Title: Can't Sleep?
Pairing(s): Aomine x Kuroko; Implied Kagami x Momoi
Rating: K+
Length: 823
Genre: Comfort/Romance
Warnings: Boys Love

Aomine rolled over, reaching out for the warmth of his partner. However, instead of his hand touching a warm yet small body, it came into contact with cold, silky sheets. Sapphire eyes slowly peeled open so that he could better inspect the other half of the bed. He blinked a few times to rid them of the blurriness before they finally focused on the darkness of the bedroom. Indeed the other half of the large king sized bed was empty.

Where had he gone?

Aomine sat up and threw the blanket off his large frame, intent to find out. Leaving the bedroom, he made his way down the dark hall not bothering to turn on the lights. His eyes were adjusted so there was no point in blinding himself.

The bathroom was empty as was the kitchen. Obviously he would be in the main room, but that too was empty. The furniture was cold and the items from the previous afternoon still sat where they had untouched.

So where could... Aomine's mind clicked reminding him of the back porch their small home had. Heading over to the glass door, he shifted the curtain and slid the door open.

And there sat his beloved, knees pulled up to his chest and arms wrapped tightly around them as he stared up at the starry night sky.

"Tetsu?" Aomine questioned softly. "What are you doing out here?"

It was a moment before the smaller blunet gave his reply. "Thinking."

Aomine stepped out onto the small stone step and shut the door behind him. In their small fenced in yard, Nigou could be seen sleeping just outside his small wooden doghouse. Aomine rubbed the back of his neck not sure where to go from here. Something was obviously bothering his lover, but he wasn't sure how to get him to talk about it.

He gave a sigh. "It's three in the morning. What's bugging you so bad that you're sitting outside thinking at three in the morning?" Might as well just pull it out of the other. Aomine was tired. The sooner they went back inside and cuddled in bed, the quicker he'd get back to sleep.

"Everything," Kuroko replied. "Nothing," he added a bit softer.

The larger male clicked his tongue against his teeth in frustration. "Do you not like the house? I can get a bigger one if you want a bigger one. We could move closer to Kagami and Satsuki if you want. We-"

Kuroko cut him off with a heartbreaking stare as he pressed a single finger to his lover's lips. "Are you.. Happy with me?" Baby blue eyes shifted away to look at the sky again.

"What?" Aomine nearly choked on his saliva. Of all the things... "Of course I'm happy," he grunted back. "I wouldn't have bought a house and made you live with me if you didn't make me happy."

"Yes, you're happy now, but what about in the future?"

This wasn't like the smaller blunet at all. What had gotten under his skin this badly? "Tetsu..."

Kuroko gave a light shake of his head. "We can't get married."

"Marriage is overrated anyway."

"We can't... I can't give you a family..."

And there it was. The true culprit behind all of this. Going to Kagami and Satsuki's wedding a year ago didn't seem to bother him. In fact, he seemed overjoyed. But they had all met up earlier that day for lunch. Apparently they had some news. Satsuki was pregnant.

Aomine knew Kuroko loved children, but he didn't think that he would want his own.

"So?" he finally grunted to the other. "We can always adopt."

"Wouldn't you rather have your own child to carry on your name?"

"Not really."


"No I'm serious Tetsu." Aomine gently grabbed Kuroko's chin and forced the other to look into his eyes. "I couldn't care less if I had my own brat running around. Kids are a handful and I don't think I'd make a good Dad."

"I'm sure if you found the right woman to have-" Kuroko was cut off with a soft glare.

"You don't get to decide that for me." Sapphire eyes softened again. "Look, if you want to run off and get married and have kids with some girl, then I won't stop you. But I'm not leaving you Tetsu. Never again. You're stuck with me until one of us dies."

Kuroko sighed softly before his lips tilted upward in a tiny smile. Leaning forward, he placed a tender kiss on darker lips. Aomine couldn't stop the smile from engulfing his face in response.

"Now let's get back to bed so I can get some sleep."

The two shared a laugh before making their way back inside to their bedroom; Aomine pulling the smaller male close as he drifted off toward the blanket of slumber.

[A/N: Woo, it's been a while huh? I spent all of last month doing the NaNoWriMo thing and actually managed to finish the first volume of a light novel idea. Don't know if I'll do anything with it though. I have no idea if it's actually any good or not yet. Anyways... I couldn't sleep last night so I ended up writing this baby at 3am. XD I am working on my other fics, I Want an Heir is almost done. I just have to finish writing the last chapter and do some editing and then I'll get that up. Little Berry is coming along a bit slower. I want to get a few chapters ahead that way I can do weekly updates even if I don't get around to working on it over the course of a week. Be on the look out for those soon! As always, if you read it, please review it.]