AN: So I watched the new Cinderella movie and I came right home and started writing this. I have the whole thing finished already, so I'll post the next part at least by like Sunday, but it's kinda on the long side, so that's why it's a two shot. Enjoy!


Once upon a time, in a kingdom best known for its gallant knights, fire-breathing dragons, and amazing royal family, there was a young boy named Merlin. He lived with his mother, as his father was said to have died before Merlin could remember. Merlin's mother loved her son more than any treasure in the kingdom, and she believed strongly that Merlin should have a father to raise him.

Merlin's mother, though not rich, owned a fair amount of property. She soon found a husband who claimed to be a farmer and he said was glad to cultivate the land. It was in the middle of a summer when Merlin was informed that his mother would be marrying the man, and Merlin was to gain two stepbrothers: Valiant and Lancelot.

Lancelot was a kind hearted boy who welcomed Merlin as a new family member, however Valiant was selfish and devious. He acted as though he would be kind, however he made Merlin uneasy.

The months passed, and soon Merlin's mother fell ill, dying during a particularly bad autumnal storm. Lancelot tried to comfort Merlin, and though for a week Merlin was allowed to grieve, slowly things began to change. Merlin's stepfather, Alined, soon moved Merlin's bed into the attic, and Merlin found that he was left to do most of the chores. As time passed, the other family seemed to see him less as a brother and son, and more as a servant. Despite everything, Lancelot remained kind, but he could do little to sway his father and brothers harsh treatment.

Merlin saw his life change, and before long he was but a servant in what used to be his own house. Valiant began to mock Merlin's dirty and haggard appearance, and he soon came to be known as Cindermerlin.


"Today, Cindermerlin, I have a duel so I'll need my armor, sword, and shoes shined, as well as a good lunch ready for me and don't forget to ready my horse and ready the front grounds for the duel and prepare something to eat for afterwards and clean the visiting room as well as clean the front windows and wash the front steps and whatever you do don't forget to take care of the hunting dogs because depending how tired I am I might go hunting as well. Oh, and I almost forgot, don't forget to shine my hunting shoes and ready that outfit as well," Valiant didn't spare a glance at Merlin, who bowed his head anyway.

"And you, sir?" Merlin turned to his stepfather who was still busy eating breakfast.

"Oh, just your usual chores, I should think. The mending, the cleaning, making food, taking care of the grounds, cleaning the carriage, feeding the animals, nothing special."

"And you?" Merlin turned to Lancelot, who offered a small smile.

"Just take care of my room," he told Merlin, before silently mouthing to him that he'd already taken care of his own room early this morning.

"Of course," Merlin smiled slightly, before looking to see if any dishes were yet ready to be taken to the kitchen. His pause made his stepfather frown, however and shout at him.

"Well get a move on, boy, or need I double your chores?" He glared at Merlin, who shook his head quickly.

"Of course not, sir," Merlin declared, before he scampered from the room to go carry out his duties.


Merlin was busy scrubbing the front steps when Lancelot came by to tell him hello.

"I'm on my way to see the animals," Lancelot told Merlin. "How are you doing? Need anything to eat?"

"No, I'm fine. Thanks for checking," Merlin smiled up at him. Lancelot simply nodded. "Also, thanks for the room thing. Your brother did seem to want to keep me busy!"

"He always does," Lancelot's voice was slightly sad. "Sorry, I probably should hurry along. I don't want to slow you down and make them mad at you. I'll see you later, and here, at least have this pastry. I brought it from the kitchens; wouldn't want it to go to waste."

Merlin took the gift thankfully and nodded up at his step-brother before fairly inhaling the small bit of food.

"Good luck," Lancelot smiled, before he hurried down the steps toward the animal pins. He was halfway there when he heard a commotion.

Turning, Lancelot saw Valiant standing on the steps beside Merlin, the bucket of water rolling down the steps and water splashed all over the younger boy.

"Sorry, I tripped," Valiant smirked down at Merlin, who nodded quickly and swallowed hard.

"Of course, I mean, yes, I understand," Merlin sounded flustered. "I'll just go get the bucket, then."

Merlin started down the stairs when he slipped on the wet marble and slid down, landing in a pile of mud. Valient burst out laughing, while Lancelot bristled.

"Maybe we should call you muddy Merlin?" Valient snickered, hurrying down the steps. Merlin tried to shake himself off and stand up, however Valiant smashed his boot on to Merlin's hand, and the younger boy yelped in pain.

"Hey," Lancelot hurried forward. "Stop it!"

Valient glanced up appearing surprised that he brother was there, but then he simply smirked.

"Feeling bad for the servant, are you?" Valient raised an eyebrow.

"He happens to be our brother, in case you'd forgotten," Lancelot replied angrily.

"Brother? Really? This pathetic little excuse for a servant was never our brother!"

Valient stamped on Merlin's hand again before he retracted his foot. Lancelot was about ready to hit Valient, when Merlin quickly shook his head and grabbed the bucket.

"Don't worry about it, it was just an accident," Merlin told Lancelot. "I'll just get more water. Don't fight, please."

With that, Merlin hurried away, wiping quickly at his cheeks.

"Don't ever talk about our brother like that again," Lancelot told Valient sternly once Merlin had disappeared. "Ever."

Valient rolled his eyes, hurrying up the steps and into the house. Lancelot shook his head and went to find Merlin; he could check on the horses later.


Merlin was sitting by the well when Lancelot found him. The bucket was still relatively empty, save a bit of muddy water at the bottom. Merlin was facing away from Lancelot, and when Lancelot cleared his throat, Merlin was quick to wipe at his face and turn around. An almost-smile was plastered on his face.

"It'll be filled in just a minute," Merlin suddenly busied himself with getting more water into the bucket.

"Merlin," Lancelot shook his head. "Don't listen to him. You have always been a brother to me. The way he and father treats you is abominable. Please, forgive me for not doing more to stop them."

"You already do so much," Merlin smiled. "There's nothing to be forgiven. I'd best get back to work now."

"Wait, how's your hand?"

Merlin showed Lancelot his slightly swelling hand, and Lancelot flinched.

"It doesn't hurt much," Merlin smiled. "Don't worry about it. Besides, wrapping it will probably just make Valient mad.

"Merlin," Lancelot hesitated. He opened his mouth several times, before he simply shook his head. Finally, he spoke again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Really, don't be," Merlin smiled at him, before he grabbed the bucket and hurried away, humming to himself. Lancelot sighed and went on his own way. He was almost to the barn when he was intercepted by Valiant.

"Father wants to see you," Lancelot was told. The younger man nodded, marching toward the house. Now what?


Lancelot entered his father's office uneasily. His father was sitting behind his desk, a letter in hand.

"You wished to see me?" Lancelot asked.

"Yes," Alined glanced up. "I have come to a decision. I recall you used to have a dream of becoming knight. Your swordsmanship is excellent, and I have already had a request for you join the knights of the royal palace. I'm writing a letter to say that you accept. Do you?"

"I... Well I... This is rather... Sudden," Lancelot's jaw dropped.

"You would help protect the royal family, and thus you would live at the castle. You could come visit home, I'm sure, however most of your time would be spent away from home."

Lancelot was speechless, however he nodded slowly.

"Perhaps," he said. "May I have time to think about this?"

"You have until tonight," Alined replied. "You are dismissed."

Alined smiled broadly the moment his son was gone. This opportunity was well calculated for not only would he now have some power at court, but Alined would be rid of the person who often hindered his step-son in his chores. He knew Lancelot would not be able to pass up this opportunity, and it was not a moment too soon. He'd seen that his sons had almost gotten into a fight due to the servants clumsiness, but soon Lancelot would be gone.

Alined simply loved plotting. It was his favorite activity, after taking control of power of course.


Merlin was more than halfway through his chores. In fact he was already readying Valliant's horse for his hunting expedition later while the man laughed with his friends in the sitting room. A sound at the door caught his attention so, after tightening the saddle, Merlin turned in that direction.

"Lancelot," Merlin smiled. When he saw the expression on Lancelot's face, he frowned. "Is everything okay?"

Lancelot hesitated, before be sat upon a bench on the side of the room. He motioned for Merlin to sit beside him, and the boy uneasily did as he was told.

"How's your hand?" Lancelot asked, and Merlin extended his palm to show a large swelling purple mark in the middle. "You should put it in cold water."

"Why'd you come out here?" Merlin asked. "There's a reason, I can tell."

Lancelot hesitated, before he nodded slowly.

"My father has presented me with an option in life, and I'm not sure yet what to do. Merlin, he said I could become a knight, but I'd have to live at the palace."

"Oh," Merlin blaunched. His mind spun with scenarios, all of which ended rather poorly for him, however he forced himself back into the present. "Oh, that's... Wonderful! You have to, of course. You've talked of wanting to be a knight. I'm so happy for you."

"Merlin, if I leave there will be no one here for you. I don't think I can do this with good conscious."

"I'll be fine," Merlin forced himself to smile. "I'm tougher than I look. I can look out for myself."

"Merlin, if I do this, you have to promise me you'll try to stay out of trouble. Please, you must be careful."

"Of course. Now you should go tell your father that this is what you want, because I know it is," Merlin forced himself to continue smiling at Lancelot.

"I'll come back to visit, and try to get you to visit as well. Imagine, you coming to visit the castle!"

"Can't wait," Merlin smiled. "Now go on!"

"Merlin, be careful, please! I couldn't stand it if something happened to you."

"Don't worry. I'll go pack your bags."

"I can do that," Lancelot shook his head.

"I can help," Merlin replied, and the two then made their way into the house. Merlin hurried upstairs to start packing the bags. He and his brother shared small talk until the chore was done, and then Merlin went to make dinner.

"Hey, Cindermerlin!" Merlin heard called in his direction as he headed for the kitchens. He turned to see his older stepbrother standing there with two friends. "Sounds like your guardian angel is heading for the palace. Too bad I'm not to join him in becoming a knight, but then again knights are bound by petty rules. Instead, I get to stay here and relax, with you to follow my every command. Perhaps I don't mind so much after all."

"Excuse me," Merlin tried to push by Valiant and his two buddies. They laughed but let him by.

"I look forward to the day my brother is gone," Valiant hissed to Merlin, before the group of three disappeared into the sitting room.

Merlin sighed deeply and went to make dinner. He did not look forward to the day Lancelot left to become a knight. Nevertheless, Merlin was happy for him, and he forced any bitter feelings away. It would all work out alright in the end, Merlin was sure.


Lancelot left in the morning, Merlin waving goodbye to him until he had disappeared down the lane. Merlin sighed, shook his head, and then blinked hard. He then turned to go inside and begin his chores. Instead he ran smack into his older stepbrother.

"Cindermerlin," Valiant smirked. "Oh dear, were you beginning to cry because your master, I mean your brother, has left for a bigger and brighter future while you have to stay here and work and work and work?"

"Leave me alone," Merlin replied, yanking his wrist away from where Valiant had latched onto it.

"Only until you do something wrong," Valiant replied, before he smirked and stepped away.

"Well I don't plan on doing anything wrong," Merlin replied, before he realized his retort was wrong in itself. The realization was met with a slap to the face. Merlin's hand lifted to his stinging cheek, his breath catching.

"You had better shape up or you will find yourself in plenty of trouble with no one to help you," Valiant snapped. A sound behind the two made them both spin to see Alined glaring at the scene.

"What is going on here?" He asked.

"He was being disrespectful," Valiant snapped, pointing the Merlin. To Merlin's horror, rather than help his step-son, Alined nodded and turned away. It was then that Merlin realized, he truly was alone.

"Do what you must," were Alined's parting words, before he disappeared into the house.

Merlin braced himself for the hit that was delivered to his side, before Valiant too disappeared into the house, leaving Merlin gasping for breath. Merlin sat there for several moments before he picked himself up and ran for the forest. He didn't stop when he reached the edge and instead continued deep into the forest's depths. Finally he collapsed beneath a giant tree, sobbing into his arms.

He sat there for some time, when he heard the sound of horses approaching. Panicked, Merlin his behind a rock and watched uneasily as a group of five appeared. One was clearly a serving girl, and two others were guards of some kind. The other two wore nice but not extravagant outfits, and they dismounted quickly.

"Thank you for accompanying me, brother," the dark haired girl said.

"Of course, she was my mother as well," the blonde man replied, and they went to kneel beneath the tree creating a bed of flowers. Merlin watched in fascinated silence until finally he turned away, looking up to see how much time had passed. A startled gasp behind him caught his attention, and Merlin scrambled around to see the serving girl staring at him. The rest of the group looked up, the blond man stalking forward with his sword held in the air.

"Who are you and what are doing here?" The blonde man demanded.

"I... I was just..." Merlin backed away with his hands in the air.

"Tell me, now!" The blonde man demanded.

"Merlin, my name is Merlin," Merlin told the man. "And I was just… I was…"

Merlin sniffled quickly, trying to come up with an excuse, when the woman stepped forward with a soft smile.

"Arthur, can't you see he's upset? He likely just came here to hide out for a little while to feel better," the woman smiled at Merlin, who nodded quickly. Now that he noticed her better, he realized that she wore quite a nice dress, really. It's deep green color complimented her dark brown locks.

"I don't mean any harm! I didn't know anyone came here. I came here to kind of be alone, not that I have to be alone now, I just came here for that, but you don't have to leave!" Merlin rambled, and the dark haired woman laughed quietly.

"We won't be leaving quite yet," Arthur told Merlin, but the blonde man seemed to be more at ease. He nodded to the two guards, who stepped back.

"So, why are you here?" Merlin asked. "Not that I mean to intrude! Maybe I should just leave…"

"It's alright," the dark haired woman spoke. "We came here to visit my mother's grave. She came here when she was younger, so rather than being buried in the family cemetery, she is here."

"I'm sorry she's passed. I'm intruding, I should go. I know it's hard to lose parents, considering…. I'll just go. It was nice to meet you."

"It was nice to meet you as well," the dark haired woman curtsied, and Merlin blushed.

"Goodbye," he told her, and then he rushed away into the underbrush back towards the manor. He vaguely wondered who those people were, but he figured he'd probably never see them again so it wouldn't matter. Still, they seemed rather nice.

"Where is that boy!" Merlin heard the minute he entered the yard, and he gulped. Time to get back to work.


"Peasants are odd, aren't they?"

Morgana looked up to see her brother shaking his head, and she chuckled softly.

"He was sort of sweet," Morgana replied. "Thank you again for accompanying me."

"Of course," Arthur shrugged.

"Princess Morgana, the king requires your presence," a knight suddenly hurried up to the two, and Morgana shrugged at her brother.

"I'll see you later," she told Arthur, who nodded.

"I'm to go meet a new knight, I'll see you later."

Morgana hurried through the halls toward the courtroom. She let herself in and found her father staring out a window pensively.

"You wished to see me?" Morgana walked forward, and the king turned quickly.

"Yes, Morgana, it has been brought to my attention that you have come of age and, as per tradition, it is time to find a man for you to wed."

"Really?" Morgana raised an eyebrow and almost laughed, however she schooled her expression quickly. "I see."

"Yes, so I believe we must take steps to find you a suitable husband. I was thinking a ball, perhaps. We shall invite all of the eligible nobles from neighboring kingdoms."

"Oh," Morgana looked shocked. "When do you plan to have this ball?"

"As soon as possible," the king replied. "Are there any nobles you already have your eye on?"

"Not particularly," Morgana admitted.

"Well, in that case may I suggest the prince from the neighboring kingdom that we often have trouble with? King Cenred? Such a marriage would secure peace and-"

"I will not marry for such reasons," Morgana interrupted with a snap. "Especially him."

"Well, I'm sure you'll find someone suitable."

"I'm sure I will, but likely not at any ball," Morgana snapped. "I can't marry someone I just happen to meet at a ball. It takes more than that."

"Morgana," the king's tone was a warning, however Morgana continued to speak.

"I will search at the ball, however I can't promise anything. I've met all of the nobles before, and I can't think of a single one that is suitable. The ball isn't going to change anything. Perhaps if you could extend the invitation to a wider audience and I could meet some new people…"

"What are you suggesting?" the king frowned deeply.

"Invite people of the kingdom as well. Why need we look beyond our own borders?"

"Morgana," the king shook his head. "That idea is preposterous."

"Why?" Morgana raised an eyebrow. "Do we not have the most loyal subjects of any kingdom? Besides, perhaps I will chose a noble, but wouldn't it make the people of our kingdom happy if they knew we think of them and take them into consideration?"

"Well…" the king hesitated.

"Please?" Morgana pleaded, and finally the king nodded.

"I'll take this request into consideration," he nodded slowly.

"Thank you!" Morgana declared a little too enthusiastically. She turned and smirked to herself. That was easy. There was no way she was marrying someone like King Cenred, or any of the other stuck up nobles she'd met in the past. Oh well, if the ball wasn't good for anything else, at least she'd get a nice new dress and lots of delicious food out of it.

"I'll inform the royal dressmaker to begin working," the king called after Morgana, who thanked her father and then hurried out into the hall where her servant Gwen was waiting for her.

"He wants to hold a ball!" Morgana laughed quietly as they made their way along the hall "So I can meet a 'suitable noble', as if any of the nobles are suitable."

"A ball though, that should be fun!" Gwen smiled.

"I suppose. I'll tell the dressmaker to make you a gown as well, perhaps you can catch some noble's eye," Morgana smiled.

"Oh, I can't attend a ball," Gwen shook her head, but Morgana simply smiled.

"And why not? Come, want to meet the new knight? I do."

The two hurried outside to see a dark haired man sparring with Arthur. He was quite handy with a sword, and soon Arthur called the match to a close.

"You'll make an excellent knight, Sir Lancelot," Arthur smiled. "Morgana, meet Sir Lancelot, the newest edition to the knights."

"Your highness," Lancelot bowed quickly, and Morgana smiled at him.

"Welcome," she told him. "Where are you from?"

"I'm Alined Tremain's son," Lancelot clarified, and Morgana nodded.

"Good to have you. Arthur, may I speak with you for a moment."

Arthur nodded and hurried to Morgana's side.

"Are you aware that father is planning a ball to wed me off to someone?"

"No, when did that happen?" Arthur's eyebrows shot up.

"Just now!" Morgana laughed sarcastically. "It's meant to help me find an 'eligible noble'."

"Oh, well there's plenty of those," Arthur shrugged. "It won't be hard, I'm sure."

"I've asked him invite the people of our kingdom as well."

"What?!" Arthur spun his head to stare at her in shock. "Why did you do that?"

"Don't you think I should consider everyone?"

"Well I… I mean… Why? That won't bring any peace treaties or anything!"

"Oh you are impossible," Morgana rolled her eyes. "You sound just like father!"

"Well, isn't that kind of the point since I'm the future king?"

"I'm going to marry because I want to, on my own terms, not father's," Morgana replied.

"Oh, well good luck with that," Arthur replied, before he laughed joyfully. "A ball you say? That'll be fun!"

Morgana rolled her eyes and turned back toward the castle.

"Come Gwen, leave the brave and daring warrior to his planning for a ball," Morgana smirked as she and Gwen went toward the dressmaker's. If she was going to have to go through with this, Morgana would make sure she would look stunning, at least.


Merlin found himself slaving away for the rest of the next week as he had never before. Now that Lancelot was gone there was no one to speak in his defense, and so often times when he was half done with a chore, Valiant would come by and destroy all of his work 'on accident'. Merlin never got upset during the day, however at night he often reflected on what he could do different, because surely there was something he could do to make his life better.

He was also half starving all the time now because Valiant often arrived in the kitchens to bring all of the food to the table himself, leaving Merlin with but a few scraps to devour. The Monday after Lancelot had left, Merlin received a letter from his brother asking him to come for a visit at the palace. The prince had heard about the new knight's little brother and was curious to meet him. The letter arrived along with a royal announcement that a ball would be held in honor of the princess Morgana's coming of age and all citizens of Camelot were invited. Alined began preparations at once.

"We will be fitted for new suits," Alined instructed Valiant. "And you will do whatever it takes to woo the princess. Cindermerlin, you will go to the tailor in town and tell him to create two new suits."

"Two?" Merlin sounded hopeful. "Does that mean that…"

"That what?" Valiant looked curious.

"Well, that I will be permitted to go?"

"You?" Valiant burst out laughing. "Muddy Merlin, going to a ball at the royal palace? Why, it would be an insult to the royal family if we allowed you to go! Imagine you introducing yourself to the princess. Hello, my name is Muddy, Cindermerlin, would you care to dance with me?"

Merlin flushed, embarrassed, and he blinked quickly.

"Of course, I didn't think I would anyway," Merlin muttered quickly, however he was interrupted by his step-father.

"On the contrary," his father spoke evenly. "If you should do all that we tell you to until the time of the ball, you get all your chores done on time, and you find something suitable to wear, you may go. You must obey out every order without complaint."

"Really?" Merlin's face lit up. "Thank you, stepfather!"

"Don't let it be said I don't care for my stepson," Alined replied smoothly. "Now, your extra chores will begin in the morning, be ready."

"Of course!" Merlin smiled. "Thank you!"

"You are dismissed for the rest of today," Alined replied. "Run along."

Merlin hurried upstairs to find a nicer outfit. If he was dismissed anyway, he might as well go to visit Lancelot today. He found a nicer shirt and pants, and then with his letter clutched in his hand, Merlin hurried toward the palace.


"You can't really expect him to go to the ball?" Valiant asked his father as they watched Merlin race away down the lane. "Where's he going, anyway?"

"Who knows where the boy goes in his free time, not that he'll have any free time until the ball arrives. Of course he won't be going to the ball, however do you not think this is a perfect opportunity to get him to work doubly hard?"

Valiant smirked and nodded.

"I trust you can come up with plenty for him to do, and I will add a few of my own chores," Alined told his son. "Now, let's come up with a list, shall we?"

Valiant nodded, returning to the desk, and he and his father began to come up with a list for Merlin to complete.

AN: I'm doing a lot more writing than posting this week, and plan to write more over the weekend, so hopefully the next installment of the hunting story will be up soon if you're following that one :)

Anyway, please review and tell me what you think!