Chapter 1

As fate would have it

They found themselves in the outskirts of Alaska. Unknown to the general public, the corporation that call itself Umbrella was developing something in that compound. The helicopter carried Leon to this compound, given to him by his new employer, pilot and all. He tightly held the 9mm in his hands, the only gun he thought he'd be needing. It wasn't heavy, and since he'd only be taking on inept security guards and scientists, he figured it wouldn't matter. Of course, he was having second thoughts right now, this was Umbrella after all. He'd been in their compounds once before, followed by zombies, mutants and that Mr. X creature.

Don't think about things like that, this will be a normal mission

Like he'd been on a normal mission before. This was the first mission his new employer had given him. After the events in Raccoon, he and Claire had a fight. Claire needed to go find her brother, but of course, Leon was more concerned for Sherry's well-being than Chris's.

Never get in the way of that woman again..

Claire was determined, and they parted ways after that. He'd gotten an email from her a few months ago. Apparently she'd been trapped on some island. He'd been worried sick over her, and called in Chris to save her. He wanted to do it himself, but his new employer wouldn't let him go. They had no problem with Chris going though. That made Leon question them a bit.

What are their true intentions?

He thought to himself. He'd only met one man, his name was Rupert. Rupert was a lean, cold guy. Always wore a suit and tie, always had sun glasses on. Always talked quick, and precise, never missed a beat. Seemed as they were most interested in getting Umbrella's 'projects'. They had information on everything, even a most interesting man named Albert Wesker. Rupert said that Wesker and HIS employers where behind a lot of things. Leon started to get a little confused, and ended that conversation with-

"Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it."

The next week, he was sent on this little trip. Rupert had briefed him on the mission. He remembered it clear as day. Rupert met him in the usual spot, a dark hotel room in the middle of nowhere. Leon was currently staying in Nevada, near the army base where Sherry was being held. The first few days after Raccoon where hell for Leon and Sherry. Someone .. or something was searching for them. Leon brought Sherry to the army, the only safe place he could find. The thing stopped as soon as they entered the base, apparently Umbrella needed to keep Sherry under wraps, but wouldn't reveal themselves to the military. Yet.. Rupert had come to him that same day, telling him everything was arranged. And that Sherry was in safe hands. After that Leon lived in Nevada, just wandering the military base. For two years he lived like this. Always wondering when the thing would come back, or when his new employer would need him. When Rupert had called him, he'd expected another spill.

"Leon, how're you?" He asked in his cold, unusual voice. It was in the dead of night, Leon couldn't see Rupert's face. He wondered how Rupert could see anything with those dark glasses on.

"Umbrella has a research station in Alaska, code named Shadow Moses."

"Shadow Moses? But isn't that where the nuclear missile crises was averted... and the Metal Gear destroyed?" Leon asked, he'd heard about it in the news.

"Yes, where the Fox-Hound operative Solid Snake saved the world." Leon stared into the darkness,

"Wasn't he involved in the incident in the nations capital a few months ago?" Rupert shrugged,

"I guess so, but everything has been cleaned up. It's none of our concern." Leon nodded, and hoped Rupert had seen it.

"Well, what do Shadow Moses and Umbrella have in common?" Leon asked, and then Rupert handed him a folder,

"Umbrella has used some of the remaining compound structure to create a new Shadow Moses facility. They are using it to test new SG-X11 models."

"SG-X11?" Leon asked. He'd never heard of that code name before,

"SG-X11's are the new model for what's been called Mr. X by you." Leon felt a small shudder run through his body. Those cold eyes, those huge hands...

"I'm sure you remember Him. This new model has no budget, and the scientists are devising new ways to use it. From our contact we know that they are currently water training it."

"Water training it?" Leon asked, his voice sounding a bit skeptical.

"Don't try me, just listen to what I say. They are currently working with a woman known only known as Apathy. She seems to be heading the experiment, and creating a new Metal Gear while she's at it."

"Metal Gear, why would they need to use that?" Leon was a bit confused,

"Why not? Teach the SG-X11's to pilot them, you have a perfect army. Then Umbrella can sell them to the highest bidder. If you haven't noticed, Umbrella is entering a very deep financial falling. Losing facility after facility, leader after leader, prototype after prototype, and no one to sell it too. Apathy promises to help them. We need her dead, and we need the Shadow Moses compound destroyed." Leon nodded, and accepted the deal.

Now he was flying across the good state of Alaska. The drop off point was so close to the facility that it was making Leon nervous. The copter landed, the pilot throwing him a radio before he slipped out,

"Give me a call when you need me!" He yelled, his voice barely piercing the dry sound of the choppers whirling blades. Leon ducked low, and made for the trees. His mission would be compromised if he was seen. of course, no guards were patrolling the outer walls. Which was just .. weird. Leon slid down the slow he was on, and made for the barren gray walls that kept him out of the compound. He knew all the access codes, and had a key. He needed to find the door. The only problem was, he had no idea of what was waiting for him on the other side. Somewhere on the compound, a slow hungry moan was heard.. and as fate would have it, the sound did not reach Leon's ears.