
The three spirits waved goodbye to their human companions. "Thanks for your help!" Asami said while waving. With her ankle hurt she had to use crunches.

"Nice meeting you all!" said May, "And good to see you again Korra. Loving the hair!"

The Avatar smiled, "Thank you!"

Sugar Plum then approached Asami, "Goodbye Asami. No hard feelings?"

"None at all. So, are you still going to be making those potions of yours?"

"Eh, I think I'm gonna retire from all of that silly stuff. Maybe I should seek love the old fashioned way. And not see it only in a romantic sense."

"Good for you." Asami winked.

"Thanks again." the spirit blew her a kiss with sparkles before joining the frog spirit and the three entered into the glowing yellow spirit portal into their home. Once they were one, everyone dispersed. Korra assisted Asami as did Mako.

"Guys, I'm fine."

"You sure?" Mako asked.

"I've been through worse."

"Okay, just go easy." said Korra, "The doctor said you'll have to keep it elevated when you sit."

"And try not to pressure it too much." said Mako.

Asami rolled her eyes, "Got it mom and dad." she walked on ahead, trying to prove to them she could do it herself, which she did manage. She was a strong woman, no changing that. But while everyone dispersed, Korra and Mako walked together slowly. Both a bit nervous of what they wanted to say. Mako spoke first.

"So…I was thinking about what Asami said."

"Really?" Korra asked.

"Really. About how we shouldn't let our past mistakes define our future."

They both stopped and looked into each other's eyes. "Do you think…we could have a future?"

Mako took in a deep breath before speaking, "Maybe. We'll never know unless we start off somewhere."

"Where do you want to start?"

"How about the beginning." he took out his hand for her to shake, "Hi. I'm Mako."

Korra smiled and shook his hand, "I'm Korra."

"Would you like to go out to dinner with me?"

The blush on Korra's cheeks was inevitable. "I thought you'd never ask. But, can we do it tomorrow night? I already promised Bolin and Asami a dinner at Narroks."

Mako smiled at the idea, "Sounds like a date to me."

Korra chuckled and the two then walked back to the others….hand in hand.

Lin spotted them once they got into Asami's car, Mako would be driving this time, and arched an eyebrow as Tenzin took his seat beside her in her cop car.

"Look at that." she said, nodding her head to Korra and Mako still smiling. "You think they'll ever learn?"

Tenzin rolled his eyes in amusement, "Lin, they're in their twenties. Let them live. They have their whole lives ahead of them."

Lin smiled as she started the car and drove off. "Yeah, you're right. Who knows, maybe this time things might actually work out. Though I'm not holding my breath.


Four years latter….

"Not too long ago, a good friend of mine once said that True Love is a fickle creature: Difficult to find, nearly impossible to tame, or something like that. But today, we see how one young couple, who proved that even in the most unexplained, and downright crazy way, can find happiness with one another."

Varrick had to wipe away a single tear as he stood before the bride and groom, who were both practically glowing with happiness unlike anything he had ever seen.

"So, I must ask. Mako, do you take Avatar Korra as your wife? To have and to hold, to love and cherish, for as long as you both shall live?"

Mako smiled upon his beautiful blue eyes bride and said two simple words with all the love in his heart. "I do."

"And do you, Avatar Korra, take Mako to be your husband? To have and to hold, to love and cherish, for as long as you both shall live?" he then leaned in and whispered, "Choose wisely, kid."

Korra scoffed and shoved him aside before looking up at her groom. "I do. Without a doubt."

Mako couldn't contain his happiness as his smile grew.

"Then, I am more than happy to pronounce you both, husband and wife! You may-" he was interrupted when Korra immediately wrapped her arms around Mako's neck and kissed him passionately, catching him by surprise, only for him to return the gesture with the same amount of passion. Varrick looked at them wide eyed, "-kiss the groom? Eh, whatever."

The crowd applauded for the couple. They had a lovely ceremony at the south pole inside the palace, with all of their friends and family. Korra's parents cried tears of joy while Tenzin smiled proudly at his pupil. Jinora, Asami and Opal were the brides maids while Bolin, Kai and their cousin Tu were the best men. Even Wu was there too, crying his eyes out.

Varrick's wife Zhu Li sat with Lin and Su, while cradling her and Varrick's baby boy. He had his mother's white skin and father's eyes. They named him Varrick Jr., or V.J. for short.

Even some spirits attended the festivities, especially May-Jim and Sugar Plum. It was truly a beautiful ceremony. Once the door opened, the newlyweds were greeted by more people cheering for them. They were mainly the air bender nation, happily rejoicing in their beloved Avatar's wedding. Even Riyu was crying, much to the surprise of many.

"What's with you?" Bumi asked.

Riyu wiped away a tear, "I always cry at weddings!"

Asami and Bolin then surprised Korra and Mako with a group hug. "Congratulations you guys." Asami said happily.

Bolin wouldn't let go of Mako, "My big brother is finally married!" he then hugged Korra, "And I get the Avatar for a sister-in-law! This is the greatest day ever!"

Team Avatar laughed happily and then Korra handed Asami her bouquet of white roses, much to her surprise. The heiress hugged the Avatar, grateful that she had such a wonderful friend in her life. She also received a hug from Mako, the big brother she never had. She really was a very lucky woman to be surrounded by so much love.

At the reception, Korra and Mako danced underneath the moonlight as the partygoers danced to the upbeat music. The couple kissed passionately, wrapped in each others arms as they danced.

"I still can't believe it." said Korra.

"I know." Mako agreed, "Not bad for two people who 'didn't work', hu?"

Korra arched an eyebrow but kept her smile, "Well, maybe 'not work' wasn't the accurate term. How about: two people who needed to separate so they could get back together. And now that they did…it's more than I could ever ask for."

Their foreheads touched as they danced. "I'm never letting go again." Mako promised.

"Neither will I."

Bolin and Asami, along with Opal, watched as they happily danced in pure perfect bliss. "I'm so happy things worked out for them." said Opal.

"Of course it did." Bolin stated, "Those kids were meant for each other."

"I'll quote you on that, bro." Asami said and the two rose there glasses in toast to the couple.

Then, the music shifted into a soft guitar solo, "Oh my gosh, I love this song! Come on guys!" Asami dragged Bolin who dragged Opal to the dance floor as the music played. However, this was a song the bride and groom picked personally and began singing as the music played.

Korra and Mako;

I will stay by you

Even when we fall

I will be the rock that holds you up

And lifts you high so you stand tall

The music paused for a brief moment before the guitarist played faster and the couple sang and danced.


And I won't let you fall

I won't let you-

Korra and Mako;


No matter where you are

No matter where you are

I'll be there

No matter where you are

No matter where you are

I'll be there


So tear apart these giant hearts

That beat inside us now

Let's give ourselves our promises

Of our unending-



Soon, everyone was dancing and singing along to the bride and groom.


And I won't let you fall

I won't let you-

Korra and Mako;


No matter where you are

No matter where you are

I'll be there

No matter where you are

No matter where you are

I'll be there


I will be there!


No matter where you are

(No matter where)

No matter where you are

(No matter where)

I'll be there

(I will be there!)

No matter where you are

(No matter where)

No matter where you are

I'll be there

I'll be there.

As they kissed once more, Varrick launched the colorful fireworks up into the sky. It truly was a wonderful moment for all.

And so, the world kept spinning, and the tales keep turning. People came, and people went. But they are never forgotten. But the one truth we all know, is that Love.

True Love. The really, really, really good kind of love….

Never dies.


As some of you can probably tell, I adored the Book of Life and I just had to reference it here. I hope you like the story, and even though this was intended to be a comedy, it turned into a story about Love. And I mean love that is not only romantic, but the love among brothers and sisters. Even if they were not related by blood. Oh, thank you God, it's stories like these that remind me why I love You so much! So keep on loving my friends. Learn to forgive and cherish those you have around you. You never know when they will be gone. God bless, *kiss, kiss*