saw the other group of hosts. "look, it's Hikaru and Kaoru," I said pointing to the booth where the twins were trying their hand at a shooting game. "You guys suck," I said as we walked up to them.
"If you think it's so easy then you do it!" The twins said frustratedly.
"Okay," I said, paying the vendor before grabbing the gun. After alining my sights, I fired the gun three times, knocking a can over each time. "And that's how you fire a gun," I said turning to the twins.
The twins muttered something before starting to pick on Tamaki while I picked out a small picture frame as my prize. I'll put a picture of me and Mitsukuni in it, I thought with a smile.
"Oh, I want to try! I want to try!" Mitsukuni said eagerly jumping up and down. "Here, could you hold this for me, Takashi?" He asked as he handed Mori the sweets. Mori nodded as Mitsukuni turned to the booth and payed the vendor.
"Good luck," I said as I watched him pick up the gun and aim. Then, to everyone's amazement, Mitsukuni shot all the cans down too.
"Wow, you did it, Hunny." Haruhi said impressed.
"Thanks!" Mitsukuni said as everyone else nodded in agreement.
"Come on, let's go watch the fireworks so that I can go home," Kyoya said as he led everyone down the street to a park where we could all watch the fireworks together.
"Come on, Mitsukuni, we're being left behind," I called as everyone else started disappearing into the crowd.
"Coming!" Mitsukuni said as he ran up to me and held my hand.
While we walked, Mitsukuni and I lagged a bit behind everyone else, "wasn't it around here that I met you?" I asked as I surveyed the street we were on.
"I think you're right," Mitsukuni said, "back then I never imagined that the bleeding girl I saved would end up my girlfriend. I'm so glad I saved you."
"Me too." I answered with a slight blush. We continued to walk down the street in silence till a large, BOOM, broke it.
I gazed up at the fireworks, "So pretty."
Yeah," Mitsukuni said in agreement before turning to me and saying, " close your eyes."
"Just do it."
"Okay," I answered as I closed me eyes. Then I felt Mitsukuni gently grab my chin and kiss me, I also felt something cool wrap around my neck.
"Okay, you can open your eyes now," Mitsukuni whispered as he pulled back.
I opened my eyes and looked down to see a small silver locket with a pink heart gem in the middle and a little pink ribbon tied to the top. "It's beautiful," I breathed.
"I'm glad you like it," Mitsukuni said, giving me a quick peck on the cheek before grabbing my hand and saying, "come on, we're about to be left behind!"
We then ran to catch up with the others and, as Mitsukuni immediately joined in the fuss they were making over the common man's ways, I smiled at their foolishness before happily joining in the ruckus.
Alright this is the end, I hope you enjoyed it. Bye everyone.