A/N: Sorry for the delay in the story. Had a long week and finally able to at least post this chapter. Thanks for those who continues to review, favor, and follow. Hope ya'll will be enjoying this. Story will be coming to a close soon. Most likely about 5 chapters left. So enjoy!
Roman woke up the next morning, early. He looked down in his arms and sees Dean all snuggled in his arms with his heads on his chest. He smiles as he takes his free hand and gently removes the hair from Dean's face. Who knew Dean was a snuggler? He thinks about last night, how they finally took that next step. How it felt different this time around. He felt all kinds of emotions at once and it scared him. It scared him to think he could have possiblily fell in love with this man. Yesterday, he was ready to walk out of Dean's life, ready to just go back to Jamaica and live whatever life he had before. But looking at Dean and the fear in his eyes over maybe losing him forever was more than he can bear. He knew deep down that Dean didn't mean to oversleep, just that he feared that if this didn't work out, then it was pretty much over with in his life. He looks back down from the window he was seeing out and lays a sweet kiss on the top of his head. Dean stirs a little but doesn't wake up. Roman then slowly eases out of the embrace so that he can go to the bathroom.
After carefully removing himself, he takes his pillow and wraps Dean's arms in them so that he doesn't feel alone for a bit. He slides out of the bed and in his sheer nakeness form, walks to the bathroom to relieve himself.
About two hours later, Dean stirs awake to find Roman not with him. He starts to panic when he smells coffee in the air. He calms down a bit before taking the pillow out of his arms and throws the blanket off of him. He finds an extra robe to put on before he heads out of the bedroom.
Dean then walks down to the kitchen and sees Roman making some breakfast. He smiles when Roman looks up from putting some pancakes on the plate that he just got done cooking. "Hey..." Roman said softly as looks back down to finish plating the pancakes.
"Hey yourself..." Dean replied back as he slowly walks over to Roman and wraps his arms around Roman's waist, making Roman stop for a minute.
"Sleep okay?" he asked as he turns around, making Dean release his hold for a brief moment. Dean then rewrapped his arms around Roman's waist as Roman puts both of his arms around Dean's neck.
"I did, best in a long time, thanks to you..." he said softly as he smiles blushingly at Roman.
"You are too fucking cute when you blush like that. That color red suits your face..." Roman winks as he chuckles at Dean's face, which was priceless.
"Fuck you Roman..."
"Already?" Roman asked as he raised one eyebrow at Dean who was gonna say something but nothing came out except a yelp when he all of sudden felt Roman's hand on his dick. When the fuck did he move his hand down there? he thought as he moaned suddenly at the fisting Roman started down to him...he then got turned around and held up against the counter as Roman then takes the tie from the robe and released it, making Dean's dick stick out, hard and proud.
"Well, well, look at that, your cock is already ready for me, isn't it?" Roman asked as he grabs it again and starts to fist it again, making Dean damn near buckle at the touch.
"Fuck Roman..." Dean wasn't sure if he could stand anymore. His hands grabbed the counter to hold him up as Roman continues to work his dick into a frenzy, making it leak precum all over the tip and dripping down his shaft. "Please...don't stop...shit..." He pants as he watches Roman suddenly come closer and drop to his knees in front of his dick.
"This is a fucking sexy dick you have Dean baby...look how much it leaks for me..." his dirty talk was making Dean fucking lose it. He was sure he would have came at the moment, but he couldn't, he wanted to feel Roman's mouth on him. He yelped as he felt Roman's hot tongue lick the slit of his dick, making him damn near scream. "God you taste so good...so so good my baby boy..." he softly says as he takes him into his mouth. This was better than any breakfast he made...Dean was his...what a great way to start the morning off.
"Hey, I wonder how things went between Roman and Dean last night. I haven't heard from them since yesterday morning." Seth asked as he and Randy got ready for their weekly workout at the gym. Both had a great time yesterday playing basketball with Finn and Adrian, even though they lost, it was a fun time all in all.
"Well, not hearing from them right now, to me, is a good sign." Randy replied as he finishes putting his change of clothes in the duffle bag. "It tells me that maybe the may have talked it over and decided to have private time."
"You think so? Because Dean and Roman deserve to be happy, you know, like us. They deserve to be together, like us...I just don't want them to have the big problem, like we did..." Seth was on the other side putting his shorts and shirt in the bag to change afterwards.
Randy stopped what he was doing and walked over to where Seth was. "Hey, I think this was their biggest test right here. Dean knows thinking about Sami hurt Roman, but I don't see Roman walking away from him. They are too much alike. They both like to control what they can't in front of them at times so this is a test to see how they handle it. Honestly, the longer we don't hear from them, the better it is. Tells me they are working things out. I really like Roman, he seems to bring the best out of Dean. Like he makes Dean want to do something personal in his life for the better. Before Roman, Dean never really wanted to try to date someone, and when he did, that didn't work out. He felt like a third wheel in our group. Now with Roman, he doesn't feel that way now. He feels like he can actually be equal to us, not that he wasn't before, but now he doesn't have to feel so left out."
Seth sighs, Randy was right, but him and Dean were the best of friends and he wants to make sure things were okay. "I know, just after six years and only one possible guy that didn't pan out, this makes me nervous. I like Roman too. He seems to be a good fit for him. I have never seen Dean so broken up like this, that is how I knew he fell in love with him."
"Same with Roman when he came to my bar. When he trashed my section, I knew it was serious. When I took him to the back in my office, I could see how hurt he really was. I don't know Roman that well, but from what I have seen of him these past few months, I can say that he is in love with Dean."
"How could you know that?" Seth wondered, cause he felt that way with Dean, but Dean knew love before from their convos together.
"Cause that was how I felt when I thought I lost you four years ago. When I saw your face when that went down, I knew...I knew I loved you right then and there. I've never fought so hard for a relationship like I did with you. Those six months were the most horrible time of my life. I know Dean almost disowned us, but I have him to thank for never giving up on us, and in a way, this was my way of saying thank you when I told Roman to not give up on Dean." Randy smiles as he reached over and laid a soft peck on Seth's lips, causing Seth's to blush at he simple touch.
"I love you too Randy, always will..." he softly whispered as he lays his forehead on Randy's.
After a couple of moments, Randy speaks up. "Okay baby, let's go to the gym and get our workout on for the week. Lord knows I need to do my legs today."
"Ain't nothing wrong with your legs, they are just right for me..." Seth squeezed Randy' legs, making him hiss a bit. "I could watch you squat all day along..." Seth wiggles his brows as Randy playfully smacks his ass.
"But you love this asshole..."
"True...I do..." Randy said as he leans over one more time and kisses Seth again. "Let's go and get our groove on..."
Seth chuckles as both grabs their bags and heads to the gym nearby.
Roman had Dean held up against the counter grinding their dicks together. Their robes are off and sweat and the smell of sex was in the air. Screw breakfast, sex with Dean was top priority. Dean was his breakfast, lunch and dinner all in one.
"Fuck Roman...that feels so good, don't stop..." Dean pants as he wraps his legs around Roman's waist and grinds hard against Roman's big dick. The friction is out of this world. The were soaked in cum from Roman sucking Dean earlier and the precum from his own dick. It was like the lube that was slicking up their dicks real nice.
Dean then leaned back some and watched how their dicks were still on each other. Then looked at Roman, whose eyes were dialated with lust in them. His eyes matched those same look.
"I'm so close baby...so so close..." Roman pants as he watches Dean then grab both their dicks and starts to rub them up and down.
"So am I baby...fuck, this feels so good..." he says as he continues to rub them together...
After a few minutes of moaning and groaning with the grinding together, both Roman and Dean screamed loudly as they both came hard, so hard that their load was still going after a few seconds. It sprayed all over their chest, abs, and Dean's hands as Roman was still holding Dean up on the counter.
Dean lays on his back and tries to catch his breath as Roman leans on the counter more to keep Dean from sliding off. "Holy fuck...damn that was amazing..." he breaths heavily as closes his eyes. Roman was gonna kill him before too long. But what a way to go.
"It was amazing...sex with you should be illegal, you know that?"
"With me, you mean with you! You are gonna kill me one of these days..." Dean laughs as he struggles to finally sit up, allowing Roman to stand up more and turn around to lean back, also allowing Dean to scoot up behind him with his head laying on his back.
"Hey, I wouldn't complain dying after sex with you. I ain't kidding, sex with you is nothing like I've ever experience before. It's like a magic spell with you. I can't help but be thankful that I get to do this with you now."
Dean lifts up his head and places a kiss on Roman's back. Just a simple kiss. "I know, so do I. Thank you for giving me another chance. I mean it, it means alot to me."
Roman breaks out the hold and turns around and comes back in to where he places his hands on Dean's face and brings him in to meet their foreheads together. "I should be thank you...because if you didn't save me that night, I wouldn't even be here to share this with you. Who knew my night and shining armor would turn out to be a guy that has given me everything so far? Yes, we hit a bump, but I couldn't let you go if I tried..."
"I hope you never do Roman, I hope you never do..."
Roman softly lifts Dean head and kisses him gently. No sexual about it, just a kiss to let him know how he felt. After breaking the kiss a bit, he spoke up..."Come one, lets get cleaned up and go out for breakfast. Cause if I try to cook again, we wont be eating..." he chuckled as Dean swat him on the chest. "Not my fault you can't keep your hands off me..."
"Like you can Mr. Grabby?"
"Oh shut up asshole!" he said as he sticks his tongue out.
"I suggest you put that tongue away before I put it to use..."
"Ugh...I can't with you.." he playfull shoves Roman off as he gets down from the counter. "The help is gonna have some fun cleaning this mess up!"
"I know, right? I'll make sure I leave a hefty tip for them. It's only fair."
Dean laughs as they try to walk to the bedroom. "Yeah, I'll leave them something too, just to be fair."
Roman then laughs as well as they both go to get cleaned up for the day.
An hour after arriving to the gym, both Randy and Seth were working on their arms together. Randy was spotting Seth as he started doing military press. "Come one, give me 10 Seth! You can do it!"
Seth screams a bit as he struggles at the 5th one, he is halfway through it. He's been doing Crossfit for a few years, but this is the first he's done this type of workout. Randy does normal style weights where as Seth is more into using medicine balls and ring bars to elavate his upper body.
"Almost there baby..let's go!" Randy continues to cheer Seth as he struggles to do two more at the time.
"UGH!" Seth screams out as he finally does the 10th one. "Fuck me silly! How the fuck do you do this shit?"
Randy chuckles loudly, "The same wonder on how you do Crossfit!"
"You are such an asshole!"
"Yeah, but your lovable asshole.." he winks as Seth rolls his eyes.
"Yeah yeah yeah..."
"Hey Randy, hello Seth..."
Both turned to see Cody standing there.
"What the fuck do you want Cody?" Seth asked harshly as he gets up from the bench, which Randy quickly comes over and stands kinda in front of him.
Cody raises his hands up. "I don't want any problems. I'm just letting you two know that I'm leaving town and heading up north."
"And why are you telling us this?" Randy asked skeptically.
"Because, I want to start somewhere new and different. Where I am not known around town. A place where I can start fresh. This way, you never have to worry about me interfering." Cody was nervous, but he needed to let them know that they can be truly happy without having to think he is gonna ruin things again for them.
"Cool...goodbye.." Seth said coldly, which got a glare from Randy. "What?" Seth asked.
"Seth, cool it, he isn't here to fight, just hear him out for a moment, okay?" Randy squeezed his hand in comfort, which made Seth relaxed a little.
"Okay" he whispered as he looked at Cody again. "Okay Cody, talk..."
Cody clears his throat before speaking up. "I want to say how truly sorry I am for anything I've cause between you two. I honestly wanted Randy and was determined to get what I wanted. But I didn't realize that I was hurting not only him, but you too. I was truly an asshole, even up to that party that night at your club. I saw how Randy looks at you and I knew deep down, he wasn't gonna ever look at me that way. I was grateful he didn't have me thrown in jail for what I did. So after doing a lot of thinking, I feel that its time for me to leave and find a good life elsewhere. I even manage to meet a guy on a singles site named Ted Jr. He seems like a really nice guy and I've decided to go where he's out and try out with him. To see where it leads." Cody was still nervous, but it looked like both Seth and Randy kept quiet so he kept going. "I'll be leaving tomorrow, but i wanted to let you two know that you two can finally be truly happy without thinking I'm around to mess things up. Again, I am truly truly sorry for any problems I've cause you two. I really do hope that I have what you guys have. You two can overcome anything and I hope you both do."
Seth and Randy stood there, not knowing what to say. For four years, they have been tormented by Cody. Not knowing when he was gonna strike. But this, they never expected this.
"Again, thank you Randy, for what you have done for me. And Seth?" He said as he looked at Seth now. "Thank you for not killing me."
Seth could only nod while Randy just couldn't say anything.
Cody then nods his head, "Okay, I better get going so I can finish packing, again, thank you and goodbye.." He then turns and heads to the nearest bench to pick up his bag before heading out...and out of their lives.
"Is he for real?" Seth asked hestiantly.
"I think so...I'm kinda shocked to be honest..."
"I am too, but that took a lot of balls to do that."
"It did, and if its true, then we can finally be free..."
Seth smiles as Randy pulls him into a much needed stress free hug..."I love you Seth..."
"I love you too Randy..."