Modern AU, requested by: meollaestelle3 {Whoa, what just happened there, why isn't it giving the name?}
Pairing: 1869
Ages are scrambled to the following:
Sawada (Vice Principal of school): 23, Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi (College students): 19, Lambo (still in high school): 16 ½, Dokurou Chrome (same as Lambo): 16, Rokudou Mukuro (College student): 17, Hibari Kyouya (full time worker at Namimori): 21, Ryouhei Sasagawa (second year college): 20
Ask about Rokudou's age and I'll tell you, I was around 16 when I got into college, and I'm around 18 going to third year. He's one of those early graduates that come by.
Disclaimers~: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! does not belong to me, it respectfully belongs to Akira Amano.
Chapter 1: of Tours and intros
Namimori town, always known for its good schooling reputation and good conduct, was one of the areas which caught more foreigner attention as well.
It wasn't like it was a scary place to be, but because it was such a peaceful ground, it drawn the attention of yet so much people.
People easily got hired as staff for the schooling, or just workers who worked either full time or part time, which was why it possibly caught such a good reputation
It was like it knew which were the good people to get, and which were not.
Hibari Kyouya was recently hired as one of the workers. His great working ethic and calm demeanor had him almost, if not, instantly hired by the Principal of Namimori, Reborn. Within the few weeks that went by, it was like he was there for years.
He loved the place like if it was his home. Rather it was better than home, where he had no one to be around with. Well actually he just liked the Principal's authority, being able to control a rambunctious group of people with the tip of his fingers.
He was usually given several tasks because of his effective skill of working efficiently at the shortest time limits that people wondered sometimes, was he even human? Did he receive help?
It wasn't like he had people to be around here, but he had a few whom helped him out filing here and there, as he was still a new worker just hired. Hibari didn't mind asking help from his supervisor because he was just like him, and both wordlessly helped each other out.
Usually he worked with the school finance revenues, seeing how much money had been spent and doing the calculations based upon it, and right now was one the times that the financial part was finally finished as people had been sending fee statements within the past month.
Perhaps that was why Hibari had been receiving a lot of applications related to students enrolling into the school building. Once he was done with the financing, he went and took a look if any were some good kind as to him it was difficult to find a student that would catch his eyes.
To him, he found them all strange. It was like they came in a packet of rainbow flavoured candy like Skittles, each having a strange hair colour save for two of them, who was named Yamamoto Takeshi, and Lambo. Hibari looked up from the files, looking for something, then he saw his supervisor and his thought process just went "yep".
The students looked just like the staff here. This Giotto student looked like Sawada, Asari and Yamamoto, G and Gokudera, hell even Lampow looked like Lambo!
He himself looked his like a copy of his petite supervisor, Alaude. Even though the looks were betraying, he knew he was younger than the platinum blond, but no matter how much people would look at them, they'd point at Hibari asking if he was some older brother of his.
Hibari blamed the long trench coat Alaude wore. But enough of that, Hibari went back to reading the student profiles, studying each before putting them away and telling his supervisors about them.
After placing the files on Alaude's desk he went back to his office to do what he usually does best; his paperwork related to Namimori town's finance, well care and basically everything else. But then it clicked to him, is Alaude slacking? He wasn't present in his room, and it was rather unusual because he would always be there even if he was deathly ill, he still dragged his weak self all the time.
He decided to phone him, which his best friend Cavallone picked up, saying that he had Alaude sent home much to his anger. Hibari sighed, knowing he should just fill in for Alaude for today as he read his schedule.
Alright time to play teacher today. Hibari wondered, how does someone play teacher anyway? Hibari regret taking the part time teaching section. He should've just said he only wants everything within the office work instead of saying 'whatever works'
Today was orientation day for the college and university students, which was why most of the staff were required. They were supposed to lead the students around and explain to them what their courses were and how they were going to go on.
Most of the students were present for their orientation, receiving T-shirts from the College as a sign of welcoming them. For the time they had, most of it didn't go so badly, as most teachers were able to conduct good introductions.
Hibari just read through the script Alaude had coincidently left in his office. He realized how little did he know about his supervisor, since when was he some instructor anyway? He was the quiet event arranger with Ugetsu, and did the IT management alone, sometimes getting G to do them with him, and was the guidance counsellor because he mistrusted Cavallone Dino for that job as he would screw up. A lot.
The students, however, were the things caught his attention the most. A lot of them were just people who looked like they were forced to come by and only came because there was free food and goodies they could receive, but some looked like they were genuinely interested in the subject. The student who he labelled "G #2" literally took notes of everything he was introducing with a gleam in his big eyes.
Hibari was already bothered and wanted to leave. Too much snotty nosed supposed-to-be-adults-but-acting-like-children, and they were crowding as well!
Giotto looked the most normal out of all of them, even though his hair said otherwise, being the spiky kind, but with a level expression like his, it wasn't noticeable that he looked weird too.
However, that didn't mean he wanted to see them again, as soon as the introductions were over, he cooped himself back in his office, like if he lost his sense to breathe and took in the fresh scent of his room, finally back to living his alone life.
He didn't have any sort of anxiety issue, but the idea was simple: he hates people. He hates the fact that people are so expressive and gross ninety percent of their lives, who just whine about how they can't do things, and how they want a break in their lives. Weak people are what exist, and now he was more disappointed about the students enrolling.
They looked weak and not ready for the education they would receive. Okay fine, maybe except the Skittles group, they only looked ready, or just ready to 'you only live once' things.
Either way, it didn't help that he was already bothered and sent an angry text to Alaude that said "don't make me do things like that again!" which he never received a text back for, other than a "do what?"
You're saying he didn't have to go cover for Alaude? Hibari had a mental facepalm.
There was, however a few students who couldn't attend the introduction sermons due to different reasons.
Rokudou Mukuro was one of those students who couldn't attend it because he was moving. Namimori Academy, which contained a high school and college in one, was pretty far from where he had lived, which was Kokuyo Land, which was just an abandoned building he lived in. The reason as to why he lived there was because he didn't have enough to buy an extravagant living, as he only worked part time to receive a normal amount of money which was enough for basic needs of his group of orphans he raised.
He wasn't even the oldest among them, but he led them and took care of them as if he was. Once he graduated from Kokuyo High, he was invited to Namimori Academy because he was a good enough student for it, and there was no better college than theirs. But for going to Namimori, he was told he would have to move because it was more convenient.
Because of his scholarship, he didn't have to worry about the fees and automatically got enrolled as soon as they found him. However, he still worked enough to get money for Kakimoto Chikusa, Jyoushima Ken, Dokuro Chrome, M.M and Fran, who attended Kokuyo High.
Today was the day he actually moved into the building, and was forced to skip the sermons, but he didn't care about it, as long as he could get things done without questions, he was fine with it. He recently did have the feeling he needed to get a better education to get his friends into a better home facility, but not those big orphanages because he didn't believe in them.
He still worried that they would be abused, the way he once was, when he was given to the Estraneo facility because his parents had died when he was so young.
He carried what little he had and told the group he would be visiting them from time to time, and without further ado, he left.
Rokudou had a hard time being around people as well, which was why when they asked if he wanted to have a partner dorm or a single one, he asked for a single dorm room. It was quite rare for people to have a single room dorm, which was why he was put in the corner of the hall, at the third floor of the residence.
His room was relatively small, but good for one person or two, as it had a bed on the side, a student desk, a relatively big window, two doors, one for his bathroom, and one for the closet to put his clothes or other things. By an hour time, he was done putting clothes in the drawer which was for some reason out of the closet room, and had some of his clothes hung in there. He had his bathroom set up with the necessary items as well, and then lastly, he filled his desk with a personal computer he preordered and left it set on the desk before taking his satchel and going to the actual school building.
He went for a tour by himself, wearing the comfortable school uniform, even though it wasn't required of him to wear a uniform, but it was required that he had kept his school ID card everywhere he went, so he had it slung on his neck on a lanyard. Because it was during the Fall season, he donned a black coat as well, which reached his knees.
The school building wasn't a bad place, rather it was a huge building, filled with things he never thought he'd see in schools. Long halls with the IT help desk being the closest, the Atrium had a piano that the students had decorated, along with long couches made of wood with comfortable maroon cushions, on the left of the atrium had a room called the "Student Association", and south of it was the bookstore from where the students had to buy textbooks. He didn't have enough money to buy any of them so he thought, he won't be shopping there any time sooner.
Because he got tired of touring the school, he left the building and went to the other section of it, which looked like a giant library. Libraries were always his favourite place as you can learn the most of everything there in their encyclopedia more than what you learn from incompetent teachers.
He found himself taking many of the books there, and signing them out for future reads. It wasn't only the encyclopedia he read there, but also as much as novels he can read, and information on raising people, and how to earn better for them.
Not like he was an angel of any sort, but he was just very disconnected from society, due to his strange heterochromia that people were always scared of because his right eye was red instead of the usual heterochromia of green and blue. Some said they even saw numbers in his eyes, which was one of the reasons why he tried his best to hide that eye, but people were rude enough to pull his hair away to see why he hidden that eye.
He sometimes had it covered by eye patches, or bandages that he lent his younger 'sister' Dokuro, who actually didn't have a right eye, but for most point, he said it was rude to use what she needed to cover his butt. He didn't like having to use something he didn't need for personal needs.
Speaking of little sisters, she was also one of the reasons why he wanted to raise more money. When he first time met her, she was in an accident and was almost killed. Her parents had her hospitalized for some time, but due to their greed, they thought maybe they should just leave her to die because she had lost most of her organs in the process.
When she was left there, he had adopted her and used whatever he had to have her at least be able to perform humanly duties without having to take constant medication. The cost was he had to stay close with her, as for an unusual reason, she was at best condition when he was around her, but when he left her, she was average.
His other reasoning was to make them live happily, and not the way he lost his chance to live happily. Even though they were considered normal children, Rokudou was one of the students who had this gene which the professors at the orphanage said 'came from the grace of Hell' hence the red eye which was stitched onto him after they had his sapphire eye gouged out.
Fortunately for him, when he had Kakimoto and Jyoushima saved from further experimentation, they only had minor changes, such as Jyoushima being able to channel different animal aspects when he changed his teeth, and Kakimoto having a barcode on his cheek and a personality loss. At least they were able to walk, talk, eat, sleep and whatnot, that's what mattered to them most. One of the only good parts that came from it was he was able to erase the name of the Estraneo without getting caught, because no one supported them in the end.
M.M was from another rich family who were killed by Assassins, whom she personally killed after stealing one of their weapons, and managed to get away due to justified self-defence. And lastly Fran lived with them because his grandmother was too weak to support him, but he mostly went to her for taking care of them, as Rokudou gave all of them part of his salaries for them to do what they want.
Rokudou read one of the books which he was about to sign out, but due to book limits, he wasn't able to. He checked the time before leaving, putting the book back in the shelf as he was already finished reading it.
He got lost in the abyss of bookshelves and apparently went the wrong way and came across an office building that was right next to the College dorm residence. He shrugged and went in to see what this offices were here for.
Then he remembered when he went in, these were those financial aid offices he had to consult when he firstly applied for going here. He went in nonetheless.
Because he had missed the orientation, he couldn't get the information they told about, and had to tell himself all about them, and like a class shoujo manga thing, he happened to not watch where he was going because he was so lost in what he was thinking about that he almost bumped into a person if he didn't move away in the nick of time.
He looked up to see a pretty tall person, well not so tall, but at a good height, with short spiky black hair, and small obsidian eyes, looking heavily focused on this paper he was reading before looking down at the student. "Careful next time" he quickly said as he walked off. Then Rokudou thought, why not ask for a tour from him?
"I'm sorry, I can't tell where I'm going" he quietly looked down as he said that. The tall man looked at Rokudou's ID card before saying "Oh, a student" Rokudou gazed up again "You work here?" he nodded "Hibari Kyouya" he introduced, feeling it was rude that he knew the student but the student didn't know who he was.
"Hibari Kyouya. Well then Mr. Hibari, may I ask for a tour?" he said, and Hibari raised a brow at the honourific. He shrugged but then started leading the student around. He noticed the student had a peculiar style for his age. Looking no older than seventeen, the child had a few piercings on his ears, and an extra piercing on his left with had a strange designed earring, on top of that, he wore a black coat, and a white shirt, donning a black tie and his lanyard, black pants and black boats. Maybe black was his favourite colour.
The strangest part was his indigo hair, that was parted evenly around his face, a hairline of a strange zigzag pattern, and it was quite long for a boy, as it reached around his waist. For some reason at the back of his head was what he thought a hair extension that looked like a lotus. His hair must've been the thing that stood out the most on him.
Apart from his hair, he had quite the pale skin, looking like a student who never was out in the sun before, with pretty eyes of sapphire and ruby, again, he assumed it was a contact len, and overall a good looking person, but far too thin for his own good.
He looked from where they were, then pointed "this is where you contact financial aid" and began to proceed giving him a tour, noticing how he'd look with the same smile on his face whenever he mentioned something and motioned him to look. He wasn't sure if he was just plastering a smile for politeness or was he genuinely interested.
"Who's room is this?" He suddenly pointed at the door, making Hibari look at it as well, then finding out "Oh, that's my office" Rokudou looked at him "You work.. here?" Hibari nodded, but then Rokudou shook his head "No no, I mean you work here, this room. Right here?" He nodded again as he led him in the room. The little college kid began to laugh and pointed at the window.
"Kuhahaah! I live there" he turned while pointing at the window, making Hibari bend down to peek, but because the dorm room was covered in curtains, he couldn't see anything. "That's your room?" Rokudou nodded, "Mhm! I never thought we'd live so closely" he laughed again, the office worker stared at him, confused.
'Why is he getting so excited?' he asked himself as he looked at the curtain covered room again. Rokudou looked like a child who just received candy when the subject of rooms came.
Maybe he was more normal than he had anticipated him to be.
"Oi, we're still having the 'tour', come on" Hibari motioned him to leave, but Rokudou came to a halt, noticing his student profile papers were on his desk. "At least my picture doesn't look bad" he joked, skimming through before putting them back and leaving with Hibari.
Hibari then gave him a rough tour of everything else, then led him back, noticing Rokudou was beginning to look more tired. He must've had a busy day. Hibari shrugged as he led him out of the office rooms, and took him back to the dorm "You look tired, go to sleep" He said as he turned to leave
"Wait, let me thank you" Hibari turned around as Rokudou smiled "Thanks a lot for the tour" he bowed politely, Hibari let a 'hn' before leaving, leaving the student to watch him leave.
Both had the same thought as they went back "What a strange person"
Short intro chapters are short intro chapters
Any sort of feedback would be greatly appreciated~