Well, on this day last year, I posted the last chapter of Auslly 4. Time truly flies.


Disclaimer: I don't own Austin & Ally

(March 15, 2045)

Addison's POV

"Hahahaha! I win!" I yelled, pointing and laughing at Dez. He always loses at Go Fish. Like he's terrible.

Dez crossed his arms and pouted as hard as he could.

I giggled even more until I felt this weird sensation. "Whoa."

"What's wrong, sweetie?" My mom asked.

"I just had a major case of déjà vu."

"It's because it actually did happen before." Trish commented.

"But when?"

"When your mom was having Amber and Ashton. In fact, you beat Dez right in the very spot you're sitting at."

"But I was like 1... How is that even possible?"

Mom opened her mouth then paused. "You know... I'm not quite sure. You were a strangely intelligent baby."

Aw... A baby. A little baby. I thought. I had been wanting a kid ever since Lindsey had Emma. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever laid eyes on.

To be honest, I was actually kinda jealous of Amber at that moment. I mean, don't get me wrong, I was so excited to be an aunt! But Logan and I have been married for 3 years and Amber and August have only been married for 9 months... Catch my drift?

"Can you believe it, guys?" Mom spoke up. "We're going to be grandparents!"

Trish rolled her eyes. "Ugh. Don't remind me."

"Whyyyy? Are you sad that August has grown up and is having a little baby of his own?"

"No. It's cuz I don't want to get old."

"Trish has a point." Dad added. "We are getting old!"

Mom scoffed. "Oh boo hoo! It was bound to happen sometime. I mean, you have two married daughters and-"

"-And a dead beat son who will never find love." I interrupted, giggling.

Ashton threw his used napkin at me. "Shut up." He laughed.

Just then, August came bursting out with a gigantic smile on his face. "She's here!"

We all jumped up, cheered, and ran to the room, so excited to meet the newest addition to this crazy family. Once Trish, Dez, Winnie, August, Ashton, me, Logan, mom, and dad got situated in that crowded little room, Amber introduced the little angel. "Meet Charlotte Olivia Wade."

My eyes began to fill with water. My precious, tiny, niece.

That's it. The decision has been made. I am going to have a baby.

(July 28, 2045)

Beep beep, beep beep

I took a deep breath as I silenced the timer. "Lindsey, I can't do it. I can't look at it."

She put her hand on top of mine. "Yes, you can."

"But what if it's negative?" I asked, feeling a lump in my throat.

"It won't be."

"Lindsey, I've taken 10 of these. They were all negative."

"Okay, how about this: if it's negative, I'll hug you. But if it's postive, I'll still hug you."

"But-" Before I could even finish my sentence, Lindsey had gone into the bathroom and walked out with the test in her hand. "Well?" I asked.

She hugged me, but then started to squeal. What was that supposed to mean?


She pulled away and looked into my eyes. "You're pregnant!"

My jaw dropped as we both began to jump and scream at the top of our lungs. "Are you serious?!"

She nodded as she showed me the test. "Dead serious!"

(July 29, 2045)

Tonight was the night. The night I tell my husband we're having a baby. He's gonna be so excited! I bought something special for it. We're gonna have a candle lit dinner, followed by dessert, and then the reveal.

"Hey, Addi!" He greeted as he walked in the front door.

I smiled and ran to hug him. "Hey, baby!" I said, putting all the emphasis on the word baby.

He looked a little confused but brushed it off. "How was your day?"

I smiled again. "Absolutely wonderful! All I did was watch Aaron & Ashley reruns on tv and eat ice cream all day!"

"Really? That's it?"

"Well..." I trailed off. "I did do one other thing today." I smirked, grabbed his arm, and pulled him towards the kitchen. "This!"

His eyes gleamed in the candle light. Oh yeah. This was going to be a great night. "What is all this?"

"Just something to say, 'I love you' with."

He turned around and kissed me. "I love you, too." We gazed into each other's eyes until he broke the silence. "Well c'mon! I'm starving!"

I giggled as I watched my 27 year old husband act like a child while trying to situate himself at the table. He's going to be a great father.

We started the dinner off with pizza. Lots and lots of pizza. I know, not the most romantic food out there, but it's romantic to us. Every time there was a special occasion, we would have pizza.

After devouring the first two slices, he paused.

"What's the matter Logan?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"We're having pizza..."


"We never have pizza unless there's a special occasion!" I was hoping he would catch onto it. "What's the big news?"

I was trying my best to keep it in until after dessert, but he was excited to know and I was excited to tell him. So I cracked. "Okay!" I said as I ran and got the thing I bought. "I was waiting for just the right time to tell you, but I guess that time is now." I handed him the bag. "Open it."

He grinned. He was just like a kid at Christmas. Logan's eyes grew wide as he pulled out a little onesie that read, "My dad is awesome!". "Aw! That's so cu-" he stopped himself, looking at me in shock and question. "D-does this mean what I think it means?"

I nodded, beginning to feel water in my eyes.

He stood up and grabbed my arms. "Don't mess with me, Addison." He started to choke up. "Tell me the truth."

I looked up at him and smiled as the tears fell. "I am, Logan. We're having a baby!"

He began to cry as well, pulling me into a tight hug.

(September 22, 2045)

I looked over to Logan in the driver's seat. "You ready?"

He nodded. "Absolutely! You?"

I smirked. "I've never been more ready in my entire life."

"Well," He started, opening his door. "let's do it, shall we?"

I followed his movements all the way into the doctor'so office. "Hi, my name is Addison Wilkes. I'm here for an appointment with Dr. Brown."

"Ah, yes. Dr. Brown is with another patient right now, but she should be out soon. Please, have a seat."

"Thank you."

We waited for a good 20 minutes before Dr. Brown finally came out and called us.

"Good morning, you two." She greeted as she closed the door.

"Oh, Melissa, you have no idea how wonderful this morning truly is."

She smiled. "Let's not keep you waiting any longer then." She patted the table, indicating me to lie down, hooked me up to the machine, then put the gel on my stomach.

I'm so excited. In a matter of minutes, Logan and I will find out what we're having. I've been dreaming of this moment for so long. I honestly thought it would never happen. But here I am, having an ultrasound for my child. My baby.

Logan and Melissa were talking about something, but I couldn't pay attention. I was just so lost in my thoughts.

Once we find out, I'm going straight to my parents and telling them and nd then Logan and I will buy everything for the nursery and then-

"It's a boy!"

(January 6, 2046)

"Winnie!" I gasped, pulling out the most adorable baby clothes I had ever seen. "You shouldn't have!"

"But I did!" Winnie laughed. "Ooh! And this one has a matching hat!"

"No, it doesn't!"

"Yeah, it does!"

I pulled her in for a hug. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome."

"Addison! Addison! My mommy and I got somethin for the baby too." Emma said, proudly. "Here."

I unwrapped and opened the box, revealing a stuffed, white dog with blue polka dots. "Thank you, Emma. I know the baby will love it forever." I looked over to Lindsey and mouthed 'Thank you.' She nodded with a smile in return.

"Oh, me next!" Amber announced, grabbing her gift and climbing over everybody. "I'm happy for you, big sis." She said as she handed me the bag.

The doorbell rang just as I was about to open it. I began to get up when mom said she'll get it.

"No, it's fine. I'm already halfway up." I laughed. I opened the door to someone I had never seen before in my life. "Hello?"

"Is this the residence of Austin and Ally's daughter?" Asked the mysterious woman.

"Uh, yes, but who are you?"

"My name is-"

"-Oh my goodness!" I heard my mother exclaim. "Hi! How are you?" She asked as she hugged the woman.

"I'm wonderful! And you?"

"Couldn't be better."

"Uh, mom?" I asked, question full in my face. "Who is this?"

"Oh, Addison, you won't believe it! This is the woman who planned mine and you're father's wedding!"

"That's so cool!" Weird.

Mom turned to her again. "So how did you find us?"

"Well, I was talking to Melissa Brown, and she happened to mention that she was invited to Addson Moon's baby shower but that she couldn't make it. So I asked if I could take her place and she agreed! She didn't tell you?"

"Not that I know of. But I'm glad you're here!"

I walked over to Amber and crossed my arms. "This is weird." I whispered.

"Yeah. Really weird."

"Isn't that the woman who said the weather would be nice a month before the actual date?"

"I think so."

"How did mom not correct her?"

Amber shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe mom believed her."

"But it's like impossible to know the weather that far ahead. Mom knows that better than anybody."

"It's been 29 years, Addi."

"I know! It's just been bugging me ever since they told us that story when we were little."

"Me too." Amber started to speak up. "What was your name again?"


"-Pizza!" Logan announced as he brought 5 boxes in the house.

(March 5, 2046)


I pushed as hard as I could, and he still wasn't here!

"Come on, Addi! You got this!"

"Shut up!" I yelled at my husband, squeezing his hand till it turned red.

"Alright, I need one last big push! 1...2...3!"

I gave that one last push and oh my gosh! It hurt like crap! I screamed, cried, yelled, cried some more, breathed, and screamed again. But it it was all worth it because right after I screamed, my baby boy screamed.

The Dr. placed him on my stomach one second, and then the next, he was gone. "Congratulations, Addison and Logan!"

I breathed a sigh and laid my head back on the pillows.

Logan kissed my forehead. "He's here, Addi! You did it!"

I smiled as I closed my eyes. I meant for it to be just a moment. But that moment turned into 10 minutes.

When I opened them back up, I was welcomed by my son. My son. "Hi, baby!" I said, cradling him in my arms.

One by one, my family made an appearance and said hello to the baby.

"Oh, Addison," Mom spoke up, looking at him. "He's so beautiful. What's his name?"

Logan and I looked at each other and nodded. "His name is Sean. Sean Anthony Wilkes."

Dad got him and held him out. "Welcome to the family, Sean. Just remember, if you need anything, you can come to me."

Dat ending dooooe. Actually, I'm not quite sure I feel about this ending. I like it. It's cheesy and adorable. But like... Idk.

And that concludes Auslly 5! Who knows? Perhaps they're might be an Auslly 6?

Nope. Not happening. Haha!

I love you all and I so hope you enjoyed this little reunion type thing I made! Have a wonderful day!

SPECIAL THANKS TO GUEST! On April 7, they went through the whole series and reviewed honestly. They called me out on all the crap that's in this series and I'm personally glad that someone actually noticed it. Thank you for your honesty, Guest! I know everything you said was true and I love it and laugh at it!