This is slightly more abstract than I'd planned, but hopefully it's still easy enough to follow.

"Ethan, can I have a quick word?" Emphasis on quick. Cal was never 'quick' when it came to words. Or at least, not the words he said to Ethan. "No, it's quite important." Nothing was ever 'quite important' to Cal. It either was or wasn't and it was as simple as that. He followed never the less, because Cal obviously had something he wanted to say.

"Ok. I've worked it out." Ethan doubted how much 'work' his brother had done.

"I know what happened." Really. Ethan doubted that. "Taylor, she must have been coerced into taking the money.

"No, obviously not." What was he thinking? Of course he should.

"Us?" Ethan had to question who exactly was Cal referring too. Because it couldn't be them.

"Can it not wait?" No, of course it couldn't. What did Ethan think he was going to say?

"I'm sorry?" Cal couldn't believe Ethan doubted him that much. It wasn't difficult to 'think', anyone could do it.

"So you haven't called the police." What was he thinking? Of course he hadn't.

"Look, if she is being exploited, that essentially puts her in the same boat as us!" Us: he and Ethan, as it always had been.

"Yes." Cal didn't know why Ethan was questioning it. Because it could only be them.

"Us," didn't exist anymore. This time, it wasn't a question of who started what. It was a matter that Cal had drawn Ethan into his without an offer.

"Us," didn't matter. So they brothers. So what?

"Us," just didn't cut it.

Ethan was done with it always being, "Us."

I hope you liked it. x