AN: I decided to continue this after finally figuring out how to push this forward (sort of). And I tried my best fixing as many writing mistakes I could find in my previous chapters lol.
I had to pause many times because of the angst in here, but this fleshes out a lot of unanswered questions. So without further ado, I hereby announce the final part of this Neverlandis side story!
Chapter 6: Happy Birthday
I am plagued by wounds that won't heal, seams that I can't seal, and yet you're still beside me
"Don't you cry, it's all for the best," if I said those words, then maybe I'd be happy
But of course life isn't that way, the world fades away, until your face I cannot see
No number of miracles could make this easy
Tears stream down my cheeks as I hear you call out to me
Eine Kleine by, Kenshi Yonezu
Ever since Stork grew up with his parents, he never heard of birthdays. His parents never bothered to explain the tradition, never bothered to celebrate it. They never really explained anything that isn't beneficial for him to make them money. Because that was all he was to them.
When he first learned it from Maple she one day served him cake and a gift (a brand new book)(also how she knew of his date of birth remains a mystery to him), Stork didn't see the point of it all. To him it's just a reminder of another year of your life gone and another year closer to your inevitable death. Why would the average person find that something to celebrate?
Maple had to explain that most people celebrate to appreciate another year they've lived. A yearly anniversary of sorts. Stork preferred his reasoning more acceptable and stuck with that.
His birthdays with Maple weren't excessive like most kids would want it. Stork would've preferred it if they never celebrated his date of birth at all, but puts up with the small and kind gestures only because they were from his caretaker while he tries to do the same for her birthday.
Ever since the Nerva children came into their lives however, their normal routine turned up a few notches. They were kids and had birthdays before so Stork didn't mind the change if it made them happy. No one comes over which was a relief, mostly because the children have yet to become close to other local kids. Since their stay, Aerrow, Piper and Fin have spent most of their time playing in the woods and when it comes to building their education, they've learned under Stork, having not yet signed up for school.
If the Merb had to think of one thing he liked about birthdays, it would be when the kids would light up when getting their gifts from him. The treehouse, despite its gloom, held a lot valuable items from its owner's adventures; rare crystals, old weapons, handmade maps to places never discovered, antique books, and more. The kids loved them, played adventure games with them(with supervision of course) and together had dreams of doing actual exploring when they grow older, with a big carrier ship as they fly into the unknown. Stork knew better than that. The outside word is dangerous and the people in them cruel. But witnessing the innocence of their games and getting dragged to join them more than once, he couldn't help but entertain the thought himself. It all sounded fun.
At ages nine, the kids were enrolled to the same k-12 school Stork went to. They weren't too put off by it; new places and meeting new faces was something they liked and could handle.
When Finn asked why Stork doesn't go to school, since he's fourteen and thus is required to, the Merb answers for Maple by simply stating his grade level teaches stuff he already knows. That was easy to believe and it wasn't brought up again.
For the time being.
The children grew accustomed to their school life. Maple would walk with them before heading to work, they'd be capable to walk themselves home, and meanwhile Stork takes household responsibility. He also started working for a repairman, a Human, who moved into the terra months back. Hutch was his name. He was a war veteran, a buff old man with a deep western accent, quite reserved, but has a warm spot for kids. He even offers to help fix Maple's old car for free and has become the only person Stork's grown content with outside of his family.
The kids couldn't place it, but the two seem to have this unspoken understanding towards the other. Once, Maple invited the man over for dinner as a way of payment. Once they thought they were alone after dinner, he commented,
"I'm not one to pry ma'am so I apologize. I've been to Merbia before during my years of service, an' other than their paranoia the Merbs are decent folks. But that child… I've seen children who suffer, but that boy must've never known what it's like to be a child. He… has that look… that look only grown warriors like me have when we're out in the field, not knowing if we'll ever see tomorrow. I can only imagine, but I won't. I'm just grateful that he now has you an' the smaller ones in his life. "
The nine-year-olds watch as Maple only answers with a watery-eyed smile and asks if he would like some more coffee.
Making new friends was surprisingly difficult, the other students wanting to keep their distance, whispering behind their backs. Confused, Aerrow, Piper and Finn decide to stick together at all times, assuming they know where they came from and didn't want to catch any nonexistent illnesses.
Then they caught wind of the rumors.
"Yeah they live near the woods, with that scary Merb."
"Really? Is it true? That he-"
"Yeah, that years ago, while he was in school, he killed someone."
Hearing the rumors churned their stomachs. They didn't want to believe it, that Stork was a… a murderer. None of them liked these kids spreading something that sounded so completely false, something that wasn't the Stork they knew and grew up with.
"But…" Finn breaks the heavy silence as they trek the lonely sidewalk of their town. "Could that be why he's not in school anymore? Or why he's not out of the house as much?"
Piper turns her gaze, disbelieving. "Finn don't tell me you actually think-"
"Of course not! It's just…" The boy scrunches his face at the concrete path. It turns to grass and dirt as the trio enters the outskirts, closer to home. "I just keep thinking back to when we first met him. How he got like that." It also made him think of the conversation he had with Stork days after the incident. What horrible things had he done that could terrify the townspeople so much?
"…So do I," Aerrow admits, hating that he said it.
"Let's just keep this to ourselves," Piper says, inwardly scared but words resolute. "Whatever happened, Stork isn't like that anymore. We just have to prove it, so no one will have to be afraid of him."
They tried. They talked about Stork whenever the opportunity allowed it, in assignments and in discussions, tried to make people see all the good qualities their eldest sibling had. That he had his intelligence, his resourcefulness, his proficiency in the medical field and is growing skillful in mechanics.
Sadly, even the teachers would cringe when they mention him. When handed back their graded assignments, written next to their score would say that they should 'next time seek a better-fitting topic'.
And the kids went from ignoring them to harassing them, tripping their feet and calling them names. Still, they choose not to say anything about it when they go home, thinking they could handle it. They've dealt with worse.
Days later, Finn was sent to the principal's office with bruises and a black eye. He got into a pretty serious tussle with another kid and both had to have their parents notified at once. Maple was in a position where she couldn't leave work right away.
So Stork had to fill in for her.
Young Finn never felt the room grow so tense in his life. The principle was sweating bullets, the other kid (his shitty classmate and a bully, adequately not looking much better than he is) as well as his parents refuse to look at Stork. And Stork? He just sat in his given seat next to Finn's, arms crossed while silently staring at the principal. Waiting.
The meeting went surprisingly quick. The kids were asked to give their sides to the story. Finn went first, explaining he only got violent when the bully and his goons purposely stole Piper's favorite crystal (white and small that she carried around her neck), refusing to give it back, then saying they don't have it and to check in all the garbage bins in the school.
And Stork gave what was probably the most chilling glower Finn had ever seen towards the kid in question. Finn understood his reaction though, since he did gift that crystal to her. And if the piece of shit did believe in all the rumors, then no doubt he's close to peeing himself at that moment.
The kid was so scared he fumbled in trying to make an excuse and the parents finally face Stork with a glare. The Merb lets up, rolling his eyes. Finn wished he could laugh.
He was given a day's suspension while the bully got a few days more. No one argued. When Stork was asked if he would like the parents to pay for the missing crystal, his eyes shift to the parents saying,
"Unlike a Mauler Hound, that crystal isn't something you can replace. So don't bother."
Finn didn't get it, but the family and the principal went pale.
Piper did get her necklace back. Turned out they never threw it away, but wanted to see if she'd be desperate enough to want to dig through garbage bins. The girl cried in Stork's arms as she blamed herself for causing this mess. Luckily, all the goons involved were getting detentions, but the look Stork gave said that wasn't satisfactory enough. Finn and Aerrow would agree.
That same day, the trio would later learn that their bully had a brother and said brother got a broken and bloody nose minutes after the final bell rang. No one stopped the fight, but nothing else happened. Stork walked them home, looking like a weight had lifted off his shoulders.
Stork knew he'd have to fess up about his past sooner or later thanks to these events.
Neverlandis had always been a pretty bland place. Nothing noteworthy happens here. Some rather uninteresting historical landmarks yes. Maybe a heavy storm or two per year. But overall, it's safe. It's normal. It's just there on the map.
The most excitement this terra has ever gotten was that spectacle he made during his months in school. From there it hit off. He was the talk of the town; the crazed Merb who lives in the woods, an unhinged psychopath that kills for fun. He was a folk tale. A myth. One of those stories to scare kids at night for misbehaving.
No doubt his siblings caught wind of some of it while in school. No doubt it was all out of context and heavily exaggerated.
And he should have known. That just because they never took part in his mistakes, the fact that they live with him was all the reasoning kids needed to target them. Thankfully, his appearance at the school after years of absence made them all backpedal, likely because none of them want to risk him returning to… feast on their heads or something equally as stupid. Whatever. He could care less what the town thinks, what they choose to believe and see him as. They're not the ones who matter.
He is grateful to his siblings for one thing and that is despite all that's happened, meddlesome as each of them are, they chose not to pry. At least, not immediately. Stork gives them credit for that. But they do deserve to know, it's just a matter of when he's ready. Because that can of worms has never been opened since he felt safe enough to tell Maple, back when she cared for him in the hospital. That he could trust her enough not to assume the worst and send him back.
He won't tell them everything though. Some things are just better left locked away forgotten. For his sake mostly.
As per usual, the kids would beg for a story before they'd be sent to bed. Maple would indulge them with some of her personal favorites, such as Cravina and the Gentle Stone, as they gather near the fireplace in the cottage's main room. Stork of course felt too old for these things, but sticks around to watch the expressions of the children as they soak up the Jovian's words like a sponge. It's pretty amusing.
"Can I tell a story this time?"
"Oh?" Maple was taken aback. Meanwhile, Aerrow, Piper, and Finn lit up like holiday trees and made to grab at him, practically demanding he tell them a story. Malleable thanks to his race's genetics, Stork was able to dodge all the tiny grabby hands and makes an impressive leap for the armchair.
"Behave and sit."
Maple merrily chuckles as she guides the kids to sit on the rug, the three of them bouncing with excitement as they eagerly wait for Stork to begin. At their actions, Stork felt a bit terrible. This is the first story he's ever told them and it isn't actually a story nor is it all sunshine and daisies. But he pushes through.
He fully sits in the armchair and after a few beats, he starts.
"There's this place called Terra Merbia. It's not your average terra. For one, it is plagued with storms. Think of the one we had years ago, but much worse. Each day, there's a rare chance for sunlight, but it's mostly covered under dark ominous clouds. It is one of the reasons why most Merbs choose to make their habitats underground. It is… relatively safer than the surface."
The Human children huddle a little closer together, the image of Terra Merbia not looking like a charming place by the way Stork described it. At least they now know why Terra Merbia isn't a place many outsiders liked to mention. Or visit.
"There are very few reasons for some Merbs to stay on the surface however," Stork continues. "Reasons such as trading and hunting. Some of the most terrifying creatures in Atmos live on the terra. And yet, there are outsiders willing to pay good money to get a hold of them, preferably alive so long as they're not the one's doing the dirty work. And that is where we begin our story."
Maple, who sat on the rug with them, grew guarded and concerned, knowing what he's doing. Stork looks at her briefly, hoping he comes off as assuring before shifting back to the children. There's no turning back.
"There once was this Merb family; a mother, father, and son. They were banished from the underground for reasons the son was too young to remember. But he did know this, his parents weren't very kind people.
"They were lazy and greedy, subjecting their son to do even the most excruciating tasks of labor out in the storms. He was very young too, younger than all of you respectively. You'd be surprised. However, it was important that from birth, Merb children learn the basics of how to survive by themselves, in case there comes a time they'd be without their parents, which does happen occasionally.
"Since he had nothing to do with his parent's crimes, the son could at least apply for jobs in the underground. He applies for multiple, travels from home and back through storms and preying monsters, provides food and does all the chores just to keep their ratty home clean, functional, and stable. And what does he get in return? A meal and maybe a little rest if his parents are generous." Stork chooses not to mention the beatings whenever he stepped out of line, which came from things as simple as asking for more food or bringing home less money. Unnecessary details.
At this point the children caught on too. They silently hang onto the Merb's every word. Under different circumstances, he would've commented on how ridiculous (and not cute) their faces looked. Perhaps next time, when he's not telling a backstory story about his life.
"And then, they decide the money their son was making isn't enough. They hear from other surface-dwellers about the hunting business and how much it pays. The father uses his name to sign up, then thrusts his son out into the wilderness with the equipment. He was told to not come back until he's captured what their client ordered. And so begins his hell."
These moments, Stork remembers vividly. He remembers the biting cold, the harsh winds and rainfall, how hard it was to see through the thick tropical forests. And worst of all was the feeling of being watched, surrounded by prey animals. All of them hiding, waiting for him to slip or drop his guard, sensing the rapid hammer of his heart in chest. He remembers going days without eating or sleeping. It was way too dangerous to do either, but he would be too scared to try if it was possible.
Stork appears lost in the horrors of his memories, unknowingly gripping the armrests of the chair, looking at nothing as he continues drearily. The façade of this being a story dropped beyond his knowledge. "It's easier to catch them when they're dead. To trap and contain them is suicide. It's possible with multiple people, but I was alone. One wrong move is all it takes. If the trap fails and the animal goes free, if they find you, they'll stop at nothing to rip you apart. At that point it's a fight a fight for survival. I had too many close calls, but I did my job, even if it meant to kill and start again after a mistake. I made enough to hope that things would soon change, that the worst would be over and that they'll…"
He stops himself, shakes his head and wipes his eyes furiously. No. Even back then he knew that to entertain such thoughts is foolish. Treating him a little better is a more logical thought. Beyond that is something his parents were never capable of.
"Everything stayed the same." His voice returned, hollow and dim. He hides his pain behind his hair. "Everything except their greed. And what's more insulting, since it's my father's name in the papers, not only does he take all the credit I've done, but he built a false image of respect amongst the other hunters. I couldn't risk telling them the truth. All that success done by a child? I wouldn't have blamed them if they scoffed at that. And the abuse? I was too scared to say anything, not knowing if I would get help or make things worse for myself.
"As the endless slave labor continued, with malnourishment, lack of sleep and stress catching up to me, I knew my time would run out soon. I fended myself against a pack of Mauler Hounds, but I suffered some pretty bad wounds. None of them were alive so I couldn't go home. I had to decide. Either bleed to death or find a way out of this nightmare. I could've just laid there; I didn't know where to go if I could escape. My wounds hurt and I didn't have the strength in me to move. I wish I could tell you all what motivated me to end up where I am now, but I don't have the answer to that. I survived out of luck. Simple as that."
Piper's voice brought him from the dark fogs of his mind, bringing awareness to his slip he can't take back. His nails have pierced into the cushions and when he looks to the children, he regrets what he sees. The three have clambered close to him, all of them with the urge to give him a protective hug, but are unsure if they'd be allowed to. They were all brimming with tears. He feels his owns tears and inwardly curses at himself, wiping them off again.
"I don't want your pity. I hate it," he says. "I just want you to understand. The townspeople aren't completely wrong about me. I am dangerous. I may have survived but my past still haunts me. My instincts have been deeply ingrained because of it. I killed a family's dog because I thought it was going to kill me. I'm unstable. Who says I may not hurt you guys one day?"
"So you want us to leave you alone?" Aerrow asks, his expression hard. "Is that what you want?"
Stork couldn't think of how to respond. Does what he want even matter if it jeopardizes the safety of those around him? He is happy to be part of this family, he won't lie, but bad things could happen. He doesn't trust that he'll be able to control his triggers when they happen. He's scared of who he'll eventually snap at. He just can't live with the thought.
"Have you forgotten what I said?" Stork looks to see Finn's sapphire eyes blazing. "When I said you'll have to deal with us, I mean it. When we had that outbreak on our home terra, we swore to never leave each other behind no matter what."
"H-He's right." Piper climbs to the Merb, sniffling and loops her arms around him, her old firm. "You're our family now too. We don't want to leave you behind."
"You've done so much for us, despite what you think," says Aerrow. "This town may think you're dangerous, but we know more than they do."
Maple moves to stand and with her warm and always so welcoming smile, goes to rub the teen's head. "The future is always uncertain Stork. We can't predict it, nor can we control what may befall on us. But I and the little ones can agree that it is better not to face it alone."
"Was it right for me to tell them all that?"
Maple puts down her reading glasses, sighing in contempt as the last of the monthly bills are finished. Stork stirs his tea mindlessly from across the table. The mug he made for her still sits hot at her side. The Jovian takes it in her hands.
It's very late, and the kids have long gone to sleep.
"Well, they are still very young. I just wished they were given more time." Maple knew the circumstance that lead to Stork coming out with his past. She lightly scolded him for punching the kid that gave them so much trouble in the first place, but to this day she hardly feels sympathy for the boy and his family. Atmos help her. "Though they are smarter and more mature than their age signifies."
Stork grunts. "If only Finn could apply that ambition to his test scores."
The woman chuckles, taking a sip of her tea. She puts it down.
"Are you alright?"
Stork stops stirring and tilts his head inquisitively. "Yes? Why do you ask?"
His response makes her relax a bit. "I just wanted to be sure if you're satisfied with what you've told them."
Stork understands and looks away. "Should I have?" he timidly asks. "You know, told them everything."
"I know that moment is very personal for you Stork. It took everything you had to tell me. Don't force yourself if you're not ready to tell them."
Stork nods his head and the two fall in relative silence under the soft kitchen light. The nearest window shows the starry navy blue sky slowly changing to a brighter purple. It's past midnight.
"You've been coughing a lot."
Maple forces a smile. "It's just a small cold."
"It's been a month. You've been trying to hide it but I see the signs." The Merb's eyes shift to her bark-like antlers. At a glance, an average person sees nothing out of the ordinary. They look as strong and healthy as ever. But Stork can see little chips of wood slowly falling away. A red flag for Jovians. They age faster if they overwork themselves over long periods of time.
Stork looks back to her magenta eyes with concern and fear.
"I'm trying to cut back on work. I promise I am," she says, despondently looking down at her tea. "But any more and we'll be behind on payments."
"My job will cover it then. And if not, I'll find another."
"We can't lose you Miss Maple!" Stork stands. His head is down while his fists tremble on the table.
"Please, just let me do this for you," he whimpers.
Maple holds back what she wants to tell him. That this isn't the life she wants for her kids. That she imagined something better for them, at a bigger place outside this cottage. Outside this terra. In reality, they have more than enough to cover payments, but she's been working her bones off to save for that day to come. She's willing to do it even if it means she won't be around to see her work pay off.
Instead of telling him, she goes around to his hunched form and slowly brings him to her arms.
"Do what you must," she whispers to him gently and places a kiss on his forehead. "Know that I'll always be here with you all. Always and forever."
This kind of sacrifice goes beyond her upbringing. This is just something any loving mother would do for her kids.
Stork was expecting his day at repair shop to be as usual. Uneventful.
He did not expect to arrive with Hutch handing him a giant envelope.
"What's that?" He analyzes the object in the other's hand from every angle cautiously, not taking it.
The man is patient, smiling to the kid. "Entrance forms."
Hutch points to the golden seal. "Atmosia High. Honors Program"
Stork blinks, his stare blank before his eye slowly bulge. "Wait… why are you giving this to me? I haven't been to school in years! And I thought the Honors Program is difficult to get entry to. So why do you-"
"Easy. Settle down an' I'll explain."
Hutch tells Stork of a friend in the military who now takes part in overseeing who gets qualified in Atmosia High's Honors Program. There are two ways students can get picked: either through their academic transcripts or through recommendations.
"She says you hold a lot of potential regardless of your situation. The school hasn't seen aptitude like yours in a while. And in the program, all expenses, including travel an' accommodations, are covered. So you don't need to worry about money for this."
"I can't."
Stork pushes the envelope away, shaking he head. "I can't just… leave."
Hutch gives an understanding grin and bends his muscly legs to kneel before the boy.
"I know you feel like you have a responsibility to uphold here, but you're fifteen now. You have an opportunity to provide more for your family, more than you'll get workin' with me an' more than you'll get in any other school in Atmos. Ms. Maple wouldn't want you to give this up for her sake."
"Honors? That's like, for super smart people, right?" Finn asks between mouthfuls of cake. Black Forest gateau.
"Don't talk with your mouth full Finn!" Piper nags at him.
The blonde sticks his tongue out with some food still hanging from it.
The darker-skinned girl coils back in her seat. "Ew, you're so gross!"
"That's enough you two. And yes it is." Maple says through her bright smile. "Achieving Honors in Atmosia High is quite a feat to obtain."
"Terra Atmosia: the main capital of all of the known Atmos." Aerrow's awe isn't unfounded. A lot of important events in the world's history took place in Terra Atmosia. A lot of strong leaders, scholars, and knightly heroes made their names known there. "And you get to go to school there. That's incredible!"
Stork glances at the envelope laying innocently next to his food in disdain. "Hutch asked me to think about it. I don't see why I should go."
"The school will ensure you a better future. I find that a good enough reason," says Maple.
The teen narrows at her. "So you don't care if something happens when I'm gone."
A heavy silence fills the air. The human children silently look to Stork and Maple, back and forth between the two in confusion.
"What's going to happen?" Finn asks.
"Nothing dear," answers Maple.
"She's lying."
"No. If you really want me to go, then they need to know at what cost."
Maple's lips seal shut and shapes to a thin line across her muzzle.
"Miss Maple?" Piper hesitantly asks. "What does he mean?"
She opens her mouth, about to speak, but coughs. It goes on for a minute while the children were at her side instantly. Aerrow had fetched a glass of water for her and she takes it with a weak sounding 'thank you'.
"Miss Maple, you never told us you were sick!" he says with levels of worry and panic in his voice.
"I'm just growing old Aerrow." Maple strains to smile to the younger children. "Jovians unfortunately pass faster than most races. It can't be helped."
"Yes it can!" Stork stresses. "You can live longer if you'd stop taking higher positions at the hospital! I don't need to fly across terras just to learn things I already know! I'm needed here!"
"No you're not!"
Stork coils away in shock, ears flat on his head. The Human children also tense in stunned silence. Never, in the years they've known her, have they ever heard Maple Flowers raise her voice like that, towards any of them.
Maple seems fully aware of it, and is physically shaken out of hatred towards herself, her ears also laid flat while her head hang down. No one moves.
"That isn't the future I want for you. For all of you." She breaks the silence. "Looking after me should not be your number one priority. My time left is short and will eventually come no matter what I do. Why I work so hard is because should that day come, at the very least you will all have a stable foundation and will not have to rely on anyone but each other."
She lifts her head, magenta eyes glistened when she stares at her Merb son. "But, if you still don't want to go for the sake of your future, then do it for theirs."
Stork seizes up. He slowly turns his head toward the younger children. Aerrow, Piper and Finn all look back at him, eyes big with a mixture of expressions.
They watch him abruptly turn to stare hard at the floor, jaw clenched.
"I'm not feeling hungry." He strides out the room, to the main hall and up the wooden steps.
The last thing they hear is the harsh slam of his bedroom door.
Hours pass and Stork is still in his room; his long limbs lay spread on his bed like a starfish as he dully stares at the ceiling. He hasn't since moved from this position. He releases a heavy sigh for the umpteenth time.
Now that he's cooled off, now that the anger in him has dissipated, Stork feels like a child, throwing a useless tantrum.
Of course Maple will die soon. Death is inevitable. He's always known this. Even if she outright quits her job, it wouldn't do much in the long run. She's only planning ahead. He should be more than understanding.
It's just the thought of losing her, the only parental figure he's ever had in his miserable life, chills him to the core.
It's no wonder Stork hates growing attached to things. All forms of life have an end. Having emotions tied in makes it hurt more than it should. Aerrow, Piper and Finn will eventually meet their ends too.
If you still don't want to go for the sake of your future, then do it for theirs.
But… that is a long time coming. Stork sighs again and lifts one arm to rub his temples, feeling frustrated.
Suddenly, he feels a blow to his stomach.
So lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear his door click open, nor did he bother to hear three pairs of tiny bare feet sneak to his bed. The bodies that pile on him after his blunders are his own fault.
Groaning in slight pain, he whines. "Don't you have anything better to do than to bother me?"
"No." They respond in unison.
The Merb huffs and moves to sit up, feeling the aches and numbing protest of his limbs after not moving for so long. He ignores it.
"What is it?"
The children look to each other. Piper, who sits in the middle, had her hands behind her back. She unfurls them to reveal a small box in her hands, a red bow on top.
"You haven't gotten your present yet."
He blinks. "Oh."
Stork takes the box from Piper and scrutinizes it. It's too small to be a book or new mechanical tools. He has no idea what they've gotten them. A little scared and excited, he opens the lid.
And finds a necklace. A locket. He picks the jewelry up with furrowed brows. He's not much of a fan of jewelry, which make him wonder why he has this as a gift. He opens the locket, and feels his heart clench tight at the picture inside it.
Stork has hated pictures of himself. The only reason he agreed to take a group photo years back was so the children would stop complaining. It has since hung above the fireplace in the living room.
He's seen it a bunch of times, much to his misery. And yet, he feels strange having it in his grasp, inside this tiny locket.
"We gave it a lot of thought, now that we understand a little more about you Stork," Aerrow explains. "We wanted to give something that'll make you see that you really do mean a lot to us."
"And even better, if you decide to go to Terra Atmosia, you can always have that on you if you ever feel lonely!" Piper exclaims.
"And if you do decide to go, you don't have to worry about Miss Maple." Finn puffs his chest. "We're big kids. She can rely on us when she needs it!"
Stork lets a laugh escape him. He closes the locket and slowly strokes the floral carvings with his thumb.
"And you're okay with this?" he asks.
"Well… none of us like the thought of Miss Maple leaving," Aerrow says. "But it's not her fault. Right?"
Stork shakes his head. "It's not. I… I shouldn't have-"
His back roughly hits the mattress as the kids pile on him again, giving him warmth and comfort he never asked for. That he feels he doesn't deserve.
But he greedily accepts it anyway.
After processing all the forms, Stork later finds himself at the carrier docks, backpack and duffel at his feet. The flight to Atmosia would leave in less than a half-hour.
"Send letters okay?"
"And pictures!"
"Some souvenirs would be nice too."
"Fine, fine." He gives a sort of reluctant thumbs-up to confirm he'll follow through with their requests. "Promise you won't burst the terra into flames while I'm gone?"
"We promise!"
Stork actually smiles to them at that. He kneels to them with his arms out, an invitation he rarely gives. So the children take straightaway, hugging the life out their Merb sibling.
"We'll miss you." They each whisper.
"I know. I'll be back soon."
Maple and Hutch send their goodbyes next.
"Come visit when you can okay?" Maple says after giving her final round of hugs and kisses.
Stork nods. "I will."
Hutch gently claps his shoulder. "I'll be around when she an' the kids need me. So you just focus on school alright?"
"Thanks Hutch, for doing all of this."
The man abashedly rubs his neck. "Well, I usually don't stick my nose'n other people's business. But the young warrior in me still strives to help those he sees in need. I know this'll do good things for you and your family."
One of the flight attendees to Atmosia announces minutes before the carrier takeoff. Stork hurries to get on with his bags in tow while his family shouts and waves their last goodbyes.
Stork missed seeing the entirety of Terra Atmosia in all its luminous glory as the carrier made its landing from the night sky. In fact, he slept through most of the ride and had to be woken up buy the attendees. He was spooked out of his wits and after the chaos calmed, teen speedwalks out of carrier, his face tinged pink after making a fool of himself.
He was only supposed to travel from the docks and closer to the main streets of the city, where he would soon meet his sponsor, Hutch's military friend who goes by the name Rose Swan. The carrier arrived a bit earlier than intended so Stork was stuck waiting.
He was blindly admiring the area, the lights, the population and energy Atmosia carried was unlike anything he's witnessed in person, when he's bumped into so hard, he's knocked to the floor.
"Woah, sorry there!"
Just as fast as he was on the floor, he was pulled back up. In his wooziness, Stork could make out the cobalt blue and furriness of his assaulter.
"Say, you're a Merb, eh? Rarely get any of you folks here."
"S-So I've been told…" Stork shakes the little dizziness left away. He glares at the other, an anthro bunny/wolf hybrid. Looks about the same age as him, donned in beanie hat, graphic tee and torn up jeans despite the cold air. "Don't Blizzarians rarely leave their home terra as well?"
"Most of us do, but we love Terra Atmosia for their awesome parties!" The young Blizzarian grins at Stork, showing his crooked teeth. The Merb takes and appalled note at how filthy he looked. Had he been rolling in a patch of dirt somewhere? The dude already had his hands on him too!
Stork begins to regret his choice of leaving far from home when the Blizzarian offers his hand to shake. "Name's Rex. Billy Rex."
"Uhh… Stork." He pushes the other's dirty hand away with a finger. Billy Rex doesn't take offense in the slightest, laughing at how he was rejected.
"Wow so you Merb folks really are a paranoid bunch."
"I just don't want to touch something I don't know where it's been," he states.
Whatever Billy Rex wanted to say next was interrupted as his ears tense up in alarm. Without warning, he grabs Stork's arm. The Merb squaks, panicking.
"We gotta go."
"Sorry... Shit! I thought I lost'em."
As Billy Rex drags him through the crowded streets, Stork looks back, hoping he could make out anyone they were supposedly running from. He sees three characters in black attempting to catch up to them in even strides, weaving through passerby like fish in their element. A cold chill washes through Stork. He only just stepped foot on this terra and he's already into some deep trouble!
"Don't worry, I know how we can loose'em for sure!"
"Why are they even chasing us?!"
"I uh, may or may not've stirred some shit with their ringleader," he says.
"Oh god. This is it. I'm gonna die!"
"No you won't!" Billy Rex grins back with confidence and Stork couldn't help but think of Finn. "Trust me!"
"Are you insane? I just met you and your first impression thus far isn't going so great!"
"Tell ya what, I'll make it up to ya after this Storko. Promise. This way!"
Stork is yanked to follow before he could protest. They make a turn into a long and narrow passageway just as packed with people. The place had kiosks and venue stores similar to a mini mall.
The men in black had a more difficult time passing through this point as this was the season where sales on items have dropped. Their eyes search through the sea of heads to make out their target and his Merb companion. When they find no helpful trail minutes later, they turn back and leave.
Yards away stood a kiosk selling costumes, run by a female Blizzarian. She had a short line of mannequins wearing various outfits, but two were quickly replaced the last minute. She sees the men disappear and calls to the two 'mannequins'. "Alrighty, the coast is clear boys!"
The two donned in robes and masks were removed.
"We're safe?" Stork peaks around cautiously. "My time of doom hasn't come yet?"
"You're all good buddy." The female confirms. "You best be lucky I was on shift today Rexy."
"Good thing I always know when you schedule, eh Betty B?" He bumps fists with her. "Say uh, could you maybe not breathe a word of this to Suzie? We can strike a deal. Whatever you want."
"You know I can't do that Rexy, now that you got an innocent Merb boy involved. And from his bags," she says as he pulls out Stork's luggage from behind her stand. "The lad is new here!"
"Yes I know this looks bad and I know I screwed up."
"Big time."
"So where you headed to Storko?" Billy Rex asks.
It's then Stork realized Rose is probably wondering where he is by now. He has no means of contacting her since he doesn't own a phone yet. A new cloud of doom looms over him.
"Anyone you need to contact?" Betty B asks, fishing out her cellphone.
"Y-Yes! Thank you!" He scrambles for Rose's number in his bag. Betty B was about the dial the address given when she double takes at the name written on top.
"Rose Swan? Wait…" Her wide eyes look to the Merb. "You're in the Honor's Program?"
"He's in what?" It was Rex's turn to be bewildered, sweating under his fur.
Needless to say, their reactions unnerved Stork, but he answers honestly. "Um… yes? Why?"
"It's nothing sweetie," Betty B chuckles as she presses the call button. "Just know that Suzy Lu is definitely gonna chew Rexy's hide for this."
At least nothing eventfully crazy went on after the call. Rose, who apparently lives up to her name by always wearing crisp red clothes, was relieved to find Stork in one piece. Stork didn't know what became of Billy Rex as he was immediately escorted into her vehicle. The last he saw was the Blizzarians waving him goodbye as they drove off.
"It's unfortunate you had to start your first night here running into those Blizzarians." Rose purses her red lips before adding, "Well, Billy Rex specifically. You'll be in the same grade as him in Atmosia High. He may not be in the program, but you'll see him often in the school."
Her brown eyes momentarily shift off the road to look at him. "Promise me you'll try not to get involved with him Stork. He attracts… bad company."
Thinking back to those frightening and imposing men in black made Stork audibly gulp. Despite that though, Billy Rex didn't seem like a bad dude and may simply be just an idiot troublemaker. Betty B certainly alluded to that when she treated him like a disappointed older sis. But Rose was right.
Rose drives him to where he'd be staying during his terms. The building isn't a dorm but an apartment complex. Lots of students make up the space though and as promised, the school pays for everything. Honor students also receive a monthly allowance for basic needs but if they want any more, they'd have to make on their own. And maybe it's because they knew of his race, but he wouldn't be sharing his room with anyone.
Stork doesn't know, but he's not going to complain. Once he's in and Rose leaves him for the day, he doesn't bother checking every corner in every room for anything suspicious that may incapacitate or kill him. Or both. Later. All he wants to do now is be dead asleep. He lays in his new bed, the thought of changing out of clothes too much of a hassle.
At least he'll have some stories to tell to his siblings back home, he thinks, clutching the locket that hang on his neck. And Stork, ever the pessimistic Merb he is, thinks that this only the beginning of his awaiting kismet.
Also, while you wait on my slow ass to post the next chapter (I have other stories to work on, plus life), check out Eine Kleine, by Kenshi Yonenzu (with English subtitles) on youtube. It's happy-sounding depression and it makes me think the song is made for Stork in this story.