A/N: Hello everyone. This is a post serum Steve and Bucky sequel that was requested by a lovely reader! Hope it lives up to your expectations! Song in mind Hey Brother.
Warning: More man on man love, so this is your warning. Possible language in a mild degree and only short, maybe one or two words.
Disclaimer: I still don't own it.
Enjoy ^^
Bucky never thought he'd have to rediscover Steves body like this. Map out every contour, every shape. He remembers back to a time not too long ago when Steve was pale, fragile, pretty. This man writhing underneath him, although made the same little noises and shudders, was much different. This man was tall, strong, and handsome. Bucky found him beautiful either way, but this was new. He smoothed down the crease beginning to form across Steves forehead, trying to will the kid below him to not worry. Nobody would suspect Captain America to be committing such naughty acts. Bringing his hand down to caress the strong jaw of his lover, he looked deep into Steves blue eyes, whispering- "Beautiful." Steve blushed a familiar shade of crimson and just like that they were back in Brooklyn and Steve only weighed ninety pounds of pure faith, love, and will.
Kissing down Steves chest, Bucky allowed himself the short time to map out Steves middle with his senses. His mouth licking around a nipple, feeling the comforting, albeit also new, steady heartbeat accelerating, his hands tickling their way down thick sides, his eyes drinking in a strong throat. It was all so new and yet so damn familiar. He nipped at the rosy bud in his mouth and Steve hissed into the night air, so Bucky did it again, relishing in the sound. Moving further down, placing wet kisses down Steves muscled stomach, Bucky used his hands to press Steve into the mattress. He looked up at Steves flushed face and smirked slightly before licking a flat stripe up Steves shaft with his tongue. Reveling in the taste, and taking comfort from the blush spreading from Steves cheeks down his neck, Bucky felt confident in taking the head into his mouth, swirling his tongue around before popping off with a satisfied grin. Steve hauled him up and crashed their mouths together sloppily, their teeth clacking painfully, before Steve pulled away. "Sorry." Steve mumbled, and Bucky really couldn't find it in himself to be bothered by the pain, only feeling deeply aroused at the show of strength. He pulled Steves face back to his own smoothly, and they kissed a little more gently this time, their tongues rolling together and it was that same well practice dance that Steve loved, the one that made his stomach churn in a nice way and his heart skip. He could do this dance, and with Bucky as his partner this dance was second nature.
Bucky moved Steves hand to his lips and sucked thoroughly, making sure they were good and wet before placing them at his own entrance. Steves eyes lit up in slight apprehension, he was strong now, didn't know if he could trust his own control. Bucky saw the look, could see the wheels turning up in Steves head and muttered a heartfelt- "I trust you." It took a nod from Steve before Bucky could feel the first digit inching its way inside of him almost painfully slow. The burning didn't last long, and when Steve added a second finger, scissoring them to make room, Bucky sighed. He barely felt the third digit, tugging Steve to him as close as he could and holding him there, trying to convey without words that he was ready. Steve seemed to get the idea, and placed himself at Buckys opening, moving in inch by inch until he was buried at the hilt, gripping Buckys hips so tight, Bucky knew he'd bruise, and he loved it. Steves strength and his perfect sense of self control always astounded Bucky, even when they were kids, if only Steve could see it himself.
Shifting his hips down Bucky moaned loudly and there was that old look in Steves eyes, the look that yelled if anyone finds out, especially the soldiers enjoying the night of relative safety, we're dead. Bucky grinned, watching as Steve melted just like he used too, and his heart picked up it's pace for a few brief seconds. Shifting his hips again he encouraged Steve to move too, setting up a rhythm, and angling his hips until he could feel Steve hit that special place inside of him. When Steve found it Buckys back arched and his mouth opened spilling silent groans that egged Steve on, convinced him to hit the spot on every thrust upward into his best friend. Bucky felt filled, felt content with Steve inside him, and he might not be the only pretty brunette in Steves life anymore, but boy was he the most loved. In the back of his mind he thought back to the way things were before, how every call of the others name had them reeling, how it brought them back home, and even now, as Steve made him feel everything he used to and more, he knows that if he ever strayed too far Steve would find him. Steve took Buckys shaft in his hand and pumped in time with their thrusts, his eyes heavily lidded as he watched Bucky come undone. Buckys seed spilled onto their stomachs, in what he would later remember as an embarrassing amount of time, and his walls clenched around Steve, drawing an orgasm from the now bigger man. Their thrusts slowed until Steve pulled out, using a sheet to clean them both off before tiredly flipping them over and cuddling into Buckys arms. Bucky smiled and kissed the blonds hair lovingly, whispering "Who'da thought Captain America is clingy after sex?" Steve nuzzled into Buckys neck mumbling back a simple retort of "Shut up, Jerk." Bucky chuckled before replying "Yes sir…Love you Punk." He didn't get a reply, assuming Steve fell asleep warm within his arms, so he tightened his grip on the patriotic soldier and closed his eyes on the edge of sleep, but not before hearing back a quiet mumble of "I love you too." He fell asleep with a content smile on his face and fleeting thoughts of worthy causes and loves withstanding.
A/N: So that's it. I hope everyone enjoyed. Once more special thanks to MaddyR for asking and I hope everyone has wonderful days.
Reviews are love ~MLM