The crowd cheers as the racers flash by. All of the drivers were highly respected and it was shaping up to be a great race. My best friend Letty and I are right in the front making fools of our selves while the guys laugh.
I'm Beaut by the way, or Beauty as my mother put on my birth certificate. Let's not get into that. I'm fourteen and I've lived in L.A. my whole life. Anyways we are at the track today because my uncle Richard is racing. He's not my real uncle, of course, my dad and he are best friends and we've lived on the same street all of my life.
" Don't get too close Beaut. We don't want you to faint from the fumes. " My dad jokes making everyone laugh.
Everyone including Dominic. " Yeah, I don't want to have to carry you again. " He says, which causes another round of laughter.
God, I fainted one time and I'll never hear the end of it. " Whatever. " I mutter.
A girl can never get a break around here.
Letty nudges me in the side. " Don't listen to them I'll carry you on my back like a monkey. " She jokes making me smile.
BFF! This girl always has my back. " Thanks Let. "
We all turn our attention back to the race to see that uncle Richard is in the lead with Kenny Linder coming up behind him fast. It's the final turn for the win and it looks like uncle Richard has it in the bag.
In one split second Linders car clips Uncle Richards sending him flying into the wall horrendously. Everything happens so fast after that. I can hear Dom screaming over and over but I can't see him. All I can see is the destruction. My dad pulls me and Letty away while yelling at Dom that there's nothing we can do for him right now.
" Go back to the car and wait for me. " He yells over the crowd seeing that Dom is in shock.
I, myself, am in shock all I can do was watch. " Vince! Get the girls home I'll take care of Dom. "
Vince has to drag me away by my arm with Letty right behind in order to tear us away.
The ride home is silent. I feel numb. Uncle Richard has to be okay right? He was going really fast but he just has to be okay. He's all Dom and Mia have.
The funeral has been hard on everyone. Dom is seventeen and suddenly the man of the house. He has to keep the garage open and take care of Mia. She's a year younger than me and Letty and I. Even though we don't have much in common I still feel for her.
After the service, everyone comes back to the Toretto house where all the food my mom and I cooked the night before will be served. Everyone pulls Dom and Mia in for hugs and keeps telling them that their dad was a good man and that they will be fine.
It has to be getting old. I send Dom a sympathetic look. He looks so down. Angry almost.
Today is a very bad day indeed. But not as bad as what will happen a few days later...
Just as we're sitting down for dinner my dad gets a call from Dom in jail. He said he didn't mean to, but he saw Linder and went apeshit on him with a torque wrench. He's tried as an adult and gets sentenced to four years in Lompoc with the possibility of early parole.
When school comes around Letty and I keep close tabs on her. I may not be her best friend, but I look out for my family. And that's just what Letty and Mia are. She throws herself into her studies and gets amazing grades. We try and try to get her to take study breaks and go out with us but she never wants to.
After six months I'm sick of it so we decide to do something about it. Storming into her room I grab the book she's reading.
" Hey give that back! " She yells.
I shake my head. " No. Tonight we are going out so get dressed. I'm not taking no for an answer. You have fifteen minutes. "
I'm serious. Letty and I got invited to a party held by a street racer that goes to our school. It's a senior party and we're lucky to even be invited. Letty walks through the front door dressed like she's ready to eats hearts.
So her style.
If my father comes home early he'll flip.
" Come on Mia! " I yell up the stairs.
She comes down three minutes later grumbling the whole way. At least she has changed into a better outfit.
" Do I really have to do this? " She asks.
" Yes, chica you do. Some time away from your thoughts will do you some good. Lets party! " Letty says excitedly trying to pump Mia up.
" Whatever. " She groans.
The party is a blast. We get Mia to laugh a few times which was more than she has done in the past six months. We see parts of who she used to be break-through once in a while.
By the time a year with us comes up, she really comes around. She still misses her dad and Dom, but she smiles more and the spark is back in her eyes.
My dad has a lot to do with it. Uncle Richard and he are so alike in a lot of ways. He makes sure she's okay every day and even makes dad jokes. She laughs even at the corniest ones.
Dom calls the house at least once a month and letters arrive weekly for her. He never sends a letter to anyone else, just his little sister. I can respect it, but sometimes I'd like to get a letter or call so I can know for myself that he's okay.
A few months before Dom's supposed to come home my mom is diagnosed with aggressive pancreatic cancer. The big C. My world crashes and I know that this is what it must have been like for Mia and Dom. I don't attend her funeral. It's too painful.
Here I am almost sixteen and my mom is gone. I go to this little beach that most people don't know about and sit there all night. I know my dad and Letty are out looking for me. I just don't want to talk to anyone. Let them know how bad I'm really feeling. Everywhere I go I see old memories of me and my mom. Going to church, the beach, shopping... It's too much to handle.
I didn't go home until long after the sun set.