Hello! I bet you're wondering why I'm here. Well, after I completed Auslly 4, I was on the fence about writing another story or just leaving it the way it was. Then Austlly394 suggested I do a one shot about Addison. I was like yeah that's a great idea! I should post it like on the one year anniversary of Auslly 4. I forgot about it until Monday night when Lindsey and I were talking. So, I'm a bit late but oh well!

Disclaimer: I don't own Austin & Ally

Addison's POV

"Where are we going, Logan?" I asked all giggly as Logan pulled me by the hand. I don't know why he thought blindfolding me was a good idea.

"We're almost there!" My boyfriend answered, just as giddy as me.

"Come on, give me a clue!"

"Just a little bit further." He tugged my arm a couple more times and then stopped me, suddenly. "Okay, take off your blindfold."

I smiled as I pulled the bandanna off my head. Words cannot describe the happiness I was feeling at that moment. There, right in front of me, sat a small, circular table - set for two, candles and rose petals created a path that lead up to it, and on top of the beautiful blue plates sat three pieces of pizza each. He knows me so well.

As my feet began to sink in the sand, I finally realized where we were and was also able to speak properly. "Logan, what is all this?"

He didn't really answer. All he did was smile, offer me his arm, and escort me to the table.

Once I got situated in my seat and saw that he was too, I said something to him again. "Really, what's the occasion?"

Logan laughed after swallowing a bite of the cheese pizza. "You really don't know what day it is?"

I shook my head. "It's not our anniversary. That's next month. Although, it is my parents' anniversa- oh! It's my birthday!" I exclaimed.

Logan laughed harder than I had seen him laugh in a long time. He was in a really good mood. "Happy 23rd birthday, Addi!" He said as he leaned in to me. I leaned closer so he could reach my lips.

I blushed. "Thanks, babe."

After we finished eating pizza and dessert - which was just two small bowls of Nutella - we made our way to the shore. For a good 5 minutes, we just stared at the stars and listened to the ocean crash on the sand.

I took in a breath of air and smiled. "This has been the perfect birthday. Nothing can top it."


"Nothing." I said as I closed my eyes. The breeze felt so nice and the silence in the night at the beach was amazing. I then opened my eyes and looked over at Logan - who was on one knee and holding an opened, blue velvet box.

I gasped as my hand went over my mouth and water started to fill my eyes.

"Addison." He said, clearing his throat while slightly blushing. "Addison Harmony Moon, I love you. I love you more than my car, video games, ice cream. Heck! I think I even love you more than you love your song book! A-an d you love your song book."

"Yes, I do, baby. Now hurry up!" I said quickly. I'd been wanting him to ask me for over 2 years now!

He laughed awkwardly. "What I'm trying to say is that I love you! You're my forever. And that's what I wanna do. Spend forever with my forever. I-if that makes sense."

"It does."

"Aw, just say you'll marry me already!"

I giggled as I grabbed his face and smacked my lips against his. "Yes! I will marry you!"

I smiled stupidly, remembering that magical moment. I mean it was about time. We were, then, together for 9 years! We were already like a married couple.

I looked at my mother through the mirror as she was curling my hair. The hair stylist cancelled on us last minute. Trish offered to do it but mom refused to let her. So she took matters into her own hands, which I don't mind. After all, this will be the last time she'll be able to fix my hair. By tonight, I'll be Mrs. Addison Wilkes.

Mom finally noticed me staring. "What?" She asked with a smile.

"How did dad propose?" After all the stories my parents told Amber, Ashton and I, I'm surprised we still had never heard this specific one.

"Well, first your father blindfolded me - and it became a thing after that. Anyway, he lead me to the beach and there was a candle lit table with a path of candles and roses leading up to it. The moon was glistening on the ocean and it was just the perfect scene. He hired our own personal waiter and ordered the special, which was lobster. I thought it was only for my birthday until he bent down on one knee and opened up a velvet box." Mom breathed a sigh, dreamily. "It was perfect."

"Huh." I paused for a moment. "Did Logan talk to dad before he proposed to me?"

Mom looked up, thinking I suppose. "You know what? I don't think he did..."

"Then how come his proposal was like dad's?"

My mother paused once again, then snapped her fingers. "Oh, I know! Logan talked to Dez!"

"Dez?!" I was shocked. "Logan talked to Dez about your engagement?! How does he even know about it?"

"Apparently Trish and Dez were back at Shreddar's when it happened, so they spied on us."

I laughed. "Wow. No one's ever told me that!"

"Sweetie, I wouldn't know unless Dez hadn't have accidentally blurted it out one day while we were having lunch."

Well, it's no wonder dad acted the way he did when Logan and I told them about our engagement. I still remember it like it was yesterday…

"I still don't understand why this dinner is so important." My dad whined. "It's just your boyfriend. It's not like it's anything new..."

I had a smug smile on my face. "It's important to me, daddy."

"But why?"

"It just is." I turned my head as the doorbell rang. It's him. It's my fiance. I ran to open it and gave Logan a big hug then he gave me a kiss.

Dad scoffed as Amber and Ashton ooooooohhhhhhed. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out.

"Dinner's ready!" Yelled mom.

We all rushed to the table that was covered in chicken cordon bleu.

"This looks amazing, Mrs. Moon." Logan said as he situated himself in his chair.

"Thank you, Logan! But please, call me Ally."

After about 20 minutes of Amber talking about some stupid thing her fiance did and Ashton daydreaming about Winnie and dad staring Logan down, we finally decided it was time. "Mom, dad, we have something to tell you."

"What about us?!" Ashton asked, offended.

"Okay, fine. Mom, dad, Amber, and Ashton, we have something to tell you."

"What is it, honey?" Mom asked as dad crossed his arms.

I looked at Logan and smiled. "Logan and I are getting married!"

Dad's eyes flew open and he instantly stood to his feet. "What?! What do you mean you're getting married?!"


Dad growled.

Logan's hands went up in the air. "-Mr. Moon

"Alrighty. Your hair is now complete." My mom said as she finished the last curl.

I smiled and was about to say something when Lindsey, her 3 year old daughter, Emma, Amber and Winnie barged in.

"Hey Addi! Nice hair!" Winnie exclaimed. "Who did it?"

"I did."

"Good job, Ally!"

Amber gasped "Oh my gosh, I can't wait to sing You Can Come to Me! Like it's been my dream to sing in your wedding, Addison!"

I put my hand over my heart. "Aw, really?!"

She nodded.

"Oh please," Winnie scoffed. "Singing that song is so cliche. Like that song is 29 years old, Amber. Why don't you sing something more modern?"

"Hey!" My mom butted in. "That song is special to our family. It was the first time I got over my stage fright and when Austin and I started to have feelings for each other."

"Really?" Lindsey asked.

"Oh yeah! My mother had just come back from Africa and was having a book release party. So, Austin and I preformed that song that we had just written then we went back stage after we had sung it and I told him that I felt like I could do anything. He then told me that he knew he could do anything as long as he's with me. Then we leaned in and kissed."

I rested my head on top of my hand. "I love that story."

"It was a magical moment."

"Until Kira came in and said she would be Austin's girlfriend." Trish said as she opened the door.

"Still." Mom laughed.

Ring ring ring

"Hello?" Lindsey answered her phone. "What?! No, you can't! The wedding is in 30 minutes! Fine!"

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"The makeup artist cancelled!"

"What?!" Amber yelled.

"Calm down, guys!" Mom said "Trish and I will do your makeup."

Once Mom and Trish were done with everyone's faces, they went to go get in their places and mom and I were alone. She took my hands in hers and she smiled at me as she pushed my hair behind my ear. "Addi, I hope you know how proud I am of you. You've become such an amazing woman."

I smiled. "Thank you mom. For everything." I gave her one of my famous Addison hugs.

"C'mon, baby." She said as she grabbed my hand and lead me to my dad.

Dad breathed a sigh. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

The doors opened as the music began to play. Winnie and Ashton walked down the aisle first. They looked so perfect in their plum outfits. Amber and August walked right behind them and then the Maid of Honor and the Best Man, Lindsey and Ross, walked down. Next went my little babies, Emma and Elliot, as the flower girl and the ring bearer. They are the most precious siblings I have ever seen. Emma oh so carefully threw the purple pedals on the floor. It was then finally time for my dad and I to walk down.

I had always imagined that moment happening but I honestly never thought it would happen. I would have either never found the guy or dad wouldn't let me marry him. I still don't know how he approved.

We walked, arm in arm, to the rhythm of the music all the way to Logan. My father kissed me on the forehead and then put my hand in Logan's. We smiled at each other. He has the most perfect green eyes.

"Addison and Logan will now read their own vows."

"Logan," I started. "You know what? I wrote down my vows, but I'm just not feeling them anymore." I threw the note cards behind my back. "Logan, when I first met you, I honestly thought you were the most annoying kid on the planet."

"Class, Class, settle down. Take your seats. Please welcome our new student Logan Wilkes."

I thought to myself, "I hope he doesn't sit next to me."

Can you guess what happened? "Hey." He said, almost too flirtatiously. "Is this seat taken?"

I wish... "Nope, it's all yours."

"Cool." He smiled. Eh, he thinks he's such a hunk. "You know, you're really cute."

"I don't like you."

"But then, somehow, you got me to agree to go on a date with you and I actually enjoyed myself."

"Wait! Slow down!" I yelled as I giggled, being pulled by the hand. "Where are we going?!"

"Here we are!"

"Where are we?" I looked around and realized we were on the top of a building. "Logan! Are you insane?"

"Pretty much!" He laughed. "And this is what's in the basket that you've been dying to know."

Inside the picnic basket was literally a picnic. PB&J sandwiches, potato chips, and a couple of bottles of Dr. Pepper. "Aw. Logan, this is so nice!"

"And when you dropped me off at my house and kissed me, my heart melted."

"I had a great time tonight." He said with a smile as we walked up to my door.

"Surprisingly, I did too!" I laughed.

Logan joined, leaning in closer to my lips and finally kissing them.

I smiled as I felt the most amazing feeling in the world.

"Our first 'I love you' was one of the most magical moments of my life."

"Merry Christmas, Addi!"

"Merry Christmas, Logan!"

Just then, snow started to fall. That's right, snow. It might not have been real, but it was snow. I looked up and smiled, laughing so hard. Logan stared into my eyes. "I love you."

I looked back at him. "I love you too."

"Through everything, you've always been right next to me. I promise to love you and cherish you forever. Forever and always."

Logan cleared his throat. "Well, I was confident in my vows but now I'm not so sure." He giggled. "Addison, I am so blessed to finally call you my wife. Not only my wife, but my best friend, my supporter, my rock. You're my forever. You've always been my forever. I promise to love and cherish you every moment of every day."

"Do you, Addison Harmony Moon, take Logan Anthony Wilkes to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Do you, Logan Anthony Wilkes, take Addison Harmony Moon to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

Logan and I took each other's hands as Amber picked up the mic. "You know what? I was gonna sing this wonderful song that my parents wrote but I think it would be better if they sang it."

Mom and dad looked at each other, back at Amber then went up on stage.

"Thank you, Amber." My mom started. "This song means a lot to me and now it means even more because I get to sing it to my beautiful daughter and her husband."

When you're on your own
Drowning alone
And you need a rope that can pull you in
Someone will throw it

And when you're afraid
That you're gonna break
And you need a way to feel strong again
Someone will know it

And even when it hurts the most
Try to have a little hope
That someone's gonna be there when you don't
When you don't

If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need that's what I'll be
You can come to me

You struggle inside
Losing your mind
Fighting and trying to be yourself
When somebody lets you

Out in the cold
But no where to go
Feeling like no one could understand
Then somebody gets you

So take a breath and let it go
And try to have a little hope
'Cause someone's gonna be there when you don't
When you don't

If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need, that's what I'll be
You can come to me

Like a chain that never breaks
Like a truth that never bends
Like a glue that takes a broken heart and puts it back again
It's the feeling that you get
It's the moment that you know
That no matter what the future holds
You'll never be alone

If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need, that's what I'll be
If you wanna climb, I'll be your ladder
If you wanna run, I'll be your road
If you want a friend, doesn't matter when
Anything you need, that's what I'll be
You can come to me

You can come to me,

"You may now kiss the bride."

And that's the end of chapter 1 of 2! I hope you enjoyed the Auslly parallels and Trez references. I so loved writing them! I love you all so much and thank you for being so supportive of my crazy, ongoing series!