A/N: Never mind the 9th chapter in this story, because this one just replaced that one which is one, if not the most, worst chapters I've ever written, I'm just really...feeling a bit dull today. But I promise the next chapter would be better!

Timmy took a deep breath as he gripped the closet handle tighter, he just knew something, or someone was in here, and he just felt the need to know what, or who it was. "One...two...THREE!" He mentally counted, and in the count of three, the closet was quickly slammed open.

His hazel eyes, that was previously closed of anticipation, snapped open, only to see...


Other than boxes of unused holiday decor, some old things, you know, practically storage items, nothing surprising or interesting.

The ginger-haired Specialist only blinked at this, no one was in here? He could have sworn he heard some shuffling in the closet earlier...

Link seems to have noticed his (most likely) future brother-in-law open the closet after he claims to have heard something, "So, Timmy, what's in the closet?" He asked, somewhat curious, and a bit worried.

"I-it's nothing," Timmy answered, giving the inside of the closet a glance one more time as he hesitantly and slowly closed it, before walking back to the living room and sitting on his previous seat. "Possibly just my imagination. My bad."


"That was close!" Stella yelled-whispered-gasped as Tecna quietly shut the door to the basement after she tried to swiftly sprint from the closet to the basement with her friends after Timmy managed to nearly spot her.

"Do you think Timmy spotted you?" Bloom asked worriedly to the magenta-haired fairy, one of the memory-altered Specialists finding them is one thing, but the unintentional creator of the robots that are nothing but identity thieves and cause nothing but trouble is just trouble. Heck, since Timmy created those robots, he might be the one who has the strongest hypnotic waves as far as Tecna's theories go.

"Perhaps he heard me," Tecna tried to stabilize her breathing for a moment (it means catching her breath), "But I'm sure he failed to spot me on time." She assured them, shaking her head.

The Winx only sighed in relief at this, glad that the technology fairy's brainwashed boyfriend failed to spot her, especially when said technology fairy's evil counterpart is in the same roof as they are.

"Now...let's just wait for them to leave and then we're off." Musa announced, peeking out the door a bit just in case someone spots them.

"To where?" Flora asked, blinking.

"Off to take what's rightfully ours," Layla declared, "Which is, basically everything that means something to us."

"And while we're, well, waiting for them to leave, we should try to at least make a plan while we're at it." Tecna suggests, bringing out a device for something.

"Great idea, Tec."


"Where could they be?" A hooded man demanded as he and a certain blond man walked around the streets of Magix, looking for the six fairies that are currently the most wanted ones in the Magic Dimension as of now. No, it's not what it sounds like, he isn't trying to find them just to turn them in, it was something, much more important than that.

"I still don't get why you're asking my help for this," The man next to the hooded man, Roy, believe it or not, "Just because you're the fiance of the princess of the realm I'm serving on doesn't mean-"

Roy was quickly hushed by the hooded man (let's call him...err, Hoodie for now), before Hoodie continued walking, still looking for the fairies.

"I don't think I'm even engaged to her anymore." Hoodie muttered.

"You know, I'm wondering why you even got to go back to life-"

"I'll explain later on."


"Are you sure about this, girls?" Link asked the Winx worriedly after they announced their new plan. Electra and Timmy had left a while ago, without spotting or even aware of the Winx's presence, thank god.

The Winx only nodded at this, "Yeah, we got it all worked out," Musa assured, "We already contacted the pixies and Daphne about it and they all agreed."

"But are you sure that this plan of yours are foolproof?" Link questioned, he was really worried about the Winx's new plan, it was somewhat flawed, risky, and not to mention dangerous, "You know you can come up with a better plan than that-"

"It's the best plan we've got so far," Tecna sighed, "And we're really rushing for this mess to clear up soon, the sooner, the better."

"But, you know, if you need any help, I'll gladly-"

"Thanks, but no thanks." Flora politely interrupted him, smiling at him, "You have already done enough for us."

"Well, okay..." Link trailed off slowly as the Winx prepared to leave, "But, you know, you're always welcome here if your plan fails somehow," He tried to assure them.

Tecna could only smile at her brother, "We'll keep that in mind."

A/N: haha, what'd I say? Huh? HUH?

But this chapter isn't entirely useless, as a character is introduced once again, his name for now is Hoodie until he is officially revealed. I think I made it too obvious so you probably know who he is already so...yeah.

Too tired to say anything else so I hope you enjoyed reading!