Hey all, I know I shouldnt be writting a new story when I havent finished the others but I just hadd to get this down on paper.. well on my computer but let me know if you like it

Kagome played with the small string dangling off the hem of her tank top while she walked listening to Sango talk next to her, rambling about her flirty boy friend Miroku, whom she had been dating for nearly four years. He and Sango meet in their Freshman introduction class, he sat across from Sango and Kagome. After class he had walked up to Sango telling her she was the most beautiful girl he had seen and asked her on a date.

Kagome envyed Sango, not that Kagome really wanted a boy friend to hang on her like Miroku did, but someone who would listen to her stories and actually have something coherent to say back.

"Are you even listing?" Sango huffed as she held the door open as Kagome walked in

"Huh? Oh yeah" Kagome had the string wrapped around her finger watching the circulation get cut off

"Then what was I just saying?" Sango huffed

"You were talking about how Miroku was acting weird"

"Yeah when we left the dorm room" Sango flipped her long black hair back away from her face "I was talking about the history professor, don't you know him?"

"Well not really" Kagome admitted as she stopped to tell the story

"Well what's he look like?" Sango raised her brow "I know you said he is Inuyasha's older brother

"Well" Kagome blushed light pink thinking back to when she first saw him.

"Here we are" Inuyasha said as he pulled up a long driveway

"Wow" Kagome breathed as Inuyasha drove closer, Kagome could see a large two tier concrete fountain as the driveway seemed to wrap around the fountain in a circle.

The fountain looked to have dog standing proud on the upper stand of the fountain, water rushed beneath him to the first tier, Kagome unblucked and stepped out of Inuyasha little red sports car, she looked over to the fountain and saw large koi fish swimming but what caught Kagomes attention was a lonely blue and white koi fish swimming by itself, Kagome couldn't remember ever seeing a blue koi fish, the more common koi were the gold, white and red, even the ones with black spots but never really a blue koi with white underbelly.

"Are you going to look at the stupid fish all day?" Inuyasha rolled his eyes

"Sorry" Kagome giggled and turned her attention back on the overly large brick mansion in front of her it had four pristine white pillars with archways connecting them, the house looked as if it could fit ten maybe twenty of her mother's house's it in with ease. There were several bay windows and three balconies fully furnished patio furniture on them. "Wow"

"Yeah it's a bit much for Tokyo but it's what mother wanted"

"You drove far enough that I feel like we are on the other side of Japan"

Inuyasha laughed "Well this would look a little odd next to a skyscraper, so dad made sure it was on the outskirts of the city, close enough to be able to work but far enough to have room to 'Run' as he put it"

"It is beautiful"

"Well come on" Inuyasha took Kagomes had and lead her into the house.

As Inuyasha pushed open one of the two doors open Kagome smiled. As they stepped in Kagome looked to see white marble tile covering the floor, a few feet in front of them was a large round oak wood table with a black round couch wrapping around the table, on the table itself was a black vase with a vast arrangement of flowers in full bloom.

As they walked around Kagome could see a grand staircase to her right with more marble tile, the staircase made a half circle leading to the upstairs, with a balcony over head, under the balcony in front of Kagome and Inuyasha were black marble pillars each hallway leading in a different direction.

"Come on, I'll give you a tour later but let's get ready for the party" Inuyasha and Kagome took off their shoes before Inuyasha lead the way up to his room.

"Kay" Kagome was careful were she stepped when she was half was up the stairs she heard yelling "Whats that?" Kagome leaned over the thin black railing.

"Sounds like my brother and his girl friend are at it again"

"Who?" Kagome looked to see a beautiful women stomp from the left side of the stairs, she had long black wavy hair with her sunglasses pushed on her forehead, she had large bouncy breast that were barely covered in her tiny yellow bikini, she had a white see through skirt on with her yellow thong bikini bottoms showing, her eyes were a dark red.

"Hey wind witch" Inuyasha waved

"Shut up twerp" the girl hissed as she slammed open the door grabbing her shoes

"Who is that?" Kagome wondered as she slammed the door shut

"Kagura" Inuyasha rolled his eyes "Hey Sesshomaru does she ever smile or is she on a perma period"

"Inuyasha" a deep voice that seemed to wash over Kagome spoke

"What every time I see her, you two are fighting" Inuyasha crossed his arms as his brother came in to view. Kagome looked over the man, he had silver hair that settled above his lower back, his khaki pants hung off his hips wonderfully, his white shirt clung to his chest showing off his thick pecks and chiseled abs were hard to miss along with his large arm muscles that threatened to rip at the sleeves, Kagome watched as he ran his finger through his hair, she didn't miss the deep v-cut that ran down as his shirt was raised. His sharp jaw line sculpted his face.

' the face of the gods' Kagome thought as she continued to look over him, his slim cheeks held two magenta strips on each side, his eyes sharp and a beautiful shade of amber gold, even brighten than Inuyasha's. And in the middle of his head sat a purple crescent moon, everything on the man at the bottom of the stairs was movie star beautiful. And his deep baritone voice was like music to her ears.

"That is because she feel initialed to what she had not earned" Sesshomaru spoke softly

"Aren't you going to go after her?" Kagome spoke the world and immediately wished to take them back

"Inuyasha, who is she?" Sesshomaru turned his gaze to the raven hairs girl next to his brother

"Oh this is Kagome" Inuyasha nodded in her direction

"Hm" Sesshomaru raised her brow and his lips turned in to a frown "I see" Sesshomaru turned back to the door and slowly walked outside

"I didn't hear her car leave so I am assuming her is just sitting outside on the steps waiting for him anyway" Inuyasha pulled Kagomes attention back from the door. "Come on"

"Damn he sounds fine!" Sango waved her hand in front of her face "I might pass his class, he sounds like a dream to listen to even better to watch"

"Yeah" Kagome blushed "But that was like six or seven years ago" Kagome shook her head

"So? That means he had only gotten hotter with time"

"Ayame?" Kagome looked over her shoulder to see the her small red headed friend standing with her hands behind her back "What are you doing, and how long have you been standing there?"

"About the time 'you could see his deep v-cut when his shirt rose up'"

"Oh" Kagome blushed a deep tomato red remembering her words

"As for why I am here" The red headed girl smiled "I'm taking this class too, now I know the professor his hot means I might actually attend this year"

"Ayame" Kagome shook her head and began walking again "We only have a year here left, I think you can make it"

"I know but we have been her for four long years!" Ayame huffed "This college stuff his hard!"

"Yeah because finding a job and working for the next thirty years will be a breeze" Sango rolled her eyes

"Now see, why do you have to say mean things like that" Ayame whined

"well the good news is, that in ten months we can walk through his room and say, this is our last class in college" Kagome opened the door to the large lector hall that could seat about hundred people, Kagome looked around the room "Looks like we aren't the only ones here" Kagome waved seeing her other friends

"Awesome" Ayame bounced and nearly ran to sit next to her boyfriend Koga

"Of course" Sango rolled her eyes as she looped her arm under Kagomes as they walked across the room and up the stairs to sit down

"hey the gangs all here" Miroku smiled as he patted the seat to him

"Well not all of us" Kagome looked at the small group "Kikyo and Inuyasha aren't here"

"Probably just running late as usual" Koga rolled his eyes "I still don't see how you are okay with those two" Koga leaned up over his desk as Kagome took the seat in front of him

"Say one more word Koga and I won't sit in front of you and then who will you have to cheat off of during test" Kagome glared at him

"Fair enough" Koga leaned back and pretended to zip his lips

"Or you could actually study and do you own work" Shippo pushed Kogas left shoulder

Kagome tuned around to pull out her history books to prepare for the class; they still had a few minutes before it was time to start. Sango sat down next to Kagome in from of Ayame

"Thanks" Ayame whispered and Sango nodded back

Kagome watched as Inuyasha and Kikyo ran in just as the bell rang, and quickly took their seats, Inuyasha sat next to Ayame and behind Miroku, as Kikyo took her seat next to Inuyasha.

"Good afternoon class" A deep voice rang out as the door shut, Kagome knew the soothing voice

"Good afternoon Professor" The students said in unison

Kagome looked over the Professor, he looked just as she remembered him, only his silver hair was tired with a leather strap in a low pony tail at the base of his neck, he wore a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his khaki pants hung loosely off his hip.

"I thought you said he was built?" Sango whispered as the professor wrote his name on the oversized black board

"I told you it was six years ago" Kagome whispered back in a huff

"I don't care, he is still gorgeous!" Ayame giggled as Koga pushed her knee

"Tashio Sesshomaru" His voice ran in the large class room, Kagome looked around to see all of the girls and some of the guys with hearts in their eyes, and drool running down their chin "This is my name but none of you have earned the right to even speak my name"

Kagome had cold chills run down her spine as he spoke.

"I will not tolerate tardiness, when the bell rings I will lock that door and you will not be able to enter, and trust me when I say, if you even miss one day of this class you will fall behind." Sesshomaru picked up a clip board off his red wood desk "When I call you name say here" Sesshomaru began to go down the list but paused "Inuyasha Tash-" Sesshomau looked up from his clip board to see Inuyasha wave with two fingers "Inuyasha and Kikyo you two have been reassigned to Professor Myoga's class, please collect your things and go"

"You serious?" Inuyasha huffed as Sesshomaru continued down the list not looking up from his clip board "whatever" Inuyasha huffed as he walked down the stairs and out the door

"Kagome Higurashi?" Sesshomaru peaked over the clip board to se Kagome wave her hand

"Here Professor" Kagome smiled, she watched as he arched his brow for a second then continued

"Kikyo Higurahi, reassigned" Sesshomaru scratched out her name once he was done calling out the names of his new students he tossed the clip board on his desk and grabbed a long piece of chalk "Now let's start at the beginning shall we?" Sesshomaru began writing on the board.

I dont know why I made Kikyo Kagomes sister but I did so deal with it :P Love you all!