'I've got a bad feeling about this' Obi-Wan thought glumly. He wasn't exactly surprised that he'd die by his old friends' hand, but then again, that's why he was so glum in the first place. 'Concentrate!' He thought to himself. 'I need to do this quickly if this is going to work.'

He didn't know why Yoda was so adamant that he learn the secret of immortality, but he had had to admit, he was happy that learning meant he could spend more time with Qui-Gon. He couldn't see anything, but that was to be expected. 'Now's the time I need to act.' He thought. 'I just need to concentrate on what the world still needs me to do.'

He tried to think of Luke. How he had no training but desperately needed guidance. How he had just lost his family and needed something stable, but his thoughts kept straying to Anakin. "Then you are lost!" he had said to him, and it was true. Anakin was truly, desperately lost.

He knew that Vader had strengthened his mental shields to the point that even if Obi-Wan tried he wouldn't be able to tap into the bond that had formed between them when Anakin had been assigned as his padawan; and he his master. He could understand why, Obi-Wan himself had built up powerful walls. He didn't want to know what was swirling through that crumbled, deformed head of his. He wouldn't be able to bear it if he did.

'No! I need to think of Luke! I'm supposed to help Luke!' He thought desperately. Though he couldn't see anything, he could certainly feel something swirling around him. It was getting faster. 'Not good, very not good. Focus, focus!' Suddenly he felt a strong jolt around his mid-chest area. He felt dizzy, and sick. He felt worse then the first time he had made the mistake of letting Anakin fly. Altogether, general unpleasantness followed... Whatever he had been trying to do. What was that again? Obi-Wan couldn't remember.

Suddenly he could hear dull sounds of blasters and screams, something that he wasn't too happy that he could recognize so quickly, however dulled and muted they may be. His sight came back next. It was still blurry, yes. But at least it was something. He shook himself, and tried to remember where he was. He looked around and squinted, trying to see though the dull fog that had impaled all of his senses.

A ship, ('The Millennium Falcon' his mind supplied.) seemed like it was trying to take off, but a passenger looked like he had to be dragged. He could feel his grief even in his weakened state. Someone had died. 'I died.' Obi-Wan thought.

Suddenly he felt as if a flood of information came hurtling at him. 'Luke, I have to help Luke. I have to follow Luke.' He tried, oh how he had tried, to follow him. Something was pulling him back, almost like a magnetic pull. 'I don't understand! I did just as Qui-Gon had instructed!' He thought, before gathering himself. He was a Jedi, a master, and he had held a high place on the council. He wouldn't stand for his composure to fall to that of an untrained padawan. He took a deep breath, even as he could feel himself being dragged away. He tried again.

'Something went wrong. I just need to figure out what.' He was still being dragged by some invisible force, even as he saw the Falcon take off. Even as he saw it fly away. Even as he saw it disappear. 'If only I knew what I did...' His eyes widened as he realized. Oh no. Oh force no. He turned his head and saw what he dreaded, what had killed him, and what was pulling him further from Luke. 'Vader.' He cursed. He had spent more time thinking of Anakin then he had of Luke. His soul was bound to him.

He was starting to panic again. He could't do this. He couldn't spend the rest of his half-life around someone who had murdered so many. Who had murdered younglings. He couldn't spend it around the one who had pushed him to exile, who had destroyed everyone he held dear, who had broken his heart. He could still feel his feet being dragged on the floor. He looked down. 'Huh, blue. My feet are blue.' He thought monotonously. Indeed they where... as where is hands, and his robes, and everything else that had been attached to him when he died. 'Speaking of which...'

Ah. There it is. He summoned the tiny blue glow that was surrounded by brown outer robes, and caught it easily. 'At least I can still use the force.' He thought with relief, attaching his lightsaber to his belt.

His feet where still being dragged. It was getting annoying. With a sigh he picked up his feet and followed to where the force was pushing him. As he followed, he let himself get lost in thought; trying to think back on all the things that Qui-Gon had taught him about this situation that he had thrown himself in. "Qui-Gon?" He suddenly called out. 'This is disturbing.' He thought with a furrowed brow. 'I can't sense him at all anymore.'

With a pang in his heart he realized why. Obi-Wan is dead, so Qui-Gon's purpose was complete- he no longer needed to be here. 'But I do need him here.' He thought morosely. 'Calm yourself! You are a sixty year old Jedi master and you've fought as a general in the clone wars!' He scolded himself, squaring his shoulders. It was at this moment that he realized that the menacing black cape that he had been following had come to a stop in front of a large egg-like pod. He quickly followed Vader inside.

Vader leaned heavily onto a counter of sorts before he sat down on it. He pressed a few buttons on the computer next to him and the pod began to close. The sound of air being forced out of a vent began as well. After a few seconds of this Vader took off his outer clothing and helmet and stuffed it into a compartment that seemed to be made for this purpose. He clipped a few wires into the computer embedded in his chest as well.

He looked awful. There was no denying it. No longer was he this powerful figure, but the heavily scarred remains if a broken man. His breathing was still heavy, but it no longer had the sound of the helmets filter to accompany it. He wondered if it hurt.

Vader looked up sharply. "Who's there?" He called. Obi-Wan nearly choked when he realized his voice sounded different without the helmet on as well, how it sounded when they where friends. He was shaken again when he realized that he had said that aloud. And that Vader had heard him.

"Force, I'm an idiot." He cursed. Vader shot up completely this time, unhooking his lightsaber from his side and igniting it in the process. He looked around suspiously, his face warping even more as it took on the expression of rage.

'He can't see me.' Obi-Wan thought. 'Oh yes. I forgot. I have to do that myself.' He concentrated and a second later he could feel a slight shift as he materialized. Vader's face morphed into shock before he sliced Obi-Wan right through the middle. There was a standstill. Both looked at each other in shock. Obi-Wan was first to break the silence.

"Well," He huffed and crossed his arms. "That was rather rude."