I was on Reddit and I saw a post about what it would be like for Steven to go to public school. I have no idea where I'm going with this. I hope you enjoy!
"Rebeca Litz?"
"Kelly Hollenbeck?
"Nick Tislo?"
The elderly teacher adjusted her glasses, her long fingers grasping at the clipboard holding the names of her students.
"Lesley Tesla?" A mousey haired girl slowly raised her hand. "Ok, so all we have yet to see is Jackie, Mark, Louise, and-"
A young boy shot up his fist raised and a goofy smiled plastered on his face. The teacher stumbled, nearly dropping her clipboard in shock.
"Erm, yes… Mr. Steven Universe. Welcome to the class Steven, we are glad to have you."
"Naw, you're just saying that" Steven grinned and sat back down next to another young boy who scooted his chair away.
"Ok children, if you can take out your supplies for the lesson that would be great." Children groaned as they prepared for the day ahead. However, Steven was ecstatic to finally feel what it's like to be "a victim of the never-ending stress and social hierarchy that is the public school system"(whatever that means) as Connie put it. The half gem grabbed at the novelty backpack from behind his chair, his tongue sticking out as he searched for something inside. His smile grew wide as he pulled out a handful of sharpened pencils. As he set them down, they began to roll off the table and onto the floor. Some students giggled and others were quick to help pick them up. Steven paid no mind as he unzipped the cheese compartment and pulled out other supplies such as glue, paper, safety scissors (Pearl insisted), and a pack of stickers to hand out to anyone who looked like they were having a bad day.
"Well, today we are going to learn more about one of the most widely recognized figures in American History." The teacher's eyes shone as she flipped on the projector, showing a slide she made of many portraits of George Washington. Steven looked around confused at the many looks of boredom. He turned to the picture again trying to wrack his brain for any source of familiarity, but he really just couldn't find it. He yelled the teacher's name, causing some of the children around to stare, wondering what he could possibly say about some picture of an old dead dude.
"Mrs. Leo! I have a question about this guy!" Mrs. Leo turned to Steven and clasped her hand together.
"Yes Steven? Is it about how fearless he was? Is it about just how his farewell speech is one of the most famous speeches in history? Oh! Or is it about how he sailed across the Delaware, like a true hero." Mrs. Leo picked up some nearby papers and fanned herself, her passion for history was clearly unmatched by none.
"Well, I don't really know about that stuff either…I just want to know who this guy was. I mean he seems pretty cool, with his….hair." The children in the room tried to stifle their laughter, but the genuinely confused look on Steven's face made them burst into fits of giggles and snorts. Steven laughed nervously with them, trying to pinpoint what exactly he said that would cause this sort of reaction. Mrs. Leo blinked a couple of times trying to comprehend the fact that a child of his age did not know who the first President of the United States was. She cleared her throat and spoke softly,
"I'm glad you asked that Steven, as I'm sure some other students have the same question." Another fit of giggles was heard, "He was the first blah blah blah blah and was the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the blah blah blah" Steven picked up a pencil from his collection and started to doodle himself on a boat with George Washington. He grinned at his artistic ability and fiddled with his bag trying to find some crayons to color it in with.
"Mr. Universe, are you listening?" Mrs. Leo walked over to his desk and picked up the paper, scanning it through her thick glasses. "Art class isn't until 2 sweetie, so you shouldn't be doodling, especially when I am answering your question." Folding the paper up and putting it into her pocket she continued on with the slideshow.
Steven's eyes began to close as his head was propped up with his hand. He was drifting off to the sound of the video that was playing, documenting the presidency of Washington. His attention was soon found when the video mentioned something about a war. Steven perked up and watched as an old looking historian explained the history of the bloody fight. He was reminded of the gem war, even though he knew so little about it. Steven raised his hand as Mrs. Leo paused the video to address him.
"Why couldn't they just all be friends? I mean, why couldn't Britain just let them have their own place and let them be independent?" Steven frowned as Mrs. Leo opened her mouth to explain what the video had stated moments prior. Children groaned as they were thrust into yet another déjà vu lesson. The bell rang as students packed up their things to go to lunch. Steven strolled through the halls on his way to the cafeteria, but stopped when he noticed through the window a pair of eyes watching him. As he stared back they quickly disappeared. Steven wiped his eyes and blinked, but shrugged it off and went on his way.
"Ugh, what does that old crone have that I don't? Steven is way better off learning from me. I was there for the Revolutionary War for Pete's sake! I was at his farewell speech! Ohh and all those kids making fun of him, I knew this was a bad idea!" Pearl relaxed as she came out of the flattened position she had under the window. "Kids are so cruel, I'm going to pull Steven out of this school and teach him the more important subject of gem history instead." Pearl let herself smile at all of the things she could pass on to him.
"No, you won't"
Pearl squeaked and turned around in surprise, her spear materializing in her hand per reflex. She quickly hid her weapon behind her back as it disappeared, her voice going up an octave as she spoke.
"Oh, G-Garnet! What a coincidence seeing you here, behind the school, during it's running hours, where Steven is." Pearl's fingers intertwined as she spoke, nervously fumbling over her words. Garnet crossed her arms and shifted her weight to her right foot.
"Steven can handle it." Her voice was authoritative as she spoke, prompting Pearl to stand up straight.
"Well, of course, he can, he's Steven! A few hours a day of kids mocking him, possibly bullying him, and of course hurting him won't affect me er him at all!" Pear's posture fell again as she looked up at Garnet with pleading eyes. The taller gem was quiet for a few moments before her low voice was heard again.
"Steven can handle it." Pearl sighed and turned to search for another vantage point to watch Steven from. She felt a large hand oh her shoulder as she held her breath.
"Steven is half human, so if he feels the need to go to a human school to learn human things and be around other humans to feel comfortable with that side of him then so be it. He is also half gem, so he will be targeted for being different, but he needs to learn to accept that he is not like the rest and this is a good way to ease him into that mindset." Pearl, shocked to hear her say so much, turned to respond, but she was already walking away.
From a distance, Garnet turned her head to the school and smiled.
"Good luck Steven"
I apologize for this, but please review! If you have any suggestions let me know in the comments! I'd be glad to include any concepts you guys come up with. Have a nice day!