
Part 2.

A follow up to '#2' as many people wanted!

Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated! I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Olivia never knew that she could cry so much in one day, as she did on the 8th of November. Of course, all of her tears were tears of joy and happiness and being completely overwhelmed, but still they were not sad tears at all.

She walked through the halls of the hospital, with Noah on her hip, followed by Alex's mother and members of the squad.

"We'll wait out here Liv." Fin said before stepping to one side of the hall.

"Okay, but you should stick around, I really want you to meet the little one, and I think Alex does too." She said with another big grin before turning to Noah, the little boy in her arms.

"Shall we go see your new baby sister?" She asked and all she did was laugh. He understood to a point, but as long as he was smiling, it didn't matter.

Walking in the room, the sight melted Olivia's heart. Alex sat with a sleeping baby in her arms as Noah clapped his hands when he saw her.

"Hello, little man!" Alex said with a delighted smile, she'd missed him over the past 2 days.

"Mama!" Noah grinned as Liv placed him on the bed so he could give Alex a hug.

"You wanna meet your baby sister?" The blonde asked as she moved the blanket out of the newborn's face so that the toddler could see.

Noah seemed to just stare for a few minutes before he broke out into laughter and began clapping his hands. It was a sigh of relief for both Olivia and Alex.

"This is Lily, can you say Lily?" Alex asked the little boy as he reached out to touch the sleeping baby.

"This is your baby sister." Olivia said, moving to sit on the end of the bed.

"Lily…" Noah's pronunciation was a little off, but still his mothers could understand what he was saying.

"That's right!" Olivia said leaning forward to kiss the back of his head.

"Can you kiss Lily? Can you kiss your baby sister?" Alex asked, moving the newborn in her arms, so Noah could see her better, and hopefully, kiss her.

Olivia looked over at Alex and smiled.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked, whilst Noah sat and stared, trying to figure it out, or at least that's what Liv assumed he was doing.

"I'm fantastic…" Alex said just as Noah leant down to place a 'kiss' on Lily's cheek.

"Aw, good boy, Noah!" Alex encouraged him with a smile before she asked for a kiss from her son.

"You should go and get the squad…" Alex said looking at her mother who had been quiet whilst Noah bonded with his sister.

"Okay, I'll be back soon." The brunette said with a smile, kissing her wife's head.

Walking out of the room, she had to stop when she closed the door.

She had never pictured her life like this; she always imagined her life would be full of short-lived relationships because her job was far too important to her. That was of course until she met Alex, and despite the fights, the shouting, the screaming, Olivia knew she wouldn't change it.

Walking into the waiting room, she smiled at the squad as they all stood up clearly wanting to know how everything was.

"So, Noah took it very well. Of course, we'll know more when we take her home, but everything is looking good." She couldn't help but let the tears fall when she spoke.

Cragen was the first to pull her into a hug.

"You deserve all of this Liv, a happy family." He told her before kissing her head.

"Thank you, Captain, for everything." She said with a small smile.

"He's right Liv, you deserve all the happiness in the world for the people you have helped." Melinda was the second person to hug her, then, of course, Fin, Elliot and John did the same.

"Liz called, they're on their way, but Lena had court." Don said before taking a step back.

"Well, instead of waiting, there is someone I want you all to meet." Olivia said before taking a deep breath.

Once everyone seemed to squeeze into what felt like the smallest hospital room ever Olivia moved to the side of the bed. Taking her daughter from Alex's arms she turned to her squad, her extended family and with a smile introduced her daughter.

"Everyone, this is Lilianna, Lily for short. Lilianna Caroline Serena Benson." She said looking down at her baby girl, before looking at the team.

Her, Alex, Noah and Lily. They were a family. Finally, they were a family.

Thank you so much for reading!
I am so sorry it took so long, life got in the way unfortunately!

Please, let me know what you thought!
