Title: More Than You Know

Author: XoXLiLaNgElXoX

Series: Third Watch

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Sully & Bosco frindship

Spoilers: Dunno

Summary: Sully always thought Bosco was an annoying, careless, selfish person.
But, when they get stuck in a robbery, Sully learns that there's more to Bosco
then he thinks.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Characters

NOTE: Ty doesn't drive that "guy" around and Sully's wife didn't die.


Ty Davis looked over at his partner, John Sullivan or Sully. They were just told
that Officers Faith Yokas and Boscorelli were going to be riding with them.
Their car broke down, so they needed to go somewhere. Unfortunately, Ty and
Sully were stuck with them. They didn't mind Faith, but Bosco is to much.

Ty: Ready to start the day?

Sully: With Bosco, I'm never ready!

Ty chuckled when Faith and Bosco walked over. Faith seemed happy.

Faith: Ready to work together?

Ty: Yup, I got all the radios.

Ty looked at Bosco. He was frowning and he stared up at the ceiling.

Ty: You Ok?

Bosco: Fine

Bosco grabbed his radio. Faith elbowed him in the stomach. He sighed. He looked
like he was about to scream.

Bosco: I'm sorry for what I said, I'm sorry that the STUPID car broke, and I'm
sorry that this whole teaming up thing ever happened!!

Faith stared at Bosco. Anger in her eyes.

Faith: What did I tell you?

Bosco: I dunno, I had better things to do, like think of a way to get out of

Faith smacked him on the back of the head. It wasn't hard. It was just a lil
hit. He growled then walked away. Faith turned to Ty and Sully.

Faith: I'm really sorry.

Ty: So now we get to see what it's like to be Faith Yokas, how she deals with

Faith: You guys don't worry, I'll take care of him.

Sully: Good, cause I will shot

Faith chuckled. She felt like doing that sometimes. She would have to keep Bosco
under control. She walked over to the car and found Bosco leaning up against
it, starring at the sky. Ty and Sully came out and went over.

Sully: You guys are gonna have to sit in the back, Ok?

Faith: Sure, right Boz?

It wasn't really a question. The tone of her voice told Bosco that she was really
just telling him to behave.

Bosco: Whatever.

Bosco sat in the back, Faith next to him. Ty and Sully sat in the front. Sully
drove away from the parking space and down the street.


Bosco: Are we there yet?

Sully: Don't start with me, Bosco.

Faith rolled her eyes and called him a baby under her breathe. Bosco looked at

Bosco: I heard that.

Faith turned to him. A smile on her face.

Faith: What do you mean?

Bosco rolled his eyes.

Bosco: I heard what you said!

Faith: I don't understand.

Faith was starting with him. She knew exactly how to start a fight with him.

Bosco: Shut up.

Faith laughed.

Faith: Your a baby.

Bosco: Am not!

Faith: Are to!

Bosco: Am not!

Ty yelled out their names. He looked back at them.

Ty: Enough! Faith is not a baby and Bosco is not a baby!

Faith looked down at the floor. She gave Ty her apology smile.

Faith: I was just bored, I'm sorry.

Ty: It's Ok.

Ty looked at Sully who looked like he was gonna go crazy. They remained in silence
until Bosco screamed stop, causing Sully to almost crash.

Sully: Bosco don't do that!!!!

Bosco opened the door. Ty wondered how he could do that. These doors only opened
from outside, then again, this is Bosco. Bosco walked over to a group of people.
Faith sighed and climbed out of Bosco's side. Ty and Sully got out and followed
Faith. Bosco was talking to this guy.

Bosco: Told you i'd be back

Faith walked over. Sully and Ty close behind. The guy looked past Bosco and
smiled at Faith.

Guy: Officer Yokas, Please get you partner away from me, I didn't do anything

Faith: I would, if I believed you, Joe.

Joe frowned.

Joe: But Officer, I really didn't do anything!

Bosco smiled. He walked a lil closer.

Bosco: I'm supposed to believe that?

Sully walked up to Bosco. He didn't have the patience to listen to Bosco argue
with a drug dealer.

Sully: It doesn't look like he did anything, let's go.

Joe's smile returned.

Joe: Who's the old guy? He your Dad, Boscorelli?

Joe laughed. Sully grabbed him and pushed him against the wall.

Sully: Don't mess with me, kid!

Sully stared at him then left with Ty following. Faith grabbed Bosco's arm.

Faith: C'mon Boz, let's go.

Joe: Thank you, Officer Yokas.

Faith and Bosco sat in the back. Faith looked over at Bosco.

Faith: Food?

Bosco looked at her and smiled.

Bosco: Food!

Ty looked back at them.

Ty: Hungry?

Faith: Yea, how bout you?

Sully: I'm pretty hungry.

Bosco: What else is new?

Faith tried not to laugh but couldn't help it. Ty smiled.


Faith and Bosco got out of the car. Ty and Sully did too. Sully stopped on the
sidewalk. He looked at his friends.

Sully: I have to buy something across the street?

Faith: Take Bosco!

Bosco looked at her in disbelief

Bosco: I'm fine where I am!

Faith grabbed his arm and pulled him away from Ty and Sully.

Faith: Please?

Bosco: No

Faith: Boz, go for me.

Bosco: No

Faith: I want you to go so you and Sully can talk, become friends, you know
what I mean?

Bosco sighed and shifted from one foot to another.

Bosco: Fine

Faith: Thanks, and your not a baby. I was joking.

Bosco: Yea, well, you owe me.

Faith and Bosco walked back over to Ty and Sully. She turned to Sully.

Faith: Me and Ty will go get a table here and You and Bosco can go to the store
across the street.

Sully nodded. He didn't want to take Bosco, but Faith wants them to be friends.

Sully: ready?

Bosco: Yea

Ty and Faith walked inside the restuarant. Sully and Bosco walked across the
street. The walked into the place. It was a very small place. It was a cell
phone store.

Bosco: Cell Phones?

Sully looked at him.

Sully: Yea, my niece wants one for her birthday.

Bosco nodded and looked at the lil phones. Sully was on the other side of the
room. He heard the door open. He saw Joe walk in. Joe locked the doors behind

Bosco: Joe? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out sellin-

Joe pulled out his gun and pointed it at Bosco. Before Bosco could react, Joe
shot him. Sully looked just in time to see Joe pull his gun out. He looked at
the person he was pointing it at. Bosco! He heard the gun shot. He watched Bosco
fall to the ground. It all happened so fast that Sully couldn't prevent it. He
ran towards Bosco.

Sully: BOSCO!!


Faith and Ty were sitting at the table by the window. They were both talking
and looking out the window. Faith looked across the street to the store Bosco
and Sully were in. Sully was on one side of the room and Bosco was on the other.
She sighed and looked over at Ty. He was watching them to.

Faith: Will they ever get along?

Ty: Dunno

Ty and Faith looked back out the window at their partners. Faith saw Joe walk
inside the store. Faith saw Bosco turning to look at him. He started to say
something when Joe pulled out his gun and pointed it at Bosco. And before she
could realize what was happening, she saw Bosco fall backwards. She stood up
and ran outside. Ty caught up with her and grabbed her arm.

Ty: You can't go in there!!!

Faith: Bosco!! Bosco!! He was shot!!!!!

Ty grabbed his radio and told central what was going on. Faith ran to the store.
window. She was close enough to see Bosco lying on the floor. She felt the tears
coming from her eyes. Ty grabbed her arm and pulled her away. Joe saw Faith.
He walked over to the window and pulled down the blinds. Seconds later, backup
