They lined up as they were all being handed their respective medications. Kageyama glared at the nurse as she handed him a few pills. He stared at them.

"I'm not taking these."

The nurse looked surprised. Then she looked with concern at Kageyama.

"Dr. Kichida said that these would be necessary."

Kageyama shook his head.

"I met with him already, and I know what my problem is. Those things aren't going to change my mindset."

The nurse looked at a staff member for help, and they came over to sternly lecture Kageyama.

After he was scolded, Kageyama pouted and threw the medicine on the floor. Soon the staff member held him down and Kageyama kicked and shouted. The hospital workers of the ward crowded around him and held him down, and the nurse quickly put the medicine in his mouth and made him wash it down with water. Kageyama was so infuriated that after he stopped struggling, he ran out of the room to his assigned room and slammed the door. A nurse came in immediately.

"Kageyama, that was unacceptable! If you choose to behave like this, you will be punished! Now come back into the general area for group therapy!"

Kageyama said nothing and sat on the bed.

Hinata rushed in.

"I've got it Nurse Haruna. He just needs some time to cool off."

As the nurse waited in the hallway, Hinata whispered in Kageyama's ear.

"That's what happens if you blow up and refuse to take your meds. If you want to be even more stupid, attack me and see what they'll do."

Kageyama glared ferociously at Hinata.

"Come on, just go to the common room with the rest of us. Or you'll be dragged off and given shots."

Kageyama finally got up and the two walked out of the room.

Later that night Kageyama stared at the ceiling in silence.

If this is what I'm going to have to deal with, I might as well give up.

Just then Hinata got back from his bath.

"Feel better now, cranky?" he asked.

Kageyama sighed.


Hinata paused and thought to himself for a moment.

Then he went to the shelf next to his bed and got a volleyball.

"Know how to play?"

Kageyama looked up in shock.

"No way…"

Hinata smiled.

"I bet you do."

Kageyama looked puzzled.

Then Hinata made a creepy face.

"In fact, I remember you and your team. You played us before and humiliated us. Don't think I've forgotten."

Kageyama lifted an eyebrow.

"Uhm…what are you talking about?"

"We'll just volley to each other for now, but I'll have my revenge in the gym tomorrow. I'll play you one on one. In the meanwhile, let's see if you're game enough to play."

Kageyama glared.

"I'm more then game. It's been engrained in me for years. Let's see if you even have skills worth remembering."

The two volleyed for a bit before things got more intense. Suddenly they began spiking the ball at each other and testing each other's receives. A nurse rushed in as soon as Kageyama was about to slam Hinata with defeat one last time.

"Boys! That'll be enough! Hinata, you said you needed that ball to remind you of good memories, not to volley it around like this! If you don't stop I'll take it away."

The two boys stared at her in disbelief, but stopped immediately. Kageyama awkwardly shuffled under his covers while Hinata put the ball on the shelf and took out a manga and pretended to read.

After a brief moment the nurse left when she thought they were calm enough to be left alone.

As she left, she turned off the lights.

"It's time to go to bed."

Both boys sighed.

"Hmmph. That was easy," Kageyama scoffed.

"Hey! Don't act like I wasn't doing anything!" Hinata shouted.

Kageyama smiled.

" Your were pathetic. But…I appreciate the determination."

Hinata stared.


"Yeah, it was actually kind of fun. We definitely have to face off in the gym tomorrow."

But before the boys would verse each other, their plans would be ruined by two new influences.

The next morning after breakfast all the boys were led into the common room again.

"Everyone, we have new volunteers participating for the next few weeks!"

The boys all groaned or shook their heads.

"Now now, stop that attitude of yours, they are here to help. I'd like to introduce you to two high-school students who will be helping to devote their time to assisting us."

The nurse smiled as a staff member walked in with two people trailing behind him.

"Now everyone, please greet Oikawa Tooru and Hajime Iwazumi!"

Everyone greeted them, except for Kageyama.

He got up abruptly and shook angrily.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?"

Everyone stared at him. Hinata looked confused.

"Dude, are you seriously trying to—"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Kageyama shouted.

Just then a boy with brown hair, brown eyes and a charming appearance smiled at Kageyama.

"What do you mean? I'm just here to volunteer for a bit. I didn't expect to see you here, Kageyama-chan!"

Kageyama growled at Oikawa.

"Don't call me that!"

Hinata watched them closely.

"Now now Kageyama-chan, don't treat your senpai like that."

Kageyama hissed at Oikawa, which shocked most of the group. Then he got up and stormed out the room.

"Hey, where are you going?" Iwa called.

Two nurses and three staff members ran after Kageyama as he bolted down the hallway.

"Oh dear…I guess he really hates me now. I'm only trying to help."

Hinata stared at Oikawa.

Then Iwa turned to Oikawa.

"I hope your plan works, Oikawa. If you think he'll get better…"

Oikawa gave a sly smile.

"He will. I'll just nurse him back to health with my own very special way."

Iwa cringed.

"Ew, that sounds so disgusting!"

"How is it disgusting? I'm just being a caring senpai-sama to Kageyama!"

"Shut up, you idiot!" Iwa shouted as he smacked Oikawa in the head. "You sound just like one of the nurses. Sure you don't want that to be your profession instead?"

"No, I'm just trying to help," Oikawa said innocently.

In the corner two nurses waved at Oikawa and giggled as he waved back with a charismatic smile.

Iwa smacked Oikawa.

"Focus on the job!"

Later that day Kageyama was led back to his room rather late as Hinata sat in his bed waiting for him.

When the nurses and staff left, Hinata turned his head to Kageyama.

"Do you know those guys?" he asked.

Kageyama glared at him.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"So what if I do? It's even worse seeing them here right now…"

Kageyama explained to Hinata how he knew them and how Oikawa taught him how to be a setter and was the upperclassmen he looked up to and learned from. But obviously, things were tense between them and Hinata knew not to ask about that or Kageyama would go ballistic.

"So that's how you know him. And that's his friend, Iwa. I get it. But…why do you look so shaken up?"

Kageyama stared at Hinata for a long time.

Then before he could say anything the nurse summoned them out of the room for their medications.

That's when things started to get weird.

As they lined up to get their medications, Kageyama showed the same uncooperative behavior.

"I'm not taking them."

The nurse looked concerned and was ready to call a staff member when Oikawa stepped up.

"I'll take care of this one."

The nurse looked surprised.

"Kageyama-chan, you should take them. It'll help you feel better, and you shouldn't disobey those who are trying to help you."

Kageyama laughed.

"Fake as always. I'm not taking it, Tooru."

Oikawa's eyes widened and he stared intensely at Kageyama.

"You will take it, Kageyama."


"You will."

"Make me."

Before Hinata could intervene, Oikawa slapped Kageyama in the face.

As Kageyama fell to the floor he shoved the medication in his mouth and the nurse force-fed him water until he swallowed it unwillingly.

"Good. Now get up."

Kageyama bulged at Oikawa. He looked stunned when the nurse did nothing about his behavior.

"You listen to me, Kageyama-chan. I'll be the one taking care of you the most here, and the one who probably cares the most. You're going to change, and this will all be like one huge forgotten nightmare."

Kageyama was speechless.

Then Hinata got up.

"If that's how you're going to do it, I won't let you."

Kageyama was shocked to see Hinata's eyes wild with fury.

Oikawa laughed. "Oh please, this has nothing to do with you, whatever your name is. You're not significant to him, nor do you know him."

Hinata stared wildly at Oikawa.

"You've got no right to say that. I probably know him better then you."

"Tsk. I guess you really are crazy."

Just then Hinata laughed in a very eerie manner.

"You haven't seen crazy yet."

Oikawa grinned.

"Bring it."