Hey people! Long time no see. It's been over a year since I published my last story and all I have to say in my defense is that if Junior year is your hardest year of school than Senior year is the busiest. But enough about my life, here's a story I've had flopping around in my mind since the end of my last story. I was frustrated that I couldn't find any good and complete romance stories with Hunny as the one the girl fall for so after thinking long and hard (and a few hours of typing) I have come up with (and finally published) this story: Chance Encounter! I hope you enjoy!

P.S. I do not take lessons in any fighting style so much of the fighting scenes involve moves that probably can't be mimicked or wouldn't be effective in real life, they're more showy than effective.

The dark heavy clouds had given way to a heavy drizzle. water streamed over my hair and down my neck as I hurried down a busy street in the down-town area, dodging people as I tried to blend in with the crowd.

I pulled up the collar of my coat and glanced over my shoulder, my heart jolted when I saw them following me. I lowered my head and quickened my pace, I was in no condition to confront them at the moment. I tried to keep from limping as I hurried down the street while holding my left arm which had been grazed during my last confrontation with them.

I looked over my shoulder once again and my heart skipped a beat, holy crap, they're close! I broke into a run, ignoring the pain in my leg, trying to get away as fast as possible.

I pushed people out of my way, not caring about the scene I was causing, just trying desperately to get away. The thumping of the pursuing feet against the wet pavement echoed in my ears as I looked around earnestly for a way to lose them. I ducked into a side alley but I heard them following me. I reached a split in the alley and, without thinking, I went right.

"Just give up already," one of the pursuers called.

"Yeah, we won't hurt you too much," another said.

I was panting hard when my breath caught in my throat, a ten-foot brick wall stood in front of me. Not wasting time to think, I jumped onto a dumpster and from there I used my arms to vault myself over the wall. The second my feet hit the ground I shot into a run, leaving behind cries of frustration and anger on the other side of the wall. I looked back with a smirk on my face as I ran out of the alley and onto the street. Suckers!

When I entered the street I gazed around and in a few seconds I had completely taken in my surroundings. I was in a residential area with only a few people out on the street which means I need a place to hide before they get out of the alley.

I slowed to a walk, my leg and arm ached, I was short of breath, and totally drenched; that's when I noticed a grocery store. I slipped into the store and headed towards the back with the intent to stay there until they had left.

I pretended to browse the snacks, I could feel the stares of everyone on me but I tried to ignore them. As I walked past the frozen goods I could see my reflection in the glass doors, I grimaced when I realized why everyone was staring.

My black hair with its dark blue highlights was disheveled and strewn all over, my coat was plastered to my body, my black leggings were torn, and my knee-high boots were covered with mud. Oh well, I thought, It's not like I'll ever see these people again.

I ended up wandering around the grocery store for about thirty minutes, the employees had begun to give me the evil eye so I decided that it would be best to leave, the street was probably safe by now.

It was still drizzling when I went out of the store. I flipped up my collar, ducked my head, and headed down the street back the way I had come. Halfway back to the alley, I passed a group of high school students; there were six handsome boys and a girl. I smirked with scorn as I past them. That uniform is definitely from the elite Ouran High School. I bet all of them are papered spoiled brats, I bet they've never had a taste of the harsh side of life.

As I neared the alley I felt the hairs on the back of my neck begin to rise. I'm probably just paranoid, I though as I glanced over my shoulder for the sixth time. But, just to be on the safe side, I decided to backtrack and take another route home.

"I think... I lost them," I mumbled as I looked back once more. Then THUMP! A hand clamped over my mouth and another clasped around my arms and waist.

Then a familiar voice softly echoed in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "You didn't think that you'd be able to get away that easily, did you, Kirike?" I struggled against his grasp but he only laughed at me, then my face hit the pavement as he threw me head first into the alley.

"It's such a shame that you quit our gang," said Isao Hayashi, the leader of the teenage gang I had quit this afternoon. Isao kicked me in the stomach, making me gag and clutch my gut. Then he bent down and grabbed a strand of my hair, he toyed with it as he whispered in my ear, "we're gonna make you regret leaving the gang."

This is bad!

"Beat her within an inch of her life, guys."

"With pleasure," they said as the slunk out of the shadows of the alley and began closing in on me.

As I staggered to my feet, I surveyed the other gang members. Masaki Sait, the boy who had caught me and thrown me into the alley. He has light brown hair with blond streaks (obviously dyed), his one redeeming feature are his electric green eyes, he fights with whatever he finds lying around.

Fumio and Fumiko Kato, they're the twins who fight with dual matching pocket knives. Fumiko has shoulder length dark brown hair with brown highlights while Fumio has shaggy dark brown hair with brown highlights like his sister. Both of them have chocolate colored eyes.

Next is Katsu Tanaka, he has jet black hair in a crew cut with green eyes. His favorite fighting weapons are his fists.

Lastly, Erie Nakano has hip length chocolate colored hair and hazel eyes. She usually fights with her collection of small throwing knives.

All these thoughts flickered through my mind before I had staggered to my feet. "Bring it on," I said as I took a defensive fighting stance.

Katsu came at me first, he swung his fists at my face, which I artfully dodged by stepping back while ducking. Then he threw a punch at my face, I caught it with my right hand and immediately twisted his arm before throwing him over my shoulder.

One down, four to go, I thought as I turned around to face the twins. Fumio and Fumiko came at me simultaneously from opposite sides; with equal strength and mirrored movements I had to keep in constant motion just to avoid their swinging knives.

Slash! Fumiko's blade made contact with my cheek. I gritted my teeth against the pain as I pulled out two long daggers from underneath my skirt. I sliced open Fumiko's hand, sending her knife flying. I ducked to avoid Fumio's knife, dropping down to the ground before side sweeping his legs. I jumped back to my feet and swept my right knife in front of my face, blocking the three knives Erie had thrown at me. I got ready to charge her when, BANG! Masaki brought a rusty old pipe down onto my head.

My vision went hazy as I fell to my knees, dropping my daggers so that I could clutch my throbbing head. "There's no escape now," Isao chuckled as Katsu and Masaki grabbed my arms and forced my upright. With Katsu and Masaki holding my arms with an iron grip, all I could do now was struggle futilely in their grasp as the other four closed in on me.

The twins slashed my arms and legs with their knives while Erie threw her blades at my sides, making them graze my ribs. Isoa also came at me, punching me in the gut and kicking me in the jaw before throwing one more jab at my throat.

I coughed and gagged as I tried to fill my lungs with air. Isao grabbed the collar of my shirt and coat and slid a knife from his coat pocket. He put the knife at the base of my neck, then he leaned in and whispered, "what a waste of a perfectly good gang member... you should have taken up my offer."

As his last few words echoed in my ears, he thrust the knife down my chest from the base of my neck to my bellybutton. I'd never felt pain like that before and as blood began dripping down my body, turning my shirt and coat red, I let out a blood curdling scream.

With the extra strength I had gained from my adrenaline, I pulled both my arms free and clutched my chest. "Now that's more like it," Isao said with an evil laugh as he kicked me in the gut, sending me flying into the brick wall of the alley.

I looked up to see Isao towering over me with a look of twisted pleasure on his face. I subtly moved my right handle under my coat and grabbed the handle of my pistol. I've never shot to kill before but I'm desperate.

I gritted my teeth and wrapped my finger around the trigger but before I could move Masaki went sprawling onto the ground. All of us turned our heads in surprise to see the group of Ouran students and the girl I had passed a few minutes before I was jumped.

What are they doing here? But more importantly, how'd they take down Masaki so easily!?

My disbelief grew as the smallest boy of the group said in a mocking and dangerous voice, "are you guys so weak that the only way for you to win is to gang up on a single girl? That's really pathetic."

Isao frowned, clearly pissed, he slowly drawled, "mind your own business, you little punk."

"Beating up a girl is my business, you leach." The short boy replied cracking his knuckles.

"That's it," Isao said turning his knife towards the small boy while ordering, "teach that small punk and his friends a lesson!"

"Yes sir," the other gang members said as they started closing in on the group of Ouran students.

All the students except for the tallest one and the shortest one stepped back out of the way. The twins reached the two boys first. As the twins began slashing their knives at the two Ouran boys; the boys exchanged a glance, nodded at each other, and then the short one shot over the two attackers, leaving them for his tall friend to deal with.

To my amazement, the short boy gracefully dodged Erie's blades before grabbing her arm, twisting it behind her back before throwing her to the ground, knocking her out. Then he attacked Katsu, moving so fast that Katsu couldn't land a single hit before the short boy kicked him in the chest, sending him flying into the wall, knocking him out.

Finally he was face to face with Isao. Isao had a look of pure hatred on his face as he faced the boy saying, "I'll admit it, pipsqueak, you're pretty good but... I'm going to make you suffer."

As he finished the last half of his sentence, Isao charged at the small boy, thrusting his knife at the boy's chest, but before the blade made contact, the boy grabbed Isao's arm, twisted it, kicked the knife out of his hand, then threw him to the ground.

Isoa grunted as he jumped to his feet and started throwing punches at the small boy. Right, left, left , right, up, down, up, middle; Isao threw his punches in a furry but the small boy dodged everything like it was nothing. Then, to my utter amazement, the boy suddenly grabbed Isao's arm when he threw a punch, twisted his arm behind his back before karate-chopping him an the back of his neck, knocking him clean out.

As the boy wiped his hands together, the boy turned towards me and said, "hey, are you okay?"

"Huh?" I said confusedly as I stared at the boy's concerned face. I slowly followed his gaze down to my torso and stared blankly at my blood soaked coat. Then my eyes flew open in realization and I gripped the edges of my coat and shirt together. I felt my cheeks flame red as I stuttered, "I-I'm fine..."

And as I trailed off, my vision grew hazy and all I could see was a blurry view of the boy that had saved me, surrounded by the other boys staring at me with concern, then, my blurry vision faded to black.

Me: Don't hate me for ending with a cliff hanger on the first chapter, it's a precautionary step to make sure you come back and read the next chapter. And no, I'm not desperate for readers.

Kirike: Liar.

Me: Whatever, just make sure you come back and read the next chapter!

Kirike: Next time "My Annoying Rescuers." This sounds like a pain, do I really have to be in it?

Me: Yes! You're the main character, there would be no story without you.

Kirike: You should've asked me before you made me the main character, it sounds like a lot of trouble.

Me: To bad, I already made you the main character now deal with it!

Kirike: Run away! This author is crazy!

Me: Wait! Don't listen to her. Come back!

Kirike: Bye.