Sorry for the long wait! I was... being lazy. ;)

Merlin was angry. So angry in fact that the dead leaves were fleeing in fear. Not really, Aithusa had just landed and that's what set the leaves flying.

"That Mrs. Richard talks so loudly that the whole town probably knows about your 'ghost' incident! Now she's saying Mr. Richard thinks it could be an albino bear or Bigfoot!" Merlin threw his hands in the air out of pure frustration. "I hope you know its entirely your fault if hunters and Bigfoot fanatics start searching the woods."

"Oh come on! Life was starting to get boring! This will be fun!" Aithusa grined

"Fun? If anyone else sees you there's a chance of dragon hunters hearing about it!" Merlin thought Aithusa should be at least a little worried.

"But Merlin remember those superstitious hikers I told you about?"

"The ones you scared half to death?" Merlin said, fighting a smile at the hilarious story coming to mind.

"Yes! This will be just like that, only better because there will be more of them to scare!" Aithusa was practically bouncing with excitement.

"I still don't think-" Merlin started, still worried it wouldn't be safe.

"I'll be careful, Merlin, no one will see me. I'll wait till dark," she pleaded.

"Alright," Merlin conceded, "Just as long as you're careful."


After Sam and Dean got directions from Mr. Richard they headed out into the mountains. Though they hadn't been the only ones getting directions, there had been a whole crowd of hunters and hikers there to ask about the 'Big albino creature' which Mr. Richard still couldn't decide if it was a bear or a Bigfoot.

"You'd think there would be a a big difference between the two." Dean muttered, as they unloaded their shotguns from the impala's trunk along with some camping gear they'd bought from the local store, since Mr. Richard had told them he was a good two day's journey, on foot, away from the town when he saw the creature and set off into the woods.

Sam just nodded in agreement. "This is going to be harder with all these people around," he said, eyeing the Bigfoot fanatics who were still stuffing camera batteries and strange looking meats sealed in plastic containers into their bags.

"Then we'll just have to find the bear before all these idiots do," Dean said.


By the end of their second day out in the thick woods they'd found nothing, and started set up camp when they heard a rapid thumping noise coming from the woods ahead of them.

"What is that?" Sam asked, just loudly enough to be heard over the noise, which was steadily getting louder.

Before Dean could answer a full grown buck burst out of the woods and, completely ignoring them, continued its frantic run though the forest behind them.

"That can't be a good sign." Dean said, as both of them went for their guns.

For a moment there was complete silence. Then they heard shouting from the direction the buck came from. The brothers headed in that direction, their guns ready. Soon they were close enough to understand the shouting.

"I'll get you! You mangy bear! Show yourself!"

When the man, who they could now tell was a hunter, heard them coming he whipped around and pointed his hunting rifle straight at them.

"What are you doing here!?" He yelled at them.

"We heard the noise and came to find out what was going on." Dean told him.

A low growl came from the trees behind the hunter and he whipped around again. "I'm hunting that white bear and I've found him," the hunter shouted at the trees, "But he's smart, and he's trying to lure me into the darker forest."

"Did you actually see the bear?" Sam asked, because if it really was just a regular albino bear then there was no reason for him and Dean to be out hunting it.

"Well... not exactly," the hunter said uncomfortably, still scanning the trees, "I just saw a bit of white between the trees and heard the growling, but it's got to be the bear. Nothing else it could be."

A few tense moments later and they saw a flash of white in the darkening woods. They all pointed their guns toward it. A moment later there was a sharp crack of a branch breaking to their left. They pointed their guns in that direction but didn't see anything. A growl sounded behind them and this time the hunter shot in the direction of the sound. The result was a dull ringing sound like the bullet had bounced off a rock, then a louder and angrier growl. Dean saw a flash of white through the trees and fired at it but the only effect it had was more dull ringing.

Then there was silence again. A few moments passed and a strong wind blew through the clearing.

"I think its gone." Sam said quietly.

The hunter cursed loudly, "That beast is like a ghost!"
