
Bakura was on his way to the palace. The news of Merneith's death had shocked him, to say the least. He hadn't a clue what he would do when he got there but he felt he needed to avenge her death somehow. Nobody chooses to be born. She hadn't deserved the life she was dealt and she definitely didn't deserve to die at the hands of the Pharaoh. Bakura kicked the sand as he walked like a disgruntled child. He truly hated the Pharaoh.

On the night of their affair Merneith had eventually answered Bakura's question and like her, the story was sad. Long ago, Pharaoh Aknamkanon had had himself a mistress whom he adored. Her name was Lani and unlike the other whores she was regal and refined. The Pharaoh took great pride in owning her, he gave her everything she desired and when she fell pregnant with his child he even offered her the crown. She was hesitant not knowing if she was strong enough to take on such a role. The Pharaoh had told her to think carefully and when the child was born he wanted to hear her answer. Unfortunately, Aknamkanon would never have her decision for she died during childbirth. He was devastated and what was worse was the child shared her eyes. He couldn't bear to look at her; it hurt his heart too much. The midwife named the baby and when the Pharaoh refused to keep her she was given away to whoever would take her.

"That baby was me," Merneith had said, "When I was older Aknamkanon found me working at Sabu's brothel. He told me I looked like her, like my mother. He knew who I was but he didn't care; he wanted to relive his past through me."

Bakura had thought her a liar at first but her tears convinced him otherwise. He didn't know what to say to calm her, so he just cradled her in his arms. She had seemed so small then, so fragile. Perhaps he should have let her stay when she had asked to. Or perhaps, he should have never met her at all.
