A/N: New Blue Exorcist fic and I think this one with be better then my last one. No beta for this story.

Chapter 1

Rin Okumura was not having a very good day. He had been late to his normal school classes because he had over slept and missed breakfast. He didn't get to have lunch because he forgot to grab it when he was leaving. He couldn't find any of his friends or his brother to see if they could help him out. Fell asleep in his last class which made him late for Cram School and now he was starting to feel really hot. His insides felt like someone was poring fresh hot love inside him. With each beat of his heart his insides got hotter and hotter.

Rin got through his Cram School classes fine until the heat got to be to much for him near the end of his last class. He layer his head down on his desk when his head started to spine. Shiemi, who was sitting next to him, looked over at him to see if he was all right. Her familiar, Nee, had jumped off of his spot on her head when Rin laid his head down. She, like everyone else in the room, thought Rin was being Rin. Though today he seemed to be not really himself. He wasn't being goofy at all today and seemed to be in a bad mood. Then there was the fact that until now, Rin had been paying attention in all his other classes. She watched Nee to see what he was going to do before she said any thing.

Rin could hear the little steps of Shiemi's baby Greenman coming closer over to him. He turned his head a little so that he could see the little guy. He watched as Nee stooped walking and just sat down in trot of him. It titled its head from side-to-side before nodding to its self. Rin was confide to what the Greenman was boing when suddenly he got a strong feeling to protect. His hand shot up to wrapped around Nee, while the other hand bought a book that had been thrown at him by the teacher. Rin bared his fangs and let out a growl through his clinched teeth. He held the bady Greenman to his chest where he felt the little demon would be safe.

Shiemi's, along with everyone else, eyes widen as she starred at Rin. Unlike everyone else they didn't see the whole thing like Shiemi had only that Rin had cough a book that was thrown at him without ever lifting his head. They hear the theater call Rin name because everyone ( but Shiemi) thought he was sleeping in class; Though Rin hadn't hear the reached and just starred at the familiar. Shiemi saw the book heading over to Rin and Nee, she watch as the boy next to her sees widened before they felled with anger. Nee chirped happy from where Rin was holding him. If the book hadn't been stopped, Shiemi knew that Rin wouldn't be the only one hit by it. Nee had been to close to Rinhead for it not to miss him.

"Nee!" Shiemi quickly reached out for her familiar. Nee looked oever to her and let a loud happy chirp at his name and reached out one of his little arms for her.

Rin stopped gargling at his teacher and looked at Shiemi when she called out to her Greenman. Seeing her worried face calmed him down a little as he let the Nee jump from his now open hand to hers.

"Thank you Rin. You ok Nee?" Shiemi asked once Nee as she brought him up to her cheek to give him a hug.

"Nee nee," The demon answered back as he hugged her back while rubbing his cheek on hers.

Rin turned back to the teacher letting out a low growl. "NExt time look before you throw a damn book at someone asshole!" Rin got up from his seat and left the classroom, almost tracking the door when he slammed it closed behind him.

'What the hell was that? Why did I do that? Better yet how did I know something was going to hit us and catch it?' Rin asks himself as he walked down the hallway to get away from the classroom. He also notched that, that weird heat went away then too but was coming back with a vengeance now that it was over.

He grabbed his stomach when the burning heat started to make him feel sick. His angry walking started to get slower and slower until he just stopped walking all together because of the quickly growing heat. Behind him he heard a door open and voices calling his name. The sounds of running feet reached his ears when he fell onto his hands and knees. The voices got then too.

"What's going on? What's happing to me?" Rin weakly asked to the air or anyone who might be able to hear him. He fell to the ground on his right side as the the heat turned in to pain through out his whole body. He screamed to the high heavens as his body filled was a none stop growing pain and his insides began to burn with the hottest flames in the two worlds. That was all he know when the world around him turned to darkness. Some of the heat and pain following him.

"Oh dear, what seems to be going on here?"

A/N: That it for this chapter. I don't know who to pare Rin with right now, but it's between Astatoth, Amaimon, and Bon. Let me know what you think and who you want to see Rin with in your reviews. More reviews mines the next chapter might come quicker. Also I'm writing a story that I want to be published so that will be taking up chapter writing time too. See you guys next time. ^-^~3