The light was blindingly bright as it shone in his face, but Feliciano was unphased. A calm smile sat on his lips, more that of a child with a secret than of a mastermind crime lord. But then, that was his most useful tool, his young looking face and the innocent demeanor he could turn on and off like a switch. The young crimelord was incredibly skilled in manipulating people, in charming them so thoroughly that they had a hard time questioning who or what he really was.

Not that the Italian ever made any move to hide his ruthlessness. At twenty three years old, Feliciano already ran one of the largest crime empires in the country, something he was incredibly proud of. He was cocky too, having gone so far as to walk himself to the police station and confess. Ahh, but this was his favorite game, and in the end, he knew he'd walk right back out. He couldn't help but wonder who would be sent to question him this time. Either way, it'd be amusing. How many of the "fine, upstanding" officers here did he have wrapped around his little finger? Antonio had been one of them too once, he mused, smile only growing at the thought. Oh, how moral and sweet Antonio had been. He'd been so easy to corrupt. All it had taken was a few murmured words in the elder man's ear about how corrupt the justice system was. About how this wasn't what Antonio wanted to do with his life. Child's play.

"Good afternoon, Herr Vargas." Came a deep rumbling voice, and Feliciano found himself pausing, head tilting before a momentary smirk tugged at his lips. Oh, this man was new. Good, it'd been a while since he'd had a new toy to play with. Golden eyes flickered to take in every detail of the man, from the golden locks slicked back, to the firm yet compassionate look on his face. Ohhh, a sympathetic one. They always were the most fun. He supposed his lovers would be in the interrogation room next to him, it always worked the same. They were seperated at first, but oh, it wouldn't be long till they'd join in the fun.

"My name is Ludwig Beilschmidt. I'm new to the precinct." The officer introduced formally, adjusting the bright glaring light."I apologize for that. Now then, you don't have to be nervous, we're just going to talk, ok?" The blonde smiled comfortingly at the Italian, and it took everything in Feliciano not to snort. Oh, this one was cute, there was no denying that.

"Feliciano." The Italian purred, golden eyes sparkling as he brushed his bangs out of his face. "Not Herr Vargas. Just Feliciano, bello. Sounds far more like we're just going to talk, wouldn't you agree?" He mused, relaxing forward and resting his cheek in his palm. This man- Ludwig, he'd said his name was- was rather amusing, maybe even more so than the rest. "Before you ask, yes, I know what you're going to talk to me about, and I'm more than willing to talk." He hummed, chuckling quietly at the others confused look.

Ludwig raised a brow at the Italian, blue eyes still holding such kindness that, for just a moment, Feliciano almost felt bad about his game. Only for a moment though. "I do suppose you're right, Herr- I mean, Feliciano." He agreed, taking the sit opposite the younger man. "And how did you know I was going to ask that, although I'm glad you're so open to discussing it, as in the end, I'm here to help, not to harm you."

Oh? Now this was new! All the other officers had at least known that Feliciano was anything but an innocent, but they were far too enthralled with him to actually charge him, or make any moves to hold him. That or they were afraid, Feliciano was never truly sure which. Not that it mattered. But this one spoke of helping him; then again, he was new. Perhaps he didn't know about him yet? That would make sense.

He couldn't be more wrong. Ludwig knew all about him. Feliciano Vargas, twenty three years old. Grandson to the once powerful Romulus Vargas. The German had been put on the younger man's case about a month ago, approached by Feliciano's own older brother. And what a heartbreaking tale the elder had told. He'd spoken of the two who had corrupted sweet Feliciano, who'd trapped him and threatened him. One an ex cop like himself, abusing his power to manipulate and use such an innocent looking man. Truly disgusting, it made Ludwig's stomach turn, and all at once, the blonde had sworn to save Feliciano. To bring him home safely to his brother, and protect him from the ones using and threatening him. As the days passed, he'd found himself growing more and more attached to the case, to the auburn haired man with the almost childlike smile that the pictures in his case files depicted. How could anyone ever believe someone so precious looking could cause harm?

"Oh, I assure you, Luddi, I know the protocol all too well. I'm here a lot. As to why…" He leaned forward more, running his tongue over his lower lip, winking at the elder man. "I'm just a bad, bad boy. Can't seem to keep out of trouble, now can I?" The deep crimson that flared on the officers face was an absolute delight. "Did your file tell you what all I've done? Oh, I really have been terribly naughty. I had a hit put on the mayor. I lit my neighbours house on fire because he was being loud at night."

Ludwig cleared his throat, willing his flush down and acting as though he hadn't even heard Feliciano's words. After all, there was no way he had done those things. Not without being coerced. "You know, you don't have to lie, not to me, Feliciano." He said softly, reaching out to lay a careful hand over the others. "I already know about the others. Santiago and Antonio. About how they blackmailed you, and threatened you. You don't ever have to be afraid of them again, I'm going to protect you." He assured. "But I need you to tell me everything, alright, Feli?" The blonde's softened, a smile touching his lips. "I just want to help you. No one deserves to go through what you have."

Feliciano found himself staring in shock, lips parted and eyes wide before laughter began to bubble from his throat. He stood calmly, moving to drape himself over the blonde's lap, a coy smile on his lips as one arm moved to the back of the policemans neck, fingers idly stroking through the soft blonde locks he found there. A small gasp of surprise, of confusion, fell from Ludwigs lips, even as his arm instinctively wrapped around the Italian mans back to keep him from falling. This was not what he had expected to happen, the flush on his face only deepening.

"Well, aren't you the sweetest." Feliciano purred into his ear, fingers continuing their gentle ministrations. "Too sweet for this corrupted place. Tell me, amore, what's a good man like you doing here? It's clear you want to help people, don't you, Luddi?" His voice was low and tantalizing, a shiver running down Ludwig's spine at the words.

"What are you….?" Ludwig questioned, before pausing at the younger mans words. "Well, of course. I want to protect people. I've always wanted to protect people. And now…" He flushed, looking away. How do you tell someone you've fallen for them from simply a picture and a casefile? No. Not fallen for. Simply infatuated. That was all it was. "And now I just want to protect you." He confessed, the smile on Feliciano's lips only growing.

"Oh, silly sweet Luddi. They've twisted your head so bad that you've gotten everything terribly wrong. The two you mentioned saving me from. They're my lovers, and they never force me to do a thing. My Santi and Toni treat me as though I'm royalty. However…." He licked his lips, golden eyes flickering up to cerulean. "They don't mind sharing me either. If you really want to protect me like you say, why don't you leave this jaded place, love, and come work for me. You can be my bodyguard, and in return I'll pay you double what you make, as well as let you be my lover too." The Italian leaned forward, pressing an idle kiss to the Germans throat, nuzzling the lily white skin as he spoke. "Don't deny it, Luddi dear. Your face is terribly easy to read, everything about you is screaming that you want me. So why resist?" He pulled back, smiling as he cupped the others cheek in his hand. This one really was too cute, and he was big enough and already hooked enough that he'd be a very efficient bodyguard

Ludwig was quiet a moment, pondering over the others words. "...I wouldn't have to hurt anyone, you can promise me that right? Not unless they try to harm you?" He had no idea where the words were coming from, where his morals had so quickly gone. This was a criminal. But- this was a criminal he wanted to save, ached to protect. A criminal with a sweet smile who seemed to know all the right buttons to push to make his defenses melt and his mind cloud in the most wonderful way. "If you can promise me that…. I'll come work for you." He decided. What was he even saying!?

"Of course I can promise that, amore." Feliciano purred, nipping along the others jaw, delighting in the shiver that ran down his spine. Too easy, it was too easy. "I can promise you that and so much more. A lavish home. Anything and everything you could want. The opportunity to share my bed, although, as I stated, you do have to share me. I can give you things you've only dreamed of, Luddi…." He let himself trail off, leaving his tantalizing promise in the air.

The blonde man hesitated for only a moment, processing everything quickly. He hated the idea of sharing the man in his arms. But if it meant getting to protect him, to hold him, he could adapt. After all, perhaps his actions had never been as noble as he'd originally thought. Perhaps it had always been about saving Feliciano from others just so he could steal him for himself. It was a disturbing thought, but one Ludwig pushed to the back of his mind. "...I'll do it.".