Guys, it's Tempest here! Okay, nice to see you guys too but unfortunately, this is NOT a chapter. Wait, wait, don't go! Let me say something first –it's really important.

First of all, sorry for the delay. Y'know, school got in the way – same as usual. Good news though – I might get a chapter done next week. But – yes, but – before I write a new chapter, there's something I gotta do first, and that's to edit the story. What? No! I'm not taking this down, no way, and I'm not changing the story, either. It's just that, you do realise that it was originally Storm's story, not mine, right? Well, it's really hard to follow her idea, so I've decided that I'm gonna work on mine instead.

Anyway, if I'm to do it my way, I need to fix the story just a tiny bit. I'll start editing five hours from now. It shouldn't take long. I reckon I'll be done by Sunday. Remember to REREAD the story. If you don't, it'll get VERY confused in the next chapters.

Well, that's it. If you wanna ask anything, feel free to message me. Yes, me, not us. I feel so lonely right now. Storm is too busy to write and Gale is too lazy (though he helps a bit. What a good brother!). Don't worry though. I'll keep myself entertained by writing and reading and listening to music and other stuff.

See you soon!

- Tempest