New story! You guys didn't choose anyone, so Ruby is the main character. P.S, Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me!

Hello Traveler

Chapter 1:The Old City

It is the year 2552.

Humans have made their way to the stars, but are met with a terrible fate.

Humanity is now at war with and alien group known as 'The Covenant.'

We are losing.

This alien group has destroyed our worlds and has sent us to the brick of extinction.

We have carefully guarded our one secret, Earth, hiding it from The Covenant.

But not anymore.

A Covenant Carrier have pasted our defenses and stationed above the African city known as New Mombasa.

The UNSC, United Nations Space Command, are now sending 'Orbital Drop Shock Troopers,' to destroy the carrier.

But, the leader of the Covenant assault, The Prophet of Regret, decided to escape in slip space, causing a slip space rupture inside the city.

During its escape, the ODST's drop was cut short as they fell to the city.

Only one Team remained, Alpha-Nine.

Hours after the rupture, a lone trooper, called 'The Rookie,' was starting wake up. As his eyes opened, he noticed he was still in his pod, which had crashed high into a building. After crushing the emergency buttons, the door violently opened, landed on top of a car. After taking a short leap, he landed hard onto the ground. He breathed heavily, as he heard a voice.

"Fast, accurate diagnosis! Or your money back."

He looked to see a destroyed kiosk, which had a med-kit. After applying it, he made his way through the dark city. Before he went further, the Rookie saw building, full of Covenant forces. There a couple of Brutes, a crowd of Grunts, and Jackals place on the rooftops. He loaded his SMG, and started to attack.

After dealing with the enemy, he decided that his next mission was to find his team, if they were alive that is. Before he started to move, he heard a ringing phone. After searching for the phone, he pressed on a button. He then got a map of the city, which was in his helmet, and a video file. After finding a safe spot to hold out, he activated it.

"Hello, traveler. Mombasa welcomes you! Anxious? Stressed? Please remain calm. Control Circuits now open, with pride."

A train whistle is heard, as a young red-haired woman walked through a train station. What the crowd didn't know is that her name was Ruby Rose. She walked up to a kiosk and activated it.

"Hello, traveler," the kiosk began. "The Mombasa Transit Authority welcomes you to Kikowani station. How may I serve you?"

Ruby then said "One ticket to Old Mombasa, please. Here's my card-" Before she got it out from her purse, she quickly put it back and muttered "No, scrap that. Traceable. Damn it! Coins, need coins…"

After she put the coins into the kiosk, it said "Thank you! What is your final destination?"

"Magongo, if I don't get caught…Hell, if I do."

"Thank you! Transport for one to Magongo!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

"Please collect you ticket!"

After she got her ticket, she noticed the train's doors closing. "Wait! Hold the doors please," Ruby screamed. Before the doors closed, she quickly slid inside.

"All aboard Train number 14,"the train's VI said.

Ruby sighed and whispered "That was close…"

"City center to Old Mombasa now departing. Next stop, Makupa, Nairobi Road, Hope Station, and Magongo, end of the line."

"Almost there," Ruby muttered. "Almost-"

The trains abruptly stopped as the speaker said "Emergency stop, please remain calm! Emergency stop!"

"Damn it! He found me!"

After the video ended, Rookie was very confused. Why would the…whatever was in the phone, give him this video. After thinking it over, he got out of his hiding spot, and began is search.

I hope you guys like the story, and keep reading it until the end. Review please.