Written for the Quidditch League - Round Eight
Montrose Magpies - Seeker
Prompt: Fred Weasley II
Meeting the Parents
Fred wiped his sweating palms against his jeans as he paced the living room. He was about to officially meet Remus and Sirius.
Sure, he had met them before, but now it was different. He was meeting them as Teddy's new boyfriend.
It was completely different, he told himself.
Teddy had already gone to his house and had dinner with him and his parents, and there was no awkwardness there, but this was different - Fred's father was quite laid back.
But now he had to face Remus Lupin and Sirius Black and they could be quite scary when they wanted to be. They had been Marauders after all.
Fred pulled out his wand, doing a quick check of the time. There was still twenty minutes and he didn't want to turn up too early. He walked into the hall, checking himself out in the mirror at the bottom of the stairs and straightening his shirt before resuming his pacing in front of the floo.
Finally, after another ten minutes, the floo lit up and Teddy stepped out, grinning at him, his hair turning his trademark turquoise blue at the sight of his boyfriend.
"Dad said he's running a bit behind, so we have about half an hour," Teddy told him.
"Okay," Fred said. He tried to pace again, but Teddy grabbed his shoulders and pushed him towards the sofa. "I can think of much more fun things to do for the next half an hour," he said. Fred just grinned in return as he dropped down on the sofa and pulled Teddy down next to him.
There was a lot the pair could do in half an hour after all.
Fred stepped through the floo after Teddy - the half an hour had gone past quickly and the pair had to quickly fix their clothes before jumping in the floo. They were only running five minutes late at least - it could have been worse.
It was only seconds before Sirius Black strolled into the room. His eyes moved between the pair and he smirked at them.
"Fred, you might want to do your buttons up properly," he said, gesturing to the hastily buttoned up shirt that Fred had put on. "Made the most of that half an hour?"
Teddy grinned and nodded. "I think I managed to help Fred relax," he replied. The pair laughed as Fred blushed. He walked past them, searching for Remus and fixing his buttons at the same time. He thought he had done them correctly. He headed into the kitchen where Remus was pulling utensils from the drawer.
"Hey Remus," he began, leaning in the doorway. "Do you want me to bring anything through?"
Remus turned to him, his eyes moving to Fred's hair and he tried not to look amused. "That would be great, thank you Fred," he said, passing him the cutlery. "I was just about to set the table."
Fred quickly brought them over and set the places around the table before excusing himself and heading to the bathroom. He looked at his hair in the mirror and quickly dampened his fingers, trying to get his hair back in place. It looked like he had just been shagged.
Which he had... but that was besides the point.
Blushing again, he headed back into the dining room where Teddy was just taking his seat. Sirius came in a moment later with a lasagne, Remus following with a plate of garlic bread and levitating a tray of drinks.
Fred took a seat next to Teddy, facing Teddy's fathers, trying to ignore the smirk on Sirius' face.
Thankfully Sirius didn't make any comments as the food was served up, and they enjoyed a nice, quiet evening with harmless conversation.
"So boys," Sirius said, as Remus grabbed the plates and put them into the kitchen. "Did you enjoy dinner?"
"Yes," Fred replied. "Thanks for cooking, Sirius."
"Yeah, thanks Pops," Teddy said. He turned back to Fred. "Don't forget to thank my dad too, he done the garlic bread."
"And he didn't burn it," Sirius stated proudly. "So, there's a reason why I asked you to come here today." His smile faded and he looked between the pair.
Fred nodded nervously. He could feel Teddy tense up by his side. "I thought it was just for a nice dinner so you could officially meet Fred," Teddy said, panic in his voice.
"Of course it is," Sirius told him. "But we know that Fred is a good kid. I just wanted to make sure you were looking after him, Teddy."
"What?" Teddy asked, looking around at his boyfriend.
Sirius nodded. "Well, I'm a bit late with this talk considering how you turned up here earlier, but better late than never."
"Wait, Pops. You said you wouldn't embarrass me," Teddy hissed. "You promised."
"This is important, Teddy," Sirius argued. "I know Remus gave you the talk already, but I'm not sure if Fred's father -"
"Oh, he has," Fred jumped in. "Detailed talk. Made everything very very clear, don't worry about that, Sirius."
Sirius looked between the pair suspiciously.
"Condoms," Sirius began, putting a box on the table and pushing it towards them.
"Dad," Teddy shouted, jumping up from the table to find Remus. "Dad, Pops is trying to give us the sex talk, can you stop him?" He rushed from the room, leaving Fred alone with Sirius. Fred looked from the door that Teddy had left through before turning his head to meet grey eyes.
"I'll catch Teddy up later," Sirius said. "Now, Fred. When me and Remus were younger..."
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