Authors note: This is an AU story set before S3. so Ziva isn't part of the team, yet. I am not sure if I´ll include Kate in this story. This is my first try on Fanfiction so I hope it won't be too bad. Sorry for any obvious mistakes. Feel free to point them out. This is the first part of my story and if someone likes it I´ll write more. However, if it´s crap there´s no point in continuing

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own NCIS

Summary: After her father had forced Ziva to move to the USA she hit the club scene and got wasted. The next morning she wakes up to an apartment that isn´t her own. When she tries to sneak out she finds herself face to face with Tony DiNozzo who will offer her more than just a smile.

Ziva woke up on Saturday morning with a massive hangover. She couldn't remember anything that happened the night before. Her head was throbbing and the sun peeking through the light blue curtains hurt her eyes. Rolling over she buried her head in the pillow and automatically felt for her gun under it. However, she couldn't find one. That was the moment she realized where she was or rather where she wasn't because this was definitely not her apartment. Oh shit. Did I sleep with a complete stranger? No, I still have my clothes on. Then she pushed up her dress looking for some kind of injuries. None.

Ziva sat up slowly and looked around the room searching for clues .It was a huge room with expensive looking furniture. It kind of reminded her of her parents' bedroom back in Tel Aviv before they left her father, the infamous deputy director David.

She left the bed, her feet sinking into white plush carpeting. Ziva gathered her stuff and tip-toed to the door quietly. With my Mossad training it should be no problem to leave the apartment unnoticed because I have no intention on meeting him…or her. Dammit what if a lesbian took me home.

The Israeli peeked through the opened door cautiously and stepped into the living room. It looked nice but a little bit messy. There was a big shelf full of DVD's next to the black piano. She used to play piano when she was younger but had to abandon it in order to concentrate on her career at Mossad. Just like her ballet lessons.

Ziva stopped moving as she spotted someone standing in the kitchen. His shirtless back was to her and she could tell that he was tall, with light brown hair and defined muscles.(Let's pretend Tony had more muscles back in S2). Suddenly he turned around as if he felt her eyes on him.

Oh shit .So much to my special Mossad training. A piece of bread fell out of his mouth as he gaped at her .His brown hair was mussed and sticking up everywhere and it seemed like he just woke up too. There was a counter in front of him that ended just below his waist so she couldn't see if he was wearing anything underneath. Please, let him be wearing something down there.

"uuh…I was just…I am going to…"

"Cat got your tongue Zivaaah"

" I believe I would not be able to speak to you if a cat had gotten my tongue. How could it has possibly done that? Wait…You know my Name? Who told you? "

"That's an easy question. You did. You were quiet chatty yesterday. "He said and started to walk towards me.

"Stay away from me" she yelled and moved a step back.

"What the hell is wrong with you" he said and held his hands up.

She turned her head frantically searching for some sort of weapon in case he decided to attack her.

"Why am I here?"

Is it bad? Is it ok? Please tell me what you think of it in a review because if it´s a horrible story i obviously won´t continue it. So review or\and follow :)