No love, strictly business

Full Summary: At the age of 18 Hinata must give her soul to a demon she has fall in love with. That's the price you pay when you sign a demon contract.

OOC Hinata! Sociopath Hinata! Sexual situations, Cursing, and etc.

Warning: Grammar and spelling errors. I warned you guys.

"Let go of my hair!"


The little girl scrunched her nose as the older girl tighten her grip on the younger child's long indigo hair. "I said let go!" she shouted.

The older girl threw the child to the floor before standing over her. "Not so quiet now, are we?" she grinned as she placed her hands on her hip. "Mayu-chan! Is this the girl?"

Mayu stepped in front of her older sister, Ai, and nodded her head. "She thinks she so smart!" Mayu said with an annoying voice.

Hinata stared at Mayu and got up, dumbfounded. "Mayu-chan! I thought we were friends!" Hinata said staring at the girl with concern.

"Friends? As if?" she replied.

Hinata eyes began to water as she back away from the older girl, Ai. As she turned around, Ai had gripped her by her long hair. "Uh! What is up with your hair colour?" she questioned. Hinata tried to squirm free, but Ai had the upper advantage.

"Mayu-chan! Pass me the knife, please?" Ai said pouting.

Hinata eyes grew wide as she tried to remove the girl's hand from her hair. "No! Please… Don't!" she said as the tears swelled her eyes.

"Didn't I tell you to shut-up?" Ai shouted at the girl. She hit Hinata on the top of hair causing the girl to shout in pain.

"Here you go, onee-chan" Mayu said happily. She handed her older sister the knife.

"Help! Help! Help!" Hinata repeatedly scream.

"Help! Help! Help!" Ai said mockingly. She snickered as she pressed the knife to Hinata hair.

Tears ran down Hinata's cheek as she felt her long hair being cut. With blurry eyes she look up towards the sky and whispered an apology to her mother.

She was shoved the ground and kicked upon a few times, before being left in the abandon building. She didn't make a noise as she just lied there. After an hour had pass by, Hinata stood up and looked towards the floor. Her long luscious hair lied coldly on the floor almost as if screaming for help. She felt the patches on her head. Hinata didn't care about the pain on her side or the fact that her face was bruise, she just couldn't believe that her hair was gone.

She walked unsteadily towards the door of the abandon hose, only to trip by the rug. She lied there staring at the dismantle wall. "I want them dead. I want them all dead." She spoke over and over again. Her eyes began to swell up again.

"My… my, what do we have here?" a deep voice boomed throughout the house.

Hinata did not move, she continued to stare at the wall. Maybe she was imagining all of this?

A minute later she felt herself being picked up. She stared at the man who helped her up and tilted her head. He had such sharp teeth. His eyes were a crimson colour and he had three thick scars on each side of his cheeks.

The man stared down at the little girl and smiled at her, showing his teeth. He leaned over and sniffed the little girl. His eyes opened up for a moment, before he just smiled down at her. "Are you okay?"

The girl flinch by his harsh voice. "No, need to be afraid. I don't bite… much." He grinned. "Now tell me what has happen to you?"

Hinata eyes began to swell up again before she managed to choke out a sob. "I-I'm alone." She said as she wrapped her little arms around the man leg. The man stared down at the small child (she is 9) and patted the girl's head.

"This is too easy." He spoke with a malicious voice.

Hinata looked up to him with big eyes. "What's too easy?"

"Don't wo-


The man looked up and saw flash lights being shone in the house. Hinata let go of the man's leg. "Kurenai-senpai." She whispered.

Hinata looked up towards the man and gave him a faint smile. "Will I ever see you again?" she asked.

The man kneeled down and stared in her eyes. "Whenever you need me, just call for me." He spoke as she got up and turned around.

"Wait! You never told me your name."

He turned back and smiled at her. "My name is Naruto, Hinata-chan." He said before disappearing.

'How did he know my name?' she thought.

"Miss Hinata-chan! There you are!" Kurenai said as she gripped the little girl, giving her a death crush.

However, Hinata didn't seem to mind the crushing hug Kurenai was giving her. "How did he know my name?"

Four Years Later

"Stupid cat!" Hinata shouted as she violently stabbed the cat with a pen. "Sorry kitty, it would've been over sooner, hmmm maybe, if I had a knife." She said as she stared down at the cat who was barely breathing. Hinata tilted her head as she stabbed the cat in the eye. She yawned as she got up and leaned towards the tree.

"I've tried calling you for all these years and you never came to my rescue." She whispered. She stared down at her bloody hands. "Maybe it was just a dream… or maybe I'm not saying his name right?" She felt anger boiling up in her. "Stupid!" she said as she went back to the now dead cat and stabbing it with the pen again.

Three Years Later

An older Hinata stood in front of her mirror and stared at herself. Her hair had grew back to its original length (above her hips) she now had a fuller curve, plump lips, and firm soft skin. She adjusted her necktie (red) and put on a black cardigan. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. It quickly faded as she thought about him again. "I am determined to find him."

She walked down the stairway and into a smaller room. "Good morning, mama." She said kneeling down on the pillow and bowing her head towards a picture. She got up and went to the other picture. "Good morning, Kurenai-senpai." She said.

Hinata walked towards the kitchen and bowed down to her father who was sitting at the table. "Good morning, Father."

"Don't disappoint me." He said strictly.

She grabbed her school bag from the rack and stepped outside. It was sunny, but still chilly. She walked towards the entrance of the house gate.

"Good morning, Miss Hinata." A man greeted her as he opened the car door.

Hinata stared at the man, and his smile reminded her of him… Naruto. She shook her head. "No today, Alvin. I will be walking." She said smiling at him.

"But your father insist that I…

"It's okay. I'll be safe. School isn't a far distance from here."

"Very well." Alvin spoke as he close the car door.

'It has been several years I am still obsessing over this guy.' She sighed to herself. "This is going to be a long day!" she groaned.


"Okay, class. I would like you to settle down!" Iruka-sensei shouted.

The class settled down not wanting to feel Iruka's wrath. He smiled. "I would like class A-1 to meet, Hyuga Hinata." Iruka said smiling brightly. "She recently moved to Konoha and I would appreciate if class A would treat her with open arms.

"Welcome to class A-1." The class said in unison.

Hinata bowed.

"Now is there anything you would like to tell the class about yourself Miss. Hyuga?"

Hinata smiled at her teacher and stepped in front of him. "Good morning, my name is Hyuga Hinata and I would appreciate if we can all be friends." She said giving them a big smile.

Some girls scoffed in the class, while some guys whistled.

"Now let's see who you can sleep with-… I mean SEAT with!" Iruka said dying from embarrassment.

The guys started whistling and laughing in class. Hinata smiled at Iruka. "It's okay, Iruka-sensei." She said giggling.

Iruka scanned the room, thinking. "Hmmm…

Hinata looked throughout the room, until her eyes opened wide. She pace down the aisle of the class and stared down at the boy who had a bored expression on his face. She sat down next to him and stared at his face.

"Um… well, Uzumaki, will be your seat partner." Iruka said rubbing the back of his head.

"But sensei! Sasuke-kun sits there." A pink hair girl whined.

"It's true, sensei."

"Well I'm pretty sure Sasuke wouldn't mind someone sitting in his seat today. Doesn't that give you girls a better chance of him sitting next to one of you?" A deep voice said smiling.

Some girls squealed in the class. While the pink hair girl blushed. "Shut up Naruto!"

Hinata didn't stopped staring at the boy. The said boy, Naruto stared back at the girl and smile. "Hello?"

She continued to stare at him. He looked familiar, but where was his sharp teeth? His crimson eyes? The scars were there on his cheek, but there weren't deep.

The girls stared at Hinata. "What is she doing?"

"This bitch, done mess with the right one." Another girl spoke.


The bell rung and the kids scattered from the classroom. Hinata sat there wondering if she should ask him or not.

Naruto got up off his chair and was walking towards the door when Hinata gripped his hand. He stopped and stared at the short girl. "Ne?"

She gulped. "Naruto…

"Yes?" he answered.

"Naruto-kun! Let's go!" the pink hair girl said yanking Naruto by the hand and pulling him outside.

Hinata stared at the door and twitched. "This bitch!" she shouted angrily.

Hinata stormed outside and walked towards the nearest tree in the back of the school. She pace herself back and forth. "Can it be him?" she asked aloud. "I know it's him! He has the same scent… but he doesn't have the sharp teeth and why are his eyes blue?" She wanted to yank her hair.

"Well… well if it isn't Hinata." A girl said grinning.

Hinata turned around and stared at the girl. "Who are you?" she asked politely, but was annoyed.

The girl started laughing with the rest of the group. "I see your hair grew back."

Hinata eyes opened wide. "Ai!" she shouted.

"Surprise! Surprise! I thought you would have known better to stay out of Konoha." She walked up to Hinata and gripped her by her collar. "I am going to make your life a living hell." She snarled as she let go of the girl's collar. She pushed Hinata to the floor.

"Hey onee-chan, why don't we cut off that pretty hair of hers again." Mayu giggled.

Hinata glared at the girl. "Eh, I guess we can. Maybe her reaction will be funnier the fourth time. Hinata got up and dusted herself off. She preceded to run, but Mayu had caught onto her just in time.

She didn't say a word. She was used to it now. The way girls would make fun of her, do stuff to her, and cut off her hair just for the fun of it. She didn't care though. She stopped caring.

Ai noticed the girl didn't fidget or anything and quickly got upset.

"Isn't this getting a little old to you guys now?" Hinata asked. "My hair grows back, you cut it, put patches in my head, beat me up, tries to hurt me in anyway and it's the same thing over and over again."

Ai gritted her teeth.

"See if it were me, I would skin you alive… very slowly, and boil alcohol in a big pot." She smirked. "Well if they had a pot big enough to fit a human in, I want you to be alive as I do this to you, then I will dip you in that boiling, hot alcohol and dance to the screams of torture and pain." Hinata said giggling.

Ai and Mayu let go of her hair and stared at the girl sickly. "What the actual fuck?" Ai said as she back away.

Hinata brushed off her skirt. "You're a sick fuck!" Mayu said.

"Let's go Mayu-chan." Ai said ushering the girl to leave.

Hinata watch the girls leave. She was content, but she quickly sadden. She kneels down and rubbed her eyes. "I wish I actually had the power to kill them." She said glaring down at the ant that was crawling. She squished the ant.
