Disclaimer: I do not own batb. Just an avid fan :)

Thoughts are in bold.

Catherine POV

"Yes!" I hear Jt scream as the eight ball goes into the pocket.

Damn it he won.

"Ok Cat, guess you lost. Now you gotta do what i ask."He started doing the shuffle in the middle of the pool hall. Thankfully since last call was 10 minutes ago the bar was completely empty.

I stand here, hands on my hips, shaking my head at him but couldn't help but smile and giggle.

I work as a bartender at a small pool hall/bar called Salty Dawg. Not much traffic since its not off a main road so I'm grateful that Jt decided to wait for me as I close down the bar.

He and my best friend Tess have been trying to get me to "come out of my shell" or so they say. They think I'm antisocial because all I pay attention to is work and school. I just think I'm focused. I'm studying to be a lawyer like my dad and in one semester, I'll be done. I've been trying to work odd jobs to help with the loans and thankfully I have the support of my parents too.

"Ok Cat. You ready?" Jt was rubbing his hands together and wickedly grinning at me.

"Ready for what?" I look over at him while I wipe down the bar.

"For your punishment."

"My punishment?" I gave him my best bitch brow.

" You lost! Now you gotta pay the piper."

I sighed in defeat. A bet is a bet. "Ok. What is it that you want?"

"You know how you never go on dates or even talk to guys at all?"

"Not exactly the case ... But I guess yes?"

"Well it is! So anyway, I have a friend that needs a friend too."

What's he getting at? If he thinks I'm going on a blind date he's crazy.

I nodded my head at him to continue.

"Well you know my friend vincent?"

"Vincent?" I tried to rack my brain on who this guy is. I don't remember ever meeting a "Vincent" and truthfully I sometimes don't pay attention when Jt babbles.

"Nope" I said popping the p as I shut down the lights.

"Well he's enlisted in the army, and things out there can get pretty lonely."

"Ok ... Go on." I urged.

" well he doesn't really have much family so, as my friend, I'm asking if you could be a friend to him also"


" and How the hell am I going to do that Jt?

"Write to him."

"Like paper, pen and stamps .. Write?"

"Yeah, you're going to college right? I'm sure you can get a hold of those things." He winked at me as he oozed with sarcasm.

" But. .."

He held out his hand to my face before I can finish.

"Look he lost his brothers on 9/11. Basically the main reason he enlisted. I've tried to keep in contact with him and he seems lonely all the time. So c'mon help me out here." He stuck out his bottom lip like a toddler begging for something.

"I'll think about it." I locked down the doors to the bar and unlocked my car.

"Look Catherine Chandler,"

Wow he's serious. He only uses my full name when he wants my full attention.

"Just one letter. One. Not a big deal."

"Fine!" I surprised myself that as soon as the word came out of my mouth, I covered it with my hand.

"Yes!" He fist pumped at the air." Oh and you're baking him a dozen cookies to send with your letter!"



Before I can say anything he ran to his car and peeled out of the parking lot.


I look at the card he tossed at me as i ran my finger across the embossed letters

Lieutenant Vincent Keller.

What he hell did I get myself into?

These will be short chapters. Let me know if I should continue :)