Chapter 1 – Growing suspicion

A/N: Hey everyone! I had this idea for a while, but I never had any time to write a new story. This takes place after Scaryoke but the events of Into the Bunker didn't happen yet.

I hope you enjoy it!


"Kids! Where are you?" Grunkle Stan was looking for twins inside the shack. They were supposed to help him run a few errands this morning, but the two were nowhere to be seen. He checked the attic room, the kitchen, and the living room, but there was still no sign of them anywhere.

Maybe they're in the gift shop. He thought as made his way inside to see Soos sitting in front of the counter.

"Soos, what are you doing here?" he asked as he gave the handyman a puzzled look.

"Oh hi Mr. Pines! Wendy asked me to take her place in front cash register while she, Dipper and Mabel go somewhere."

"Did they tell you where they're going?"

Soos shrugged. "Nope, she said they had something to do, but I'm not sure what it is."


"For the record, I blame you." Dipper said dryly. If he could he would be glaring at his sister and teenage friend, but unfortunately he couldn't. Right now he, Wendy and Mabel were tied to a pole deep in the woods and surrounded by an angry army of gnomes.

"Oh come on Dipper, lighten up! It was all in fun," Wendy said, grinning weakly.

"Yeah, bro. It's not THAT bad!" Mabel stated. An angry gnome then growled at her. "Okay, maybe just a little." She added nervously.

"You humans have crossed us for the last time!" Jeff shouted at the trio. "You've sneaked into our land, and awoke me from my sleep only to find out that you three have dyed my hair!" he yelled angrily and pointed to his now purple beard that was neatly tied with a red bowtie.

"Oh come on! I think you look fabulous!" Mabel exclaimed and he glared at her.

Wendy struggled to break free. "Let us go!"

"No dice! You've caused us a lot of trouble and now you're gonna pay for it!" the gnome leader snapped.

"Uh….what exactly are we going to do with them?" one of the gnomes asked.

Jeff paused. "Actually I never thought of that. What do you guys think?"

As the gnomes continued discussing their punishment, the trio took this as a chance to think of a plan.

"Dipper, what do we do?" Mabel asked him.

"I don't know!" he exclaimed. "And you two thought coming here was a good idea why?"

Mabel scowled. "Hey, everything was going fine until you woke them up with your screaming."

Dipper rolled his eyes." Mabel, you stepped on my foot, what did you expect me to do?"

"It was dark in that cave so it's not my fault." She replied.

"GUYS!" Wendy exclaimed. "Focus! We need to think of a way out of here!" she whispered. The twins stopped arguing and began looking around, trying to find anything that could help them escape.

Wendy suddenly had an idea and she began rocking back and forth much to their confusion.

"Whoa, Wendy what are you doing!?" Dipper gasped as they swayed along with pole.

The teen grinned. "Just trust me, okay?" she then continued shaking the pole until it finally snapped due to her movement. Unfortunately, she was still tied to the pole along with the twins.

"Okay, now what?" Mabel asked.

"Now, we run." Then she remembered their situation. "Or I'll run anyway." Wasting no time, the redheaded teen dashed towards the woods carrying the twins without the gnomes noticing.

"Okay, after further thinking we've decided-" Jeff froze when he saw the broken pole and the three humans were nowhere to be found. "Oh man! They got away AGAIN!" he slapped his forehead in disbelieve and turned to the other gnomes.

"Does anyone know how to remove this color?" he asked and then gestured to his purple dyed beard.

They all shook their heads a 'no'


"What happened to you three!?" Stan muttered as the trio came into view. Their clothes were mud stained and leaves stuck in their hair.

The three of them struggled to come up with an answer without bringing up the supernatural into this.

"Well, Mr. Pines I found this really cool place in the woods yesterday and I took the twins to see it, but we….got chased." Wendy explained.

Stan narrowed his eyes at them. "Chased by what?"

"Uh…a raccoon!" Dipper answered.

Stan blinked. "A raccoon?"

"Yeah, a big evil raccoon with teeth and claws!" Mabel said waving her arms around. The conman eyed them suspiciously, not convinced by their answers. A normal raccoon couldn't have do all of that to them.

Grunkle Stan then sighed. "Fine, but you three gonna have to make up for all the time you've been gone." He said firmly. The trio sighed, but didn't argue and walked away.

As they left he heard Wendy laugh. "Seriously guys, that was awesome! I've always wanted to do that to someone, but I never exactly thought it would be on a gnome though."

"Me too!" Mabel added while Dipper groaned.

Gnomes? What are they talking about….?

Stan sighed irritably. "Sometimes I wish I knew what these kids were thinking!" He said before following the trio inside.

As soon as he left, familiar cackling filled the air and the form of Bill Cipher appeared grinning mischievously.

"Well since he asked for it then I guess I'll give it to him. It might be even fun!" he chuckled one last time before disappearing.


The next morning Stan woke up with a strange feeling of lightness in his head, but he pain no mind to it. But it was soon replaced by a headache later on which puzzled him because the headache got worse the closer he got to the gift shop.

Finally, he opened the door and walked in.

''Now where have I left that screwdriver?''

"Is this T-shirt my size?"

"Great, another day of work..."

"Isn't 30 dollars too much for a snow globe? Oh well."

"I wonder where Waddles could be. I haven't seen him around when I woke up."

"Grunkle Stan, are you okay?" the conman jumped back at the sound of his great-nephew and looked down to see the boy giving him a confused look.

"I-I'm fine!" he said shaken though he was far from it.

What's going on here!?


Chapter one! Done!

Let me know what you think of this with a review!